
I am regarded as the supreme holy devil by the righteous people

[New routines] + [Various reversals] + [Pretending to be a tiger and eating a pig] + [Fantasy] + [Easy and funny] My name is Zhang Mo, a poor farmer of eight generations. Yesterday, while I was farming, I was recruited by a local sect. After going up the mountain, I realized that the sect here was actually an evil sect. What's even worse is that I've only been working for one day and they want me to be the leader. Oh my god! ——Taken from the Supreme Holy Demon of Heaven and Earth, Chapter 1 of "My Diary" by Demon God Zhang

rose_shaw_jacke · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 3 Immobility Like a Mountain

There are not so many salted fish turning over in this world, and the weak will counterattack.There are only conspiracies and schemes that you cannot see.Don't blame yourself when feeling down, and don't be complacent when feeling proud.Especially, don't be impulsive.——Taken from the Supreme Holy Demon of Heaven and Earth, Chapter 620 of Zhang Mo Shen's "My Diary": Candles sway as if a black wind gathers.As the blood character appeared, Zhang Mo seemed to see a beam of colorless light flying out of the altar and hitting his forehead straight.Boom!Zhang Mo felt like his head was about to explode, rolling incessantly on the ground.Outside the Conference Hall, Zhao Can, who had just left, suddenly saw dark clouds rolling in the sky and a strong wind rising. His face changed and he rushed towards the Conference Hall.At the same time, at the foot of Xiaosheng Mountain, less than five miles away from the foot of the mountain, a group of well-dressed and extraordinary looking righteous warriors also witnessed such changes."What a strong anger!" "It seems that these demon cultivators are not planning to give up yet!" "Hehe, in return for the scouts planted by the sect, the Heavenly Demon Sect has once again appointed a new sect leader. I thought it was the group of demon cultivators from the Heavenly Demon Sect who came to replace the dead ghost, but now it seems that they have some means." "Can we find out the origin of this demon?" "Yes, it can be, but the origin shows that he is a farmer. Hmph, it seems like he has a fake identity and wants to deceive us. It's ridiculous." "Not bad, the Little Heavenly Demon Sect actually hides such a demon. It seems that our plan is about to change. Face to face." Offensive is not advisable, it will result in heavy casualties. "" I also think so. According to my scout's report, there should be another tunnel inside Xiaosheng Mountain. The tunnels dug by those demonic cultivators who want to escape will lead directly to Cangzhu Forest. "" Okay, let's gather now and go to Cangzhu Forest. Attack tonight and take Xiaosheng Mountain in one fell swoop! "... In the main hall of the council, Zhao Can pushed the door and entered."Where are the people, where are the stinky kids?" After a few shouts, Zhao Can skillfully opened the secret door, and soon pulled Zhang Mo out.At this moment, Zhang Mogang recovered from his pain, his eyes bloodshot, and Zhao Can pressed him back onto the chair of the sect leader."Ah, stinky kid, you have the ability. After a while of not seeing you, you've made such a big move. I'm afraid you'll die slowly, right?" Zhao Can was a bit angry, his left hand purple light shining, an old face with a fierce expression, a grin, and two fangs sticking out.If it weren't for Zhang Mo's continued influence on him, with his ferocity, he might have had to break Zhang Mo apart now."What's going on? What did this kid do?" "Yes, he didn't have any cultivation, how could he cause such a big commotion." The two gatekeepers also walked in, puzzled, a bald man and a skinny dog."What else can it be? The stinky kid thought he had found a treasure." Zhao Can pulled out the "Sacrifice to the Gods" from behind Zhang Mo and threw it to the ground.After the bald and skinny dogs saw what it was, they both covered their stomachs and started laughing wildly."Isn't this the breaking technique that tricked Lao Yang for his whole life?" "Oh, someone else is practicing this, tsk tsk tsk." Their wild laughter made Zhao Can couldn't help but laugh. With a smile on his lips, Zhang Mo said, "Come on, our new sect leader, show me your skills. What kind of trash have you gained?" Zhang Mo looked at the three people in front of him with smiles on their faces, feeling a bit uneasy in his heart.Zhao Can held onto his shoulder and followed him again."Quick, don't let me bleed you." Zhang Mo stood up slowly, but didn't know what to do. He whispered, "How does this work?" This sentence made Zhao Can and the others even more nervous, laughing uncontrollably."He doesn't know how to use it yet!" "He sold himself to Void, he doesn't know how to use it!" "Oh, I'm so happy. Stinky kid, you try to close your eyes and search in your mind, and there will be a particularly bright light, which is your ability. Use your consciousness to hit it, and you will know!" Zhang Mo cautiously tried to use the method given by Zhao Can to find that light.As his consciousness collided, in an instant, Zhang Mo knew what his newly acquired skills were.His face turned slightly red, and Zhang Mo let out a stern shout."Motionless like a mountain!" Then, Zhang Mo's whole body tightened and stood steadily on the ground."Hmm?" Zhao Can's hand kept pressing on Zhang Mo's shoulder, so he was most aware of Zhang Mo's body changes at this moment.Shaked vigorously a few times, but found that Zhang Mo's body was like a mountain, unable to shake at all."It's a bit interesting!" Zhao Cansong opened his hand and spun around Zhang Mo.Bald and skinny dogs also walked up and looked carefully."What kind of skill is this?" "Did you get beaten while standing?" "I'll give it a try!" The skinny dog rolled up its sleeves and slapped it when it came up.With a loud bang, it was like hitting a rock. The skinny dog exclaimed in surprise and said, "Oh, that's a good defense method. The stinky kid has also gained good skills." "Wait a moment, take a look!" Before the skinny dog finished speaking, the bald head pointed to Zhang Mo's cheek and said, "It's red, it's red. Oh, it's bleeding. The stinky kid, this move doesn't stop the damage!" Zhang Mo's nose was dripping with blood, and his heart was lying on edge, feeling ashamed and angry.That's right, his move doesn't block damage, and it's also a stupid move that can't be moved.Immobile like a mountain: After activation, hold onto your true self and remain steadfast. The external force is unshakable, but it does not block damage, does not reduce damage, and even after cancellation, the damage still exists. When in use, the original cannot be moved by half a minute. It can be used for a long time and repeatedly, but each time it lasts for at least ten breaths.In summary, this move cannot make you durable, but it can make you die with dignity.Zhang Mo's body cannot move, but his mouth can still speak.Under Zhao Can's coercion, Zhang Mo stuttered out the general ability of his move.Suddenly, Zhao Can couldn't hold his tension anymore and began to burst out laughing wildly."Is this the skill you gained by sacrificing yourself?" "Laughing at me, it's even worse than Old Sheep's self harm ability." "That means when this move is activated, it gives you the ability to commit suicide. What kind of nonsense ability?" "I just said that the skills given by the Void are unreliable, and there can be nothing good with free things." "This kind of skill is deceiving people and fools." "Foolish kid, you can die with great dignity this time. Standing still, haha." The three of them laughed at Zhang Mo recklessly, but Zhang Mo couldn't refute it.After enough ridicule, the three of them left and closed the door of the conference hall again."Keep an eye on him, don't really let him run away." "Haha, if he doesn't move like a mountain, he's really impressive." "Forget it, lock the door and let others come over to guard the door. Don't get too close. Today, if a vision arises, I'm afraid those righteous hypocrites will take action in advance. In my opinion, we'll leave tonight and leave through the tunnel." "Okay, we'll leave tonight. Bring the ignition stone, and if you see someone going up the mountain, we'll immediately explode!"