
I Am Serra Kim

Arin Louella de Rozelleo is a Royal princess that was executed for a sin she never committed. Surprisingly, as if God has given her another chance, she wakes up in another body. A body she never expected to be in: Serra Kim's body, the long lost daughter of the mafia Kim family.

Ash_Kim · Fantasy
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25 Chs


For today, I already finished three classes. I'm not really sure if I should be thankful that my classes are just all about the basics but Rizza told me that I will need to study about self-defense and weapons once I turn ten or when I'm ready enough.

I sigh. This is just so exhausting and terrifying. I don't even know if I can hurt a mouse.

Rizza left me earlier since Lili called for her help again. I've been noticing how she calls for Rizza often these past few days but I don't think I should meddle in their business. I already have a lot on my plate to begin with anyway.

Right now, I'm in front of the library on the right side of the household. They said that there are three libraries in this house but this is the main one. I've been really eager to come here but since this house is really large-scale, it was only possible today.

"This feels familiar..."

Ah...the smell of books. It really calms me even before...

Rizza said that my brothers first studied the books here before they were able to surf the net because even though the internet has infinite informations, it can never beat the accuracy and the written down details of a book. Also, the internet can tell lies too so books are more honest sources.

The books here are weird but I can tell that they are written by geniuses. Most are printed, of course.

I take my time roaming around the library before I end up in front of a table and a chair surrounded by books, documents, scratch papers, newspapers, and crumpled papers.

Curious, I take a look at the papers on the table. There are a lot of numbers written and printed here and there.

"Wow. These looks like files about taxations. Everything looks good. Hmm...but if this one is replaced with this one and if you put this on the other side then...everything is balanced! Also, these papers here should be arranged...like this! There!"

Yes, I just dared to erase and write on the paper because it irks me that it's wrong.

Before, I was never allowed to touch even a single document in the palace because everyone thought that I'd just end up messing them. But to be honest, I really love solving such papers!

If only Mistress Shiara didn't ruin everyone's trust on me...

Ha! Who am I kidding? Nobody trusted me in that place. No one...

I sigh and slightly slap my cheeks.

Nevermind the past. I hope I was able to help whoever is solving this. Ah... I suddenly feel like a good samaritan. Right.

I better meet Rizza now. She said that I will be eating my lunch first before meeting my next tutor for today.

As I am walking outside the hallway, something weird just ran towards my feet. It's a small metal object that is round. Frowning, I look down and it suddenly moves away.

"Kyaah!" I scream.

Fortunately, someone appears beside me and I am able to hang onto him for my dear life. He catches me and I am now being carried like a baby but I don't really care about that right now.

"What is that creature?!"

In my past life, there are also animals but I've never seen something like this!

"Why is a m—metal moving?! It's small and it slides on the floor! What is that? It doesn't look like a dog or a cat! P—Please make it go away!"

To make me even more astounded, he steps on it to stop it from moving.

"Eek! W—Why did you step on that creature?! Won't it turn even more vicious?!" I ask, scared.

He looks at me as if I'm the dumbest person he's ever met.

"Are you the one who fixed my papers inside?" he asks instead.

Frowning, I remember the files inside the library.

"Oh. It was yours?" is my reply.

He bites his lip with a deadpan expression before suddenly releasing me. I wanted to cling onto him since the creature is still on the ground but he didn't let me. In the end, I climb up on the nearest railing.

He then lets go of the creature and let it run past him.

"What did you do?!"


Huh? Me? Wait, no! Is he crazy?! Why did he let that thing go?! It looks like one of those things I've seen on the internet! I remember it's called "transformers"!

"Chase it and d—destroy it! It looks like one of those transformers!" I say while pointing at it. "What are you doing?! Go!"

Confusingly, he massages his forehead instead. A smug look is still painted on his face.

"How...is it possible... Just how the fuck were you able to solve that type of problem when you don't even know about a robotic vacuum cleaner?" he asks seriously.

"A robotic...what? Does it...transform?" I ask.

"It's not a fucking animal! It's a floor vacuum cleaner that moves automatically. It cleans the floor. It's not alive. Damn it! Wait, who the hell are you anyway and how were you able to step foot in this library?"

I can sense that he's become wary now but I'm still a bit confused with the description that he gave me. So it really is a robot but it cleans the floor? Then...is it a good transformer?

"Answer me," he commands with a strict voice.

This boy is quite demanding. Why's he even here in the first place?

Just then, I remember what Rizza and big brother told me about my other brother. Does this mean...

I scan him from head to toe and I think that it is possible.

"Are you...Yona Kim?" I ask carefully and now he's frowning. "Wait, no. I am not a bad person! My name is...Serra. Kim Serra?"

Wait, why am I asking?!

I shake my head to fix my thoughts. "I am Serra Kim and I am your sister."

"Sister?" He looks like his contemplating on something but he ended up showing a small smile. "So it's you. I've been hearing a lot about you and father has been nagging me to meet you but I'm not really fond of people."

Oh. It's fine. I'm actually planning to try and avoid my other brothers since I can't still swallow the fact that this is an evil household.

He suddenly combs his hair up using his fingers.

"But I guess...I can deal with you. I heard you're eight this year. Even so, you were able to answer that level of problem..."

I...don't like the sound of where this is heading. Please just ignore me like I'm a dust in the wind. Please ignore me. Don't deal with me. Don't look at me. Don't even mind me!

"You seem smart and it's intriguing me..."

If only I knew, I wouldn't have used the knowledge I had in my past life! Please, I beg you! Just ignore this little girl! I am stupid. I am dumb. I don't know anything. I don't even know why I'm here!

"Alright! You can call me big brother. You may also visit me whenever you like. We can talk about stuff our other brothers can't understand. I will personally teach you."


Oh I hope a lightning would just strike me now. Did I really just say that out loud?! I'm asking for death!

"No? What do you mean no? Are you..." And now, he's back with that killer expression. "...perhaps rejecting me?"


Yes! I am! I don't want any of your attention at all! I'm scared.

"I mean...I don't want to...bother you...big brother..." I reason out while playing with my fingers, my voicing sounding small.

I hear him scoff.

"Then I'll come visit you. Don't worry, I will teach you how to be a proper Kim. Our brothers are both dumbasses. They only know how to hurt people physically. On the other hand, you have to be like me since I can see potential with your intelligence. I don't want another stupid sibling."

Potential? No! I don't even know the alphabet. Oh merciful being, please just give me another body!

I don't know if I'm hallucinating things but his expression gives me chills as if I just encountered death itself.
