
I Am Really The Best Anti Hero In Another World!-System Of Anti Hero!

I make it clear that I do not intend to continue this novel. So, if you want a story that will come to fruition someday, I recommend that you don't read it. ********* Ji Hoon literally have the worst day of his life, or was it perhaps the best day? He was dropped by his girlfriend who had all her assets in his name. He was fired from his job, where he had an explorer boss. And he was expelled from college, where he was bullied almost every day. He was dropped by his family, with a pair of abusive parents. And he realized that they have no friends to ask for help at these times. After drinking all afternoon, Ji Hoon found himself walking aimlessly through the streets, with nowhere to go or who to return to, he just walked around. This was until he fell to the ground after seeing a floating window in front of him asking. [Would you like to live a new life in another world?] [Yes? Not?]

DarkAngel_ · Eastern
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110 Chs

Chapter 95

"What?! But that is not possible! If only a few minutes have passed since they entered this room, then how could that be possible? See, look how much blood he lost. How could he be okay even after that?"

"Good Srt…" the doctor approached Xiao Yun, and looked all over his body "If he was hurt, the wound was supposed to be here…" he took his hand to Xiao Yun's belly "But how do you you can see, there's nothing but blood."

"But how…" she muttered.

"Well, that I can't say anymore. After all, even using a pill, it would take a few hours for the wound to heal this way. But of course, that would depend a lot on the level of the pill in question."

"But I don't…" Sophia looked at Noah "Did you give him a pill?"

"Huh? And what's the problem exactly?" asked Noah, confused.

"Problem? It's not a problem. I just wanted to understand, how he had recovered so quickly."

Noah took the clothes from Sophia's hands. "It was just a pill. And nothing else." he walked up to Xiao Yun, and held out his hands "Here, change clothes soon."

Xiao Yun took the clothes and stood there, looking at them.

"What's it? Aren't you going to change?"

"It's not that, it's... are you really going to stay here?"

"Oh, no… it's…" Embarrassed, Noah looked at everyone else inside the room. And seeing that they were already leaving, his embarrassment increased even more "So, I... I'll wait for you outside!" he closed the door.

Having no patient to take care of, the doctor said goodbye and left. The guards, Sophia thought for a moment, then decided to send them away. Because, since Xiao Yun was coming with us, she had no reason to leave those guards there.


Some minutes later.

Noah was already getting tired of waiting for Xiao Yun. But before he could do anything, like grab Sophia and leave, the door beside him began to slowly open.

"At last!" Noah exclaimed.

"Now what was I going to do? …Oh yes, you were going to take me to your father."

"Well… unfortunately I won't be able to take you to him…"

"What? It's because?"

"I was forbidden to leave the house, so…"

"But isn't he here?"

"No. It's been a couple of days now, since he's been in the house of the lord of the city. I think they have something to do with that incident a few days ago."

"But the person who was behind you is right by your side. So, at least for the time being, I'd say there's no harm in your leaving the house. At least, until they send more people after you."

"…Well, I can't go alone. But I think they have a way." she started walking alone.

"A way? That way?!"

"Just come soon!"


Like in other places in the house, this one also had some trees around. And seeing a girl walking out the door, that she was still a little way off, and while she was carrying a basket of vegetables. Noah sighed and said, "That's great! Will you take a cook with you?"

"It's not like I like this idea either. But I think this way, my father won't fight me if I leave. And cook? I never said I was a cook."

"Who are you taking then?"

"I'll take the…" Sophia saw Guang Ai coming out the kitchen door "To her there. There!" she called her and then approached with Noah and Xiao Yun "Can I ask you a favor?"

'What the hell. Him again?…' Ai took a calming breath, then replied "Um…please?"

"I want you to go, to the town leader's house with me."

"Me? …But why don't you go with them?"

"You know my father forbade me to leave..."

"Then why…"

"Because I think, if I'm with you, he won't fight that I'm gone. He'll probably think I'm safer."

'Safe? With me? Look at these two monsters that are after you. What would you need me for, to be safe?!" Ai sighed "I don't know if…"

"Can you get away with it? There's an annoying person who is probably waiting for me." said Noah, scratching his head.

"Hey! That's not how you ask others for a favor." Sophia muttered.

"Okay, but she clearly doesn't want to go. So why don't you…"

"I will…"

Smiling, Sophia asked "Really?"

"Of course! Going there will be quick anyway."

'And I need to stop showing so much fear. Also because this guy really doesn't seem to remember me…'

After Guang Ai agreed to go along, they all went together. But halfway there, Noah looked away, "...Wait a minute."

"What will you do?" Sophia asked.

And as he walked into the barracks, Noah replied, "It'll be quick, so wait a second..."

He opened the bedroom door "Or! Hurry up, we'll leave."

Getting up from the bed, Ting asked "Leave? Out where?"

As he walked back down the hall, Noah exclaimed "Never mind, just come soon!"

"What?!" he closed the door "Hey! Wait for me!"

Walking out the door of the stretch, Noah said "Shall we?"

"But what were you…"

"Wait for me!" Ting yelled as he passed the door running. She approached Noah, while keeping some distance between the two, "Whew! I thought you were already gone."

All three were surprised by that girl. 'Who is she? is what they were all thinking. But the only one who said anything was Sophia, when she smiled and asked "I'm sorry but… who are you?"


Hearing this question, Ting found himself at an impasse What if I say my name, and one of them, or someone close to me, knows me? What if they know I'm being wanted? Well…'

With a smile on her face, she hugged Noah's arm and said, "I'm his fiancée."

"What?!" exclaimed Sophia and Ai together, being surprised by what they heard.