
i am Rae

Regular_Bibishh · LGBT+
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10 Chs


Rae pov

what happened sweetheart? I asked the lil girl I was put in charge "Rae I can't sleep" she says looking at me "but why is that what happened ? did someone bother you?" I asked in all concern because she is not the type to not be able to sleep so it's strange and its about 2am. she did say anything she just stared at her bracelet "ok you know what let's go to your dorm I'll sleep with you. ok" I said raising her head to look at me "yes" is all she said I wondered what had happened to her she is only 13 what could bother her from sleeping? but I wasn't going to question her about it this night let me help her get home sleep and I'll ask her tomorrow.

we got to her dorm she lead me to her bed I laid and she laid beside me I scooped her and with my other hand I was making circles on her head "thanks you Rae" she said pressing her body against me "don't mention love just get some sleep ok" I said holding her tight "love you Rae" she said then when quite I has been long anyone told me that I didn't even know how to reply but I didn't want just be silent "love you baby" I said then wondering that was one of the rare times I said the word love to someone but this lil girl is so sweet I decided to close my eyes and get some sleep my self when I saw that she had fallen asleep already.

the next morning I woke up before her or by the way her name is Nally. I when straight to the bathroom and had my bath then headed back to my dorm but I found that Luci had left already ooo well I hope she had a goodnight sleep I just got ready for class I was pretty early today so when I was done I went to check in Nally I meet her putting her uniform on when she was done she hugged me real tight I hugged her back of course. I know Nally is a sweet child but what was all this sudden affection she was showing me I mean it was too much "how are you this morning" I asked her "am ok thank you for cuddling me last night" she said grabbing me in another hug " are you alright what happened to you last night" I asked trying to understand what was going on with her she picked up her backpack " let's get going I'll tell you on our way to my class" she said like in an order ooo wow now am going to her class lmao what's happening "ok ma'am" is all I said then chuckled.

"Soo what happened?" I asked again when we were at the hallway

"hmmmm Rae please don't hate me" she said staring at her feet " no matter what I won't hate you love just tell me" I said holding her hand to assure her I was serious

"ok... I...I don't know how to say this" she said looking away " it's ok if your not read yeti understand you could tell me when you feel alright ok" said turning her back to me " no I have to tell you now"  she said I just remained silent leaving her to think on whether she wanted to say it or not

"Rae" she called my name "yes Nally you know you can tell me anything right" I said with a concern look " Rae I kinda like girls...I mean there is this girl I really like" she said playing with her fingers " ooo I am surprised but it ok am proud of you and glad you told me" I said hugging her " so who is this lucky girl who caught your heart?" I asked teasing her " turns out you know her" she said "really then who is it then have you spoken to her already?" I was excited to know " actually not totally I haven't told her I like her yet " she said " what are you waiting for then your so cute I don't think there is anyone who wouldn't want to be with you" I said hyping her up

"hmmm Rae actually.... you think so " she asked " yes of course am so sure" I said hugging her after the brief hug I felt like there is something she wanted to add " what is the matter again?" I asked with concern " I..... like you Rae" she said "what!!!!!!" is the first word that came to ma lips and mind...

thanks for reading ❤️?