
I am reborn in Akame ga KILL

Volume 1 (40 chapters): the MC is reborn in the assassin world of Akame, knowing nothing of this world but having a gift from the distant past. Volume 2 (60 chapters): (MC is taken to the world of Avatar. Even though the events take place in the time of The Legend of Aang, I decided to replace the bald annoying Avatar Aang with the swarthy cutie Avatar Korra. Volume 3 (60 chapters): MC finds herself in the World of RWBY, where she continues to develop magic and gather a harem. Volume 4(90 chapters): MC in the DC Comics World. Volume 5: (80 chapters) MC is caught up in the world of Warcraft. Guys, I already have 5 volumes on patreon: patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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The Fire Nation is located on volcanic islands, and the formation of new volcanic islands is still going on, if you fly over the entire Fire Nation territory you can find at least one erupting volcano, but usually there are many times more.

Anyway, if I didn't know exactly which of the many volcanoes the Boiling Rock Prison was built in and just checked all the active volcanoes, it would take me days, but now it only took me an hour and a half to fly to the right place. That girl hadn't lied, and had given me the exact coordinates.

The island itself was small, only one and a half kilometres in diameter, from the air the island of Boiling Rock looked like a stone bowl, inside of which a boiling lake was bubbling, and in the middle of the lake there was a prison. To escape from the prison, one had to either be able to fly or be able to swim in the boiling water, and due to the impurities of various salts and minerals, the temperature of the water was well over a hundred degrees... good thing I could fly after all. In order to get safely from the prison to the edge of the cliff, the wardens use a cable car, which is the most strictly guarded thing here.

I could put out this volcano to free not only Korra but also all the other criminals, but apart from the various political prisoners, there are also the usual maniacs and criminals here, so today I will only release Korra from here.

I decided to act right now, there's no sense in waiting for the night, firstly, the prison is full of guards and prisoners, it's unlikely to get inside quietly, either the former or the latter will notice me, and most importantly, I just don't know where the Avatar is kept, that's why I decided to find out this information directly from the warden, who was just making his rounds of the prison.

- Greetings. - I fell out of the sky at the warden. Can you tell me where the Avatar is? I'm here to check on her. - I asked, my face pressed into the ground as the warden's men pointed their weapons at me.

- Kill him, what are you waiting for?! - shouted the warden, and I immediately had all his subordinates encased in ice up to their necks.

- I repeat the question, where is the Avatar? - I lit a fireball on my hand and began to bring it to the warden's face.

- I'm not telling you anything. - replied the clearly principled man, whom I knocked out with a blow to my knee.

- So, who knows where the Avatar is? - I asked, and looked at the remaining guards, and to make them more agreeable I created sharp icicles near their faces, which began to approach their foreheads.

- Я! I'll get you. - shouted one of the warders.

- I like a cooperative man. - I said, and the sharp icicles turned into round pieces of ice, which flew into the faces of all the warders with considerable force, except the one who decided to help me, the same nice guy I had freed, - Lead me, my clever friend. - I said.

- Follow me, please. The Avatar is in the Major Crimes Unit. - The warden led me inside the prison, and on the way we met more guards, whom I froze to keep them out of the way. We had to walk through some rather confusing corridors, necessary to make it easier to defend ourselves in case of a prisoner revolt.

- Here we are. - These doors can only be opened by the warden, and beyond these doors are several cells with almost identical doors, which can also be opened by the warden. - The warder spoke with a distinctly evil amusement in his voice, thinking that these doors would be a barrier to me.

- Thank you for your co-operation, you may go. - I said, and with a wave of my left hand I turned the thick metal door into liquid metal, which solidified, allowing me to pass easily inside the enclosure.

- Um... good luck with that. - nodded the warden, who was looking at the door I had just 'opened' with round eyes, 'Well... I'll be off. - and the funny guy ran off. Once inside the prison, I melted the metal again, and completely bricked up the wall, so that the guards wouldn't interfere with Korra's release. I can make a new exit in any wall, no matter how thick it is.

There were only five cells in the building, and Korra was in one of them, and I was curious about the other cells, as they were considered to be as dangerous criminals as the Avatar. I didn't know which cell the Avatar was in, so I had to open all the cells one by one. The first one was empty, but in the second one there was a black-haired woman with the right side of her face burned pretty badly, it wasn't Korra, but it was a familiar face.

- ...Mum...what the...' I couldn't quite believe my eyes, 'Are you Ursa? - I started to approach the woman, and she started to crawl away from me in fear.

- An evil spirit... - the woman said with horror, looking at my mask.

- Don't be afraid, it's just a mask. - I took off the mask, - Do you recognise me? - I asked, and my black and white hair was quite remarkable.

- Do you... Hela? - The woman who was my birth mother clearly recognised me.

- Did Ozai do this to you? - I asked, stepping even closer to Ursa and pointing at her burn.

- It was Azula... but I deserved it...' the woman lowered her head, then looked at me again, and put her hand on my face, "You're my son... but you died..." tears began to form in her eyes.

- I didn't die, I just escaped, and I didn't think that I would end up seeing you in prison... mum, I'll get you out of here, and then we'll talk about everything. - I started to free Ursa from the chain she was chained to the wall, - Follow me, I have to free the Avatar.

- The Avatar? - Ursa asked in confusion.

- The new Avatar is my friend, and she got into trouble without me, so I came to rescue her... and then I met you, though I thought you were living peacefully in the palace. - I began to melt the remaining cell doors, the next cell was empty, in the penultimate one I found Korra, and decided to check the last cell just in case I met my uncle or grandfather there, but the cell was empty.

Ursa was chained to the wall by her leg, but the Avatar was restricted in his movements as much as possible. Korra was chained to the steel wall with thick steel braces that gave her no chance to not only get out, but even move a limb.

Korra had obviously been here for a while, and to keep the Avatar from dying, she had to be fed and fed, and obviously after processing, the food leaves the body... but in her chained state, the Avatar had to... ahem, well, Korra was in the shit, both figuratively and literally.

- Yeah, and it's the Avatar... I could really use some Water Magic right now. - I said, and took out a supply of magical ice from my spatial pocket, which I used to shroud the Avatar and cleanse her. Korra came to her senses from this procedure.

- Hela...' Korra said quietly when she saw me.

Korra's condition was quite disgusting, her body showed clear signs of lightning damage, and the girl had been fed, but only to keep her alive, not to give her any strength to escape, so Korra was weakened.

I carefully removed all the brackets holding Korra to the wall and then picked the girl up and carried her down the common corridor.

- Aha, you guessed it, it's me, I've come to rescue you, my little fool. Just bear with me, you'll be all right soon. - I moved Korra into the domain, and then looked at Ursa, -Don't be frightened, now you'll be in a small room with this girl, but in an hour and a half I'll release you outside the prison. - I said, and without listening to the answer, I moved Ursa into the domain as well.

- Well, I found more in this prison than I thought. - The fact that my mother was here surprised me, to say the least, but knowing my arsehole of a father I can assume that Ursa wanted to escape from him somehow, and he locked her up... well, I'll talk to Ursa later and find out everything, now I need to get out of the prison. It was easy enough for me to do, I melted my way out in seconds... but before I left, I left my metal statue in the Avatar and Ursa's cell so that everyone would know exactly who was here.

After an hour and a half of flying, I returned to my home on Kyoshi Island. Katara and Suyuki were in the house now, so when I unloaded Korra and Ursa from the domain, they immediately knew I had succeeded.

- Who's that woman? - Katara asked, approaching Korra and Ursa.

- My mother Ursa, she was in the cell next door to Korra's cell. How she got there, I can only guess. - I looked at Ursa, who was confused by the quick change of surroundings,' I hope she'll tell us about it later. Katara, Suyuki, can you help Korra and my mother wash up and put on some clothes more appropriate than prison robes? - I asked, and the girls agreed. Taking Korra and Ursa, they led them to the bathroom, where I helped them heat the water after all, and then left the girls to tidy up the newly freed captives.

Ursa was the first to finish bathing, and came out of the bathroom in her bathrobe... she was clearly feeling better now than she had before the bath, but it was clear from the look on her face that she felt confused.

- Mum, please sit on this chair here. - I sat Ursa on the chair, and I decided to take care of her burn on her face, -Don't be frightened, the ice will cover your burn now, and in a few minutes, the burn will disappear completely. - I put my right hand on Ursa's face and started treating her with green glowing ice.

- Hela, are you the Avatar? Or that girl? How do you use the ice? - Ursa decided to clarify something.

- No, the Avatar that girl is Korra, and I'm just... I've been able to control ice since I was a kid, I guess I got that funny ability from my great-grandfather, Avatar Roku. That's why I ran away when I was a kid, so they wouldn't think I was the Avatar and put me in jail, and knowing Ozai and Azulon, I'm sure that's exactly what they'd do. Mum, why are you in jail? - I asked.

- After your...' Ursa began to tell me.

So, after my death, relations between Ozai and Ursa became as cold as possible, Ursa began to avoid Ozai, and he didn't insist much, Ursa had already done her duty, she gave him a worthy heir - Azula, so he didn't need Ursa himself, but he let her live in the palace.

Three years later, Prince Airo's son died in the siege of Ba Sing Sho, after which Airo returned to the capital, cancelling the siege. Ozai took this opportunity to come to Fire Lord Azulong and ask him to be the next Fire Lord, because Prince Airo had not only been defeated at Ba Sing Seo, but he had also lost his only heir, his son Lu Teng, Ozai had a daughter, Azula, who was a girl, but her strength was impressive even to her grandfather, so Ozai was clearly the best candidate to be the next Fire Lord.

Azulon, though he was as much of an arsehole as Ozai, loved his eldest son Airo more than Ozai, so he turned Ozai down, explaining that Airo was having a hard time with the loss of his son, but Ozai had lost his son too, and should understand his older brother's sadness. Ozai started to argue, but Azulon simply insisted that he was the Fire Master and it was up to him to decide who would take the throne next, and it would be Airo.

Ozai, of course, was not happy with this and started planning to eliminate his brother and then his father, Ursa found out about this and she didn't want Ozai to become the new Fire Master, so Ursa decided to take the risk and poison Ozai.

My grandmother, Ursa's mother, was an herbalist, so Ursa knew the recipe for a colourless and tasteless poison made from white oleander and calamia flowers, this poison stopped a person's heart, making the victim die quite naturally, as if from a sudden heart attack. After killing Ozai, Ursa wanted to leave the palace and the capital of the Fire Nation with Azula, so before preparing the poison, Ursa warned Azula that she needed to pack her things for her journey.

Azula realised that something strange was going on and spied Ursa making the poison for Ozai, then turned her mother in to her father and told him that Ursa wanted to poison him. Ozai burst into Ursa's room with Azula, and after questioning her, learnt exactly what Ursa wanted to poison him with, and what kind of poison she wanted to use. The vial of poison had already been prepared, and Ozai himself decided to use it on his brother and father, while he locked Ursa in the capital's prison.

Using Ursa's poison, Ozai poisoned Airo, and Azulon appointed him as the next Fire Master, for there were no other options but Ozai. Ozai had to wait for his father Azulon to die before he could become the Fire Lord, but he decided to speed up the process by using poison.

Azula visited Ursa in the capital's prison several times and told him that Ozai had used the poison Ursa had prepared to make him the new Fire Master. Azula also just called her mother names and mocked her for supposedly not loving her. One day, Ursa couldn't take it anymore and called Azula a 'monster', which made Azula very angry and threw her blue fireball at her mother, which burned Ursa's face. After this incident, Azula ordered Ursa to be transported to the Boiling Rock, never to see her face again, which Azula had messed up for her.

Katara and Suyuki had also already cleaned up Korra as well, and came into the room just at the point where Ursa was talking about trying to poison Ozai so that he wouldn't become the Fire Master.

- I've always thought that a family is a small state, and if things are bad in a family, then you're a bad ruler, and not worthy of ruling a real state... judging by our family, it's obvious what kind of ruler Ozai will be. - I commented, in addition to curing Ursa's burn, I continued to infuse her with my life energy during her story, which should improve her health, weakened after years in prison.

When I finished the treatment, Ursa touched her face, and then went to the mirror and examined her newly beautiful face... actually, Ursa should be about thirty-eight years old now, but even after her imprisonment, she looked at most twenty-eight years old.

- Hela... son, I'd like to know who all these girls are? I'd also like to know everything that's happened to you since then... and by the way, where are we anyway? - Turned to me Ursa... hmm, is it normal for her to turn me on?

≪Normal, looking at Ursa in that dressing gown, only an impotent man wouldn't get a hard-on. Know that your schizophrenia strongly approves of incest, so go ahead. ≫

- Well, we're on Kyoshi Island, it's in the south of the Earth Kingdom. This girl right here, Suyuki, she's the commander of the Kyoshi Warriors, and she's also my wife. This is Avatar Korra, and this is Katara, her sister, I met them at the South Pole, where I went after running away from home, I also met the ice phoenix spirit who taught me Ice Magic, but this spirit is now resting at the North Pole after Azula almost killed her. It was Azula who defeated Korra and captured her, which is why I had to free her. Now, I need to heal Korra, and we can continue to communicate. - I have now begun the complete healing of Korra. Ursa had been locked in a cell for several years, so she had a lot to learn.

I will have to heal Korra for quite some time, Azula's lightning struck her right in one of the seven chakras through which the internal chi energy flows. The damaged chakra won't allow Korra to use magic properly, Chief Arnuk had the same problem, but he wasn't a mage, and he didn't have a damaged chakra, especially since it will recover in a couple of years, but if Korra loses her magic for at least a year, it won't be good.

After the first session of Korra's healing, I ran out of life energy, and I had to wait until it was restored. It was just about time for dinner, during which we continued to talk. After dinner, I continued to heal Korra, and we also continued to chat with Ursa.

Mammy wanted to know more about me, about how I'd lived after I'd escaped, but the girls wanted to know what I was like as a child. Then the chatter turned to love affairs, Ursa was interested in the relationship between me and the girls, and she was also interested in my marriage to Suyuki.

Ursa, Katara and Korra were very keen to know the details of the wedding, and Suyuki ended up having to show both the ring and the dress, and even a set of jewellery. All in all, Ursa realised that I loved Suyuki, but I didn't just treat Katara and Korra as friends either.

When night fell, we put Katara and Korra in the guest bedroom, but there were only two bedrooms in the house, the guest bedroom and my and Suyuki's, so there was no room for Ursa, but the bed in our room could hold ten people at once, so we decided to put Ursa to sleep in our room.

- Sorry for the inconvenience, you must have had plans for the night. - Ursa said as we entered the bedroom.

- Yes, Hela is quite insatiable at night, but for his mother's sake, he'll put up with it for a day and we'll have a new bedroom for you tomorrow. - Mrs Ursa, we'll have to go to the market tomorrow and buy you some clothes and anything else you might need to live comfortably. - Suyuki came out from behind the screen and lay down on the bed.

- Lie down, mum, don't be shy. - I spoke out, also lying down on the bed, and pointed Ursa to the free half of the bed.

- Okay. - Ursa snuggled down on the edge of the mattress.

- Come here. - I pulled Ursa closer, now I had Suyuki on my left and Ursa on my right, -That's it...and also.... Mum, I'm sorry for running away. - I looked at Ursa who was lying next to me.

- I'm not angry with you, son, and I understand perfectly well, I wanted to escape from your father too... and I'm sorry that when I was a child I didn't give you and Azula enough attention and love. - replied Ursa and stroked my cheek.

- Mummy, everything will be all right now. - I hugged Ursa, and Suyuki hugged me from behind, so we basically fell asleep.