
I am Rimuru Tempest (Rewrite Version)

The rewritten version of the story. Contains content from Manga and light novels. — — — After accidentally being struck by lightning, and dealing with an overworked god, our protagonist is thrown into the body of Rimuru. He wants to find a comfortable way of living, have some beautiful girls, and not have to deal with the pain of managing a kingdom. After using his dragon brother's name in vain he becomes known as the Prophet, a fortune teller that can see the future. Gaining the devotion of his followers, he will continue to deal with the repercussions of his new name as he builds the Tempest Empire. — — — Pa treon.com/BonVoyageFF Also, I opened a discord https://discord.gg/WTgN9J3YgK. Pretty barebones at the moment cuz it's brand new. But feel free to drop by.

BonVoyage · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

The Queen of Harpies.

(From now on I am going to use Majin instead of Magic Born. Make it easier on myself lol)

— — —

Frey stood at the edge of the throne room, her heart heavy with the weight of her Kingdom's survival. The approaching rebirth of Charybdis had thrown Fulbrosia into a state of panic, and she had been desperate for a solution. Clayman's offer to deal with Charybdis in exchange for a favor was tempting, albeit dangerous. She knew how scheming the man could be, but as a Queen, the safety of her people came first.

She had been on the verge of accepting Clayman's deal when Rimuru Tempest arrived, disrupting her plans. At first, she was wary of him, a stranger claiming to be the Ruler of Jura. Suspicion gnawed at her; perhaps someone had learned of the Hero's message to the Queen and sought to exploit her vulnerability. The name Tempest and the title of Ruler of Jura were enough to raise her alarms.

Yet, Rimuru had mentioned Milim to the guards, claiming that she should have sent a message ahead of time. Frey knew Milim's forgetful nature all too well and decided to meet this stranger face to face.

As Rimuru's group approached, Frey quickly identified the cloaked girl beside him. The height and mischievous laughter were unmistakable. Milim's presence was a reassuring sign. Frey's gaze then shifted to Rimuru, noting his resemblance to the child who had fought the Orc Lord. Either he was related to that child or had fought under a disguise. Either way, his aura was strong enough to show he wasn't someone weak.

Bringing Rimuru into the chamber, Frey scrutinized him and the items he presented. The quality of the goods was unparalleled, unlike anything she had ever seen. His claims about Tempest and his army were impressive, but Frey was not one to take words at face value. She needed proof, something tangible. However, she couldn't delay too much and lose her chance, so she immediately offered the Skybound Trial.

"In three days." She said, hiding her true intentions. In reality, it should only take a few hours. But she needed a few days to send her daughters, Luchia and Claire, to investigate Tempest and verify Rimuru's claims. With their speed, they would gather the necessary information swiftly.

As the days passed, Frey's anticipation grew. When Luchia and Claire returned, they shared their findings. Tempest was as impressive as Rimuru claimed, filled with remarkable named monsters and potential. Frey's resolve hardened. Rimuru was indeed a valuable ally, perhaps more.

Frey decided to move forward with her plan. She knew her own beauty and was not above using it to her advantage if it meant defeating Charybdis and strengthening her country. The Skybound Trial was more than a test; it was a declaration of love and a marriage proposal. 

If Rimuru could defeat her, it would be a public declaration of their union. She would be tricking him, but she believed she could handle any aftermath. At worst, she would simply apologize and cancel the marriage proposal. She would still have made a worthwhile ally.

The day of the battle arrived, and Frey couldn't deny her admiration for Rimuru's wings. To a Harpy, the most important feature was their wings. Countless men confessed their love and affection to her, but they either didn't have wings or their wings were not up to her standards.

When it came time for her to have her children, she simply used one of her abilities as Queen to have kids on her own. As a Harpy Queen, she was capable of reproducing completely asexually.

Yet, as she looked at the almost silver wings that flowed naturally into the silvery-blue wings that matched Rimuru's hair, she couldn't help but smile. They were far better than the disgusting leathery wings he had initially shown her. Her heart fluttered slightly at the thought. Now, they were wings fit for a King, or a husband. He even had the crimson crystal on his forehead as she did, which made him look even more appealing in the eyes of a Harpy.

The battle was fierce. Frey relied on speed and decisive attacks, moving in unpredictable patterns, but Rimuru anticipated her every move. Her wind attacks were useless against him; he simply activated his Skill and made them vanish. His strange movement technique was unlike anything she had ever seen, and the battle didn't last long enough for her to adapt.

She believed that if the battle had lasted longer, she would have been able to figure out a way to overcome and adapt to his technique, but those were just pure excuses.

In their final clash, Frey made a desperate lunge, but Rimuru's wings enveloped her, capturing her hands and rendering her helpless. She had lost, but she couldn't help but feel a mixture of defeat and admiration. Strength was everything to a Majin, and he had practically dominated the battle.

Sitting next to Rimuru at the peak of her palace, they drank in silence. His wings spread out, protecting her body, yet there was a sense of warmth and intimacy. Frey glanced at him, her heart still fluttering from the battle and the quiet connection they now shared as she felt his wings gently resting on her. 

She knew this alliance and union would bring great strength to both their kingdoms.

"Sir Rimuru…" Frey began before he interrupted her with a chuckle.

"Just Rimuru is fine."

With a smile, she nodded.

"In that case, feel free just to call me Frey."

They sat in companionable silence for a moment, the moon casting a serene glow over the castle. Then, Frey took a deep breath and spoke up.

"Rimuru... about our marriage… I know you are not against it; however, I apologize for trying to trick you, a marriage should not be started based on a lie. Even if you saw through it, it was still a necessary lie. As a Ruler, you understand the burden of your people's expectations. Despite my title as a Demon Lord, there are times when I feel unworthy of it."

She paused, looking into the night sky before continuing. 

"I had all but forgotten about the 'Sky and the Storm' stories my mother used to tell me until Naya brought it back up. It feels strange, honestly. You showed up just as I was about to accept a deal from another Demon Lord, which would have only shown how little I deserved my title."

Rimuru listened intently, a thoughtful expression on his face. He then chuckled slightly and nodded.

"I get it… I've only had Tempest for some months now, but if anything or anyone tried to attack it, I would do everything I could to protect it. I honestly didn't expect to get so attached to them so quickly, but you give enough people silly names, and then you wanna make sure nothing happens to them."

The two of them shared a quiet moment. Rimuru took a sip of his wine before he spoke up again.

"When I first married Shuna, it all went too fast. We had only met the day before, which is similar to how it is between us. We had a nice interaction, but that was about it. And though I don't regret it, I did learn something. I wished we had taken things just a bit slower. If I am being honest, I even rejected a marriage the Lizardmen Chief offered to me for that same reason."

Frey's eyebrows rose in surprise as she heard him.

"Let's not rush things too much. Let's beat up Charybdis; after that, we can figure things out. I'd like to get to know what the real Frey is like. I'm not in a rush, are you?" He asked with a smile.

Frey burst into a light chuckle, a genuine smile breaking for the first time through her usual serious expression.

"I would love that. I would also like to know what the real Rimuru is like."

Then, with the same gentle smile, she moved to pluck one of her feathers before offering it to him.

"It's our tradition to exchange feathers with those we marry. One by one, our wings become a sign of our union. So how about we start with just one?" She asked.

Copying her movements, he plucked one of his own feathers, passing it to her as he grabbed hers, and he saw as she placed the new feather back where she had first plucked hers. Surprisingly, the feather became one with her wings, and as he did the same, he felt the connection.

[Notice. The intrinsic Ability: Union of Feathers has been activated.]

[Notice. The individual Frey's feather has fused with your own. Mimicry: Harpy, has changed.]

[Notice. The Unique Skill: Celestial Eye and the Unique Skill: Reflector have been detected.]

[Error. Genetic data is incomplete.]

[Consume the individual Frey or continue to exchange feathers to unlock the skills.]

Hearing Sage's constant buzz of notifications, Rimuru simply raised his glass.

"To Chaybdis and their death!" he said jokingly.

"To Charybdis." She answered with a smile.

— — —

Back in the room, Milim hugged the Rimuru pillow tightly, her expression filled with annoyance.

"How come Frey thinks she can swoop in and steal my friend?" She grumbled, her voice filled with frustration. "Now he is going to have even less time to spend with me."

Souka stood nearby, listening and nodding as Milim vented. Rimuru had asked her to look after Milim, and she was following his orders with absolute focus.

If she was being honest, she also felt a bit annoyed. Back when envoys had come to her tribe, her father had wanted to offer her as a wife to Rimuru. A way to join the tribes and gain even more perks from the one chosen by both the Dryads and Veldora.

However, Rimuru rejected the offer. It left her wondering why. Whether she was just not good enough for him or if she was just not pretty enough for him. At first, she had simply shrugged it off, but it was hard when part of her job was watching over him. She could see how he was with Shuna, making her mind run wild searching for a proper reason.

"I understand… but I am sure Lord Rimuru has his reasons." These were all the words that she allowed herself to speak.

"Does he?" Milim asked with frustration as she buried her face in the pillow. "What if he starts giving her honey, and then there is less honey for me? Or if I want to play, but he is busy?" She rolled around on her bed, her complaints echoing across the room.

After a moment of tossing and turning, Milim sighed and hugged the pillow tighter.

"Well, whatever. Even if they get married, we will still be best friends, so we are going to keep playing." 

A few moments of silence passed in the room, the tension easing slightly. Then Milim sat up and turned to Souka, curiosity replacing her annoyance.

"Hey, Souka… What's it like to be married? Is it fun?"

Souka blinked, caught off guard by the sudden question. 

"Well, I wouldn't really know, Lady Milim. I've never been married."

Milim tilted her head, thinking. 

"But what do you think it would be like? Do you think it would be fun?"

Souka smiled softly, considering her words. 

"I suppose it could be, if you marry someone you truly care about. It's about sharing your life and your happiness with someone else."

Milim's eyes sparkled with interest. 

"So, it's like having a best friend forever?"

Souka nodded. 

"Yes, something like that. It can be challenging, but also very rewarding."

Milim hugged the Rimuru pillow again, a thoughtful expression on her face.

"I guess that makes sense. As long as Rimuru and I are still best friends, it doesn't matter what happens. We'll always have fun together. So, if you think about it, we are already kind of married. That means he has to give me more attention, right?"

Souka chuckled slightly as she heard Milim, shaking her head as she spoke.

"That is certainly one way to think about it, Lady Milim."

Milim grinned, her earlier annoyance melting away. 

"Thanks, Souka. You're a good listener."

Souka bowed slightly. 

"It's my pleasure, Lady Milim."

After a few more moments, Milim looked at her, her eyes glowing slightly before she asked.

"Hey, you are a Dragonewt, right? Want me to teach you a thing or two? I have trained a bunch of Dragonewts over in my kingdom. Think of it as a thanks for listening to me."

Souka's eyes widened before she gave Milim a small bow.

"It would be my honor, Lady Milim."

Milim let out a mischievous laughter as she said.

"Just Milim is fine. We are buddies now, right? But don't try to become my bestie. That spot is reserved for my 'Besto Friendo' Rimuru."

Chuckling, Souka nodded.

"That sounds great, Milim."

— — —

In Jistav, Clayman sat in his favorite chair, carefully moving the chess pieces on the board before him. The game was more than just a pastime; it was a way to keep his mind sharp, to strategize for the future. Everything was falling into place perfectly. Frey would soon owe him a favor, and with that leverage, he could place a domination orb on Milim.

Once Milim became his puppet, his path to becoming a True Demon Lord would be clear. He allowed himself a rare moment of relaxation, reaching for a glass of wine. But before he could take a sip, a familiar buzz from the ring on his finger interrupted him. It was a ring he had received upon becoming a Demon Lord, a tool for communication with his peers.

"Clayman, I am turning down your offer," Frey's cold voice echoed in his mind, sharp and decisive. The connection cut off abruptly, leaving Clayman staring at the ring in disbelief.

A frown instantly appeared on his face. He had anticipated some hesitation from Frey, but her outright rejection was unexpected and rash.

"I overestimated you, Frey." He muttered, a twisted smile forming on his lips. "It seems your people will have to suffer first. Though I guess that's for the best. You'll come crawling back to me, and then I will be able to fully put you under my control."

He laughed to himself, savoring the image of Frey begging for his help. But as the laughter dwindled, a nagging discomfort tugged at the back of his mind. It was a feeling he couldn't quite shake, a sense that something was amiss. It happened often enough to unsettle him, yet each time, the sensation vanished as quickly as it appeared, taking any clarity with it.

Clayman shook his head, trying to dispel the unease. 

"Maybe I'm just being paranoid." He muttered, dismissing the feeling. But no matter how often he told himself that, the discomfort persisted, briefly but often, grinding at the edges of his consciousness whenever things didn't go his way.

As the unsettling feeling faded from his mind, Clayman retrieved a small orb from his pocket, caressing it with a touch of affection.

"Tear, Footman, how is your mission going?" He asked, his voice laced with curiosity.

"Eee-hee-hee! You'll never guess who we found!" Tear's playful voice echoed from the orb. "It was one grumpy Beastketeer with a grudge. The dumbass didn't even ask any questions before going into the cave and eating Charybdis' core. After all the effort we did to come up with excuses."

"A Beastketeer?" Clayman's smile widened as he heard the words. "That is perfect, Tear. With him, we'll be able to pin the blame for Frey's destruction on Carrion."

A light chuckle escaped his lips as he thought about his plans. 

"Destroy Fulbrosia, make Frey my puppet, use her to control Milim, and then use Milim to destroy Eurazania. With the souls of both Fulbrosia and Eurazania, we will definitely have enough for me to Awaken. Who knows, maybe we'll have a couple more extra. Wouldn't it be nice to Awaken alongside me, Tear?"

"Hee-hee, I don't know. I think Footman would get a bit jelly. Isn't that right, Footman?" Tear asked, turning to the large man beside her.

"Mhmm." Footman grunted, his eyes scanning their surroundings.

"Something wrong?" Tear asked, seeing Footman wasn't playing along with her.

'I feel like someone is watching us…' Footman said through thought communication. 'I felt it when I was leading the Orcs through where the Ogres should have been, but it was so faint that I ignored it after Clayman told me to leave. But now….'

'Do you know where they are?' Tear asked, maintaining a lively conversation with Clayman to mask her thoughts.

'Not exactly. It's just a feeling, but it's stronger now. We need to be careful.' Footman answered with seriousness.

Then, after a few tense moments, Footman let a laugh escape his lips.

"Hohhhh-hoh-hoh-hoh!" He laughed before using thought communication to point out their location to Tear. 'Found them!'

— — —

Special Thanks to my Beta Readers/Editors: The one, the only, the amazing @Basilisk, the Aussie @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord) and @Kiyan Tribe (FF.net/AO3/QQ/WN) | kiyan_tribe( Discord)

Go Check out Basilisk's great story "I'm a Daemon, so what?"