
I am Scp O76/Able in Scp the copy cat

So after I was killed I was reborn, so yeah I didn't know getting Reborn was a thing, but here I am as Able from Scp, will that kinda suck, because of all the Scp character to get reborn as i am Able, Life hates me, luckily i got a wish and let's say i got two powerful powers, lets make the most out of this -------- MC is not based on me and will have an actual personality, also he will be different also have no idea to give him a harem or just get with Scp 105, not really sure, anyway this story may wil just fouces on the lighter things then dark

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · Others
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20 Chs

Unexpected visitor

As I was in my where iris, And Cain join me we're playing a video game Cain was winning, as I just screamed in anger as Iris just lapped seeingt this

I hate this game. I yalled into the sky pulling out my sword before talking a breath. Sorry berserker moment again

Cain chuckled, his serene demeanor contrasting sharply with my outburst. "You're improving, Able. Just takes practice."

Iris laughed, her amusement clear. "It's not every day you see a legendary warrior get frustrated over a video game."

I sighed, putting my sword away. "Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. I just hate losing, especially to you, Cain."

He smiled, moving another piece on the board. "You know, it's just a game. No need to take it so seriously."

"Easy for you to say," I muttered, glaring at the screen. "You've always been good at these strategy games."

Iris grinned, leaning back in her chair. "It's refreshing to see this side of you, Able. You're usually so... intense."

I managed a small smile, appreciating her attempt to lighten the mood. "Guess we all need a break sometimes."

Cain nodded. "Exactly. We're more than our roles here. It's good to unwind, even if it means losing a few games."

I took a deep breath, feeling the tension ease a bit. "You're right. Just need to remember that."

Iris stood up, stretching. "How about a change of pace? We could play something less... strategic."

"Like what?" I asked, curious.

She smirked. "Ever tried a racing game? Might be fun to see how your reflexes stack up."

Cain raised an eyebrow. "That could be interesting."

I shrugged. "Why not? Let's give it a shot."

As we switched games, I couldn't help but feel a bit more at ease. Despite the chaos and uncertainty of our lives, these moments of normalcy reminded me that there was more to existence than just survival and duty. And for now, that was enough.

As I woke with a start, I found myself staring at the most unexpected sight—a pure white cat sitting at the foot of my bed. Before I could process what was happening, the feline began to transform, slowly taking on human-like features until before me stood a girl with striking red eyes and white hair, adorned in an immaculate white suit with black accents.

"SCP-040-JP," I muttered under my breath, recognizing her from my own inexplicable knowledge. This SCP was not just any anomaly; she was known as the "Sister of the Scarlet King," a cosmic-level entity with ties to unimaginable power.

"Hello, Able," she spoke softly, her voice melodious yet tinged with an otherworldly aura.

I sat up cautiously, my mind racing with a million questions. "What are you doing here?" I managed to ask, trying to keep my composure.

She tilted her head slightly, as if considering her words carefully. "I've come to offer you a choice," she said cryptically. "You have the potential to wield great power, not just as a warrior but as a ruler."

I frowned, uncertainty creeping in. "What do you mean?"

"You have glimpsed the future," she continued, her red eyes piercing through me. "You know the events that loom on the horizon. The Scarlet King's return, the Daybreak, the Apotheosis... You have seen it all."

I swallowed hard, her words resonating with the knowledge I carried deep within me, knowledge that burdened me with the weight of impending cataclysms.

"What choice?" I finally asked, wary yet intrigued by her proposition.

"The choice to embrace your destiny," she replied, her expression inscrutable. "To rise above the struggles of mortals and shape the course of existence itself. Or to remain bound by the confines of humanity, forever caught in the eternal struggle against chaos."

I glanced around, suddenly aware of the gravity of the moment. This was not just another encounter with an SCP; this was a pivotal juncture that could alter the trajectory of my existence forever.

"And if I refuse?" I ventured cautiously, unsure of what consequences my decision might entail.

She smiled faintly, a gesture that held both warmth and an underlying sense of foreboding. "Then you will continue on your current path, navigating the turbulent waters of the SCP Foundation's world. The choice, Able, is yours."

With that, she turned and began to fade, her form dissolving into mist until only the memory of her presence remained.

I sat there in silence, contemplating her words and the weight of the future that lay ahead. Whatever path I chose, one thing was certain—the journey was far from over, and the choices I made would shape not only my destiny but the fate of all I held dear.

As she prepared to leave, I swiftly activated my ability to trace and copied all her powers. However, before I could react, she swiftly punched me, effortlessly reclaiming her copied powers.

"Not yet," she said, looking at me with a hint of amusement. "You're not strong enough to trick someone like me."

I nodded, feeling the weight of my limitations despite my newfound abilities.

"Impressive," I replied, rubbing my jaw where her punch had landed. "You're quick to react. But I'm not giving up that easily."

She tilted her head, a small smirk playing on her lips. "Oh? And what do you plan to do now?"

I smirked back, feeling the rush of adrenaline from our brief encounter. "I'll just have to get stronger, won't I? Next time, I'll be ready."

Her eyes narrowed slightly, considering my words. "You have potential, but don't underestimate the likes of me. The Scarlet King's sister doesn't fall so easily."

"I wouldn't expect anything less," I said confidently. "But I've got tricks up my sleeve you haven't seen yet."

She chuckled softly. "I look forward to it. Until then, Able."

With that, she disappeared, leaving me with a newfound determination to hone my abilities and prepare for our next encounter.

"Ok, what the fuck was that," Able's voice echoed inside my mind, his tone filled with disbelief and curiosity.

"Right, you don't have Meda knowledge," I replied silently. "Let me explain."

Taking a deep breath, I began to unravel the strange encounter with SCP-040-JP. "That was SCP-040-JP, the Cosmic Cat. She's not just a regular anomaly; she's the sister of the Scarlet King, not his daughter like most think. I didn't learn this from any files; it's part of the Meds knowledge I have."

Able remained silent for a moment, processing the information. "So, you're saying you know things about anomalies that aren't in the Foundation's records?"

"Yeah," I affirmed, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension about revealing this secret. "It's part of my past life because I was really a big fan fomtrh Scp univer so I know a lot of things I shouldn't . But I've been hiding this knowledge because it could cause a lot of problems if the Foundation found out."

Able's presence in my mind felt contemplative. "And SCP-040-JP... she knew you were trying to copy her powers?"

"Yeah," I admitted. "She saw through my attempt to copy her abilities. She said I'm not strong enough yet, not ready to wield such powers."

"What now?" Able asked, his concern palpable.

"I think I need to learn from her," I said thoughtfully. "If she's willing to teach me, maybe I can gain the finesse and understanding I need to use these abilities responsibly."

There was a long pause before Able responded. "Be careful," he finally said, his voice tinged with caution. "Power like that... it can change you."

I nodded inwardly, acknowledging the truth in his words. "I know. But right now, it seems like the only way forward."


So um. Able said to me. When you said you were reborn and knew a lot of things I thought you were from the future but after what you explain, you were not from this universe

"Yeah," I replied, nodding to myself as if to affirm my own existence in this new reality. "It's a bit more complicated than just being from the future. I'm from a different universe altogether."

Able's presence in my mind felt contemplative as he processed this revelation. "So, you're not just some time-traveler. You're... what, an interdimensional traveler?"

"Exactly," I confirmed. "When I died in my previous universe, I made a wish for a new beginning, for a chance to understand anomalies and make a difference (hope he believes this lie) . And here I am."

Able was silent for a moment, perhaps reflecting on the implications of my words. "That explains why you know things that the Foundation doesn't," he finally remarked. "But why keep it a secret? Wouldn't the Foundation see you as a threat?"

I sighed inwardly, knowing this was a critical point. "They might. That's why I've been careful. I don't want them to think I'm here to disrupt everything they've worked for. I want to help, to make a difference without causing chaos."

Able seemed to consider my words carefully. "And SCP-040-JP? What's her role in all of this?"

"She seems to have recognized something in me," I explained. "Maybe it's because of my past experiences or because of my wish. She didn't attack me outright. Instead, she challenged me. Perhaps she sees potential in me, potential to understand and wield powers responsibly."

"And are you going to accept her challenge?" Able asked, his tone neutral yet curious.

I nodded, feeling a sense of determination settling within me. "I think I have to. If I can learn from her, understand these powers better, maybe I can fulfill my purpose here."

Able's presence in my mind felt reassuring. "Just be careful," he advised again. "You're walking a dangerous path."

"I will," I assured him. "I'm not here to cause harm. I want to make a difference, to protect people from anomalies, not to exploit them."

With that, the weight of our conversation lingered in the back of my mind as I continued to navigate this new existence, treading cautiously but with a newfound sense of purpose.

As the next day, I was Infront of Scp 001 gate garden, they wanted to know if it was the same one from the Bible

As I stood before SCP-001, the Gate Guardian, Dr. Bright approached me cautiously. "So," he said, his voice tinged with curiosity, "what do you say?"

I felt a surge of confusion as my consciousness seemed to recede, and Able took control. He opened multiple portals and sent swords flying towards SCP-001, shouting, "Die!"

Struggling to regain control, I reminded myself of Able's origins from biblical lore, the son of Adam and Eve. This intense reaction made sense in that context. I focused on reclaiming control of my body, knowing I needed to manage this situation carefully.

As the chaos of swords and portals subsided, I managed to wrest control back from Able. The Gate Guardian, seemingly unfazed by the onslaught, remained stoic and unchanged amidst the debris. Dr. Bright looked at me with a mix of concern and bewilderment, clearly struggling to comprehend what had just transpired.

"What in the world was that?" Dr. Bright exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency. "We need to contain this situation immediately!"

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. "I apologize, Dr. Bright," I said, my voice wavering slightly from the residual shock. "There was a... momentary lapse. I'm not entirely sure what happened myself."

Dr. Bright studied me intently, his expression unreadable. "We can't afford such lapses, especially not here," he said sternly. "This entity is crucial, possibly even fundamental to our understanding of reality. We must tread carefully."

Nodding in agreement, I gathered my thoughts. "Understood," I replied, still grappling with the implications of what had occurred. "I'll ensure it doesn't happen again."

As we began to regroup and assess the situation, other Foundation personnel arrived to secure the area and assess the damage caused by the brief but intense altercation. I couldn't shake the feeling that something deeper was at play, something linked to Able's ancient origins and the powers he possessed.

Later that day, I found myself back in my quarters, reflecting on the events at SCP-001. Able's capabilities and the complexities of his existence weighed heavily on my mind. I knew I had to find a way to reconcile my own identity with his, to navigate the dual consciousness that now shared our body.

Iris, SCP-105, entered the room quietly, her camera in hand. "Are you alright?" she asked softly, her concern palpable.

"Yeah," I replied with a faint smile. "Just trying to make sense of everything."

She nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "It's not easy, I imagine," Iris said empathetically. "But if there's anything I can do to help..."

"Thank you," I said sincerely, appreciating her offer of support. "Right now, I think I just need to sort through my thoughts."

As Iris left, I returned to my contemplation. The future seemed uncertain, fraught with challenges and enigmas. But one thing was clear: I needed to harness Able's powers responsibly and find a way to coexist with the ancient being within me, for the sake of both the Foundation and myself.

The days ahead promised more mysteries, more confrontations with anomalies and the unknown. I had to be ready, not just as a member of the SCP Foundation, but as a conduit for forces that defied human understanding. The journey was daunting, but it was one I had embarked upon willingly, bound by duty and destiny alike.

And so, as night fell over Site-19, I resolved to face whatever came next with courage and clarity, knowing that the path ahead would test me in ways I could scarcely imagine.

Able. I said in my mind. What was that why were you so angry, angry enough to take control

As I reached out to Able within my mind, seeking answers to the tumultuous events that had unfolded at SCP-001, I felt his presence, brooding and restless.

"I... I don't know," came Able's voice, tinged with a mixture of frustration and guilt. "It's... It's the Gate Guardian. It's always been a trigger for me. The memories, the rage... they're buried deep within."

I listened intently, absorbing his words. "What memories?" I asked, trying to navigate through the layers of his ancient past.

Able's response was laced with a heaviness that weighed upon both of us. "Long ago, in a time forgotten by most, I was Adam's first son," he began, his voice resonating with ancient sorrow. "The Gate Guardian... it represents the beginning, the innocence lost, and the burden of my past."

His words resonated with the mythological echoes of biblical lore and SCP Foundation records. "You mean... from the biblical Adam and Eve?" I responded, already aware but allowing him to share his perspective.

"Yes," Able confirmed, his tone grave. "I was cursed, marked by Cain's betrayal and my own folly. The Gate Guardian... it reminds me of all that I've lost, all that I've become."

I felt a surge of empathy for Able, grappling with the weight of millennia-old grievances and the scars of ancient vendettas. "I'm sorry you have to carry that burden," I murmured sincerely, knowing that his anguish ran deeper than I could fully comprehend.

Able's presence in my mind softened slightly, as if acknowledging my empathy. "Thank you," he said quietly. "It's... not something I often speak of. But you need to understand, I can't always control these surges of emotion."

"I understand," I replied, offering reassurance. "We'll work through this together, find a way to navigate these challenges."

Silence hung between us for a moment, heavy with unspoken understanding. Despite the complexities of our shared existence, there was a bond forming, forged in the crucible of adversity and ancient legacy.

As I withdrew from the depths of my introspection, I resolved to confront the future with renewed clarity and a deeper understanding of Able's inner turmoil. The path ahead was fraught with uncertainties, but with each step, I was determined to unravel the mysteries that bound us together as one.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones also have a new fanfic out Blue Archive: I am sensei son check it out