
An OP Cheat

"I can wish for anything?"


"But remember, every wish come with a price"


In the end, Shinji chooses to screw canon, so of course, he will save Shirou and Sakura!

But first Shinji has to deal with the original Shinji memory influence and find out what is his cheat after that Shinji can start planning. Shinji grinned thinking of the possibility of him becoming OP in the future…

"Uh, Shinji?"

"Yes, Shirou?"

"You grinning face looks like the face of third rate villain…" Shirou smiled wryly "or someone that in need of bathroom"

"…Shut up"


Skipping all the school, social life, and club activity, finally Shinji back to his room.

Even though there is immortal evil OP worm grandpa in the same house, somehow Shinji feels absolutely safe in his own room.

"I have to go through school all over again…"

"Maybe I should be applying for homeschooling…but I need the school to influence, manipulate, and change Shirou and Sakura fate."

"...let think about this problem later, lets check my cheat first"

After waiting for a while Shinji finally feeling a tug in his mind. With that Shinji start to grasping that feeling

"Here it goes!"

With that, everything turned black.


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Shinji can feel his mind about to explode, yes his mind not the head. All kind information poured like water into his mind, and his mind absorbing it like a desert.

'I hAve tO dO SomEThing fASt!' Shinji thought alarmed with his current situation 'iF tHIs CoNTiuUe I wILl DIE!'

Focusing his mind Shinji start to think something familiar. A computer from 2020….with that all information gathered and forming the computer in his mind. With that, Shinji sighed in relief

"I see…so this is my cheat" Shinji muttered looking around his mental space "The [Connection to the Root]"

"This is also the reason I can't remember my past life name" Shinji taking a deep breath "it was taken as payment for my wish"

"Because my soul didn't have a name, it becomes a soul that can be easily influenced by anything, it was the reason I was transmigrated as Shinji Matou! If I transmigrated into another body, my soul will be rewritten to the point I will think my past life memories just a passing dream!"

The reason Shinji know about this was The Root, even for a brief moment, Shinji mind was filled with information about the entire ****verse, among that was the information why Shinji was transmigrated!

For the one who didn't know about Root. The Root was the source of all events and phenomena in the ****verse, it stores all kind of information from the past, present, or even future. Because it stores all information and the source of all phenomena anyone who has a connection to it becomes a reality warper in a sense.

"Damn the price of omnipotent and omniscient truly too much for a human-like me" Shinji shuddered remembering the experience

With that Shinji start to typing what he wants on the computer. Shinji makes the computer and uses it as mean to interact with the RooT without going insane, all Shinji need to do was type what he want and click search.

Any question will be answered from the origin of the universe to the color of the next-door girl panties…

Anything can be done from summoning God to materializing panties…

Anything can be found from the secret of the universe to the origin of panties…

{Q: How to change the fate of Shirou Emiya and Sakura Matou}

[A: Beg to Nasu to change the story. Don't forget to prepare cash to pay the price]

Shinji was speechless

Soon the other answer popped out…again, again, and again. An important thing has to be repeated 3 times!

Seeing all the answers making Shinji head spin and decide to stop searching it and decide to just fix the problem from here.

{Command: Strike Zouken Matou with Lightning until he was dead}

{Command: Erase crest worm in Sakura Matou body}

{Command: Make Kirei Kotomine choked to death because of Mapo Tofu}

{Command: Give Shirou a sense of self}

[Your authorization was too low]

[Your authorization was too low]

[Your authorization was too low]

[Your authorization was too low]

Shinji was speechless

{Q: Why?}

[A: You didn't have any authority to directly manipulate someone fate. The closest comparison was…you are still using a Guest account. If you want more authorization you need to switch to a Regular or Admin account]

Reading the answer Shinji was cursing The Root in his mind. After asking some questions Shinji finally understand the limitation of The Root guest account.

In this guest account, Shinji can only take and search for information!

If Shinji wants to manipulate or altering something, he needs to use a Regular or Admin account!

{Q: What kind of power can I gain with the limitation of the guest account?}

[A: The number of power you can gain in uncountable using human number but one of the easiest to gain is True Magic]

"WTF" a true miracle for human was the easiest one to get...as expected of the RooT

{Q: Why?}

[A: The book about it just behind this computer...there so many people that attempt to gain it so it placed there ]

Shinji was speechless


Finally, Shinji awakened in the real-world, looking exactly the same except now he was The Third True Magician, Master of Heaven Feel that can manipulate the soul at ease.

True Magic was something that cannot be replicated with mundane means. If it can be replicated by mundane means it was called Magecraft. Example of Magecraft: You can lit a fire using a lighter and you also can lit a fire using magecraft.

At first, Shinji wants to take all 5 True Magic but The Root warned him, because of his status as Nameless Soul if he takes all, there is a big chance Shinji will cease to exist. With that Shinji wisely just choose one.

After long consideration Shinji choose Heaven Feel, Shinji didn't need the First True Magic (Creation from Nothingness) because he has access to the RooT and just needs to do something before he can use a regular account that can materialize anything.

The Second True Magic (Operation from Parallel World) was skipped because Shinji status as a nameless soul can't bear the burden of living all infinite culture at once.

The Third True Magic (Manipulation of Soul) was chosen because with this Shinji can protect his own nameless soul from any outside influence.

The Fourth and The Fifth True Magic was skipped because Shinji already chooses the Third.

Looking to the sky through the window Shinji grinned

"Let us start the journey of face smacking!"

My eng still crap I am utterly depended on Grammarly, but as everyone say practice makes perfect, I will try to fix without Grammarly help in the future

Kaichou9779creators' thoughts
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