
I am Reincarnated as The Crown Princess

An illegitimate heir who gets poisoned by her elder sister suddenly wakes up in a different body. And not just anyone, but a Princess! Will she finally get her revenge as she wants?

ladyvexena · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 03

Gah, I'm tired. Planning everything meticulously is so tiring.

If that woman didn't kill me then I should just be lying on my bed reading some bl stories and watching anime. I didn't even finished Jujutsu Kaisen.

Wait. Do they have some erotic books here? What the Anastasia! Behave well! You're a Princess damn it.

Roxella Syncanthasia. The second princess. (They call the daughter of a Duke, a princess) If I remember it right, we had a lesson about her family during history.

It's not like I love history but, her background was just really amusing.

Her mother, Margaret Syncanthasia was just a commoner when the Duke took a liking to her.

After finding out that Margaret was pregnant, the Duke took her in and made her his Duchess.

By that time, Hannah's mother, Catherine Syncanthasia died due to some chronic disease. But there were some rumor that she gave birth to a baby boy before she died.

If that is true, then he should be the rightful heir. Not Roxella or Hannah. I wonder what happened to him.

But from what I recall, Roxella's birth mother died a few days before her coming of age ceremony. And the reason was unknown. Our professor didn't even explain on how she died.

If that is true, then how old is Roxella right now? Is the Duchess still alive? If she is, then I need to find out on how she'll die and save her if I can.

I'm curious though. Why does this Hannah here wants to kill Roxella? Is it the same reason as to why my sister poisoned me?

Because she thinks that Roxella's stealing everything from her? If that's the case then istg. Imma choke her.

*demonstrates how she'll choke Hannah with her hands*

"Roxy, I heard-" My body froze as I stared at the man who entered my chamber.

A tall guy with a jet black hair and crimson red eyes. I-I think I'm gonna faint. He looks so fcking unreal!

"What are you doing idiot?" He stares at me as a playful smirk crosses his lips.

"GAH!" I shouted unconsciously.

"I-I uh, I was doing nothing! Wait, who do you think you are to enter a young lady's room without even knocking huh? If people sees us they might think that we're having an affair!" I blurted to this rude ass infront of me.

Yeah I get that he's handsome but, he just barged into my chamber! Well Roxella's but, I'm inside her body for pete's sake! And on top of that, this is the Princess's chamber!

"Have you finally gone nuts because you were poisoned?" He replied as he looks at me in disbelief.

"Ha! How dare you talk to me like that? I'm a princess. And yet you dare speak to me like I'm no one? Introduce yourself you rude man." Let's see if you won't tremble in fear.

*laughs internally*

"Wow you really are crazy Roxy." R-roxy?! A pet name? And he didn't even call me princess? Imma teach this man a-

"What the heck is that poison to make you forget about your brother?"

Ha! Now he just interrupted me while I'm-
