
I am Over Powered in Douluo Dalu [Haitus]

Undefined Haitus. Join Zeng Xin in his adventure with his op powers in Douluo Dalu world. Based on DD1 plot ……………...................... Check out my other Fan Fic as well

wheretonow · Anime & Comics
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99 Chs

Chapter 49: You shouldn't insult my mom.

A horn handled dagger thrust out in a tricky angle, straight at Zeng Xin's heart. This person was clearly very experienced, and he aimed the dagger just where it could pierce the cracks between Zeng Xin's ribs.

His left hand stretching out like lightning, catching the dagger with a keng sound. The dagger-wielding big man only felt as if his dagger was stuck in solid rock, unable to advance, unable to withdraw.

Zeng Xin took a step with his right foot, his gaze already cold, his mouth still flooded with that taste of blood, an ice-cold chill emanated from his eyes.

Peng—— Zeng Xi's shoulder struck the big man's chest, and a layer of white light abruptly emanated from Zeng Xin's body. That wasn't to attack but to shield him from the blood spraying from the big man's mouth.

That tall and sturdy man was directly sent flying from the strike, his entire chest caving in, the sounds of bones snapping spreading throughout every corner of the tavern, making people's teeth ache

Zeng Xin had moved, his movement is concise and forceful.

By now he already clearly saw that there were twenty-three people in the tavern beside him and the waiter. He had killed one, twenty two remained.

Among those twenty-two people, five swiftly released their spirits, the remaining seventeen without the slightest hesitation pulling out their weapons. Unexpectedly, none ran away.

"This is a test, a test for us from Slaughter City. Kill him, and we'll be able to enter Slaughter City."

Nobody knew who shouted, but everyone's eyes turned red, charging at Zeng Xin as if crazy.

Twenty-two people, only five were Spirit Masters, and the strongest one had no more than four spirit rings.

Zeng Xin was in full concentration and threw glass shrapnels with full force. Everything seemed to stop. Even that Spirit Ancestor couldn't escape the fate of being skewered. Not a single body could obstruct those shrapnels. One after another, the corpses were pushed up. They were completely skewered, the breath of life swiftly passing.

"You shouldn't insult my mom."

Putong, putong, putong... Corpse after corpse fell to the ground, blood dying the floor of the tavern red. But right now Zeng Xin's expression was very calm.

The waiter in the tavern didn't lose his head because of a couple of dozen people getting killed. He was as calm as Zeng Xin, apparently long since used to the sight.

"I want to enter the Slaughter City," said Zeng Xin in his calm voice.

"Want to enter Slaughter City by killing a few people? You are still not qualified."

The waiter coldly said,

"Can't even take a cup of Bloody Mary, how could he enter? Eh..."

Ceng—— His dagger shot out of his chest. Zeng Xing didn't turn around to look, only calmly said:

"Am I qualified now?"

The waiter clearly couldn't answer. He had never expected Zeng Xin to actually act against him too, and his eyes gradually grew larger. The dagger vanished and the corpse was flung aside. Blood pooled, mixing with that of the previous corpses.

Zeng Xin stood and walked over to the tavern counter with large strides, not caring about the two additional stunned waiters behind it. Raising his hand, one palm heavily swatted the counter.

With a loud explosion, the counter turned into splinters flying in all directions, revealing the ground.

The two waiters looked on stupidly.

"The entrance to Slaughter City should be here."

He gave simple punched the ground.

There was a space beneath this counter. It was definitely impossible for this little town to be Slaughter City. An entrance was the most rational explanation. He wouldn't go look for some mechanism. In a different place, he'd need to use a different method.

With a loud explosion, an enormous hole was revealed in the ground. A gloomy and cold wind brushed out of the cave. Zeng Xin turned his head to look to where he sat before. Without hesitation, he leapt down, directly into the pitch dark ground. His body was instantly swallowed up by the darkness, without a trace.

Entering the darkness, Zeng Xin only fell several meters before he had his feet firmly planted on the ground. He didn't need any light, he could clearly see everything in the darkness.

This was a large tunnel, sloping downwards. A gloomy and cold air constantly caressed him, but he still advanced with large strides.

When Zeng Xin had walked one thousand four hundred sixty-two steps, an ice-cold voice suddenly came from all around,

"Welcome to Slaughter City. This is the capital of Hell, a world brimming with slaughter. Here, you can obtain everything you want, at the price of your life."

He released his spiritual force, but Zeng Xin immediately sensed that the material of this passage was extremely unusual, his spiritual force unexpectedly unable to penetrate it. Face-changing slightly, Zeng Xin's expression became a bit frozen, but his pace didn't slow. Zeng Xin seemed to advance boldly, but he never lacked caution.

Turning a corner, a vague light came from up ahead. That was an open door. On the other side of the door, were signs of life.

Advancing with big strides, Zeng Xin vaguely heard the noise. As he walked out of the passage, in front of him appeared one hundred and one men.

Completely covered in black armour, even their faces are hidden behind helmets. One hundred of them carried heavy swords, and only one sat on a tall warhorse, his horse also covered with thick black armour.

"You've broken the rules."

The deep voice sounded extremely cold, as if not from a human mouth. The speaker was the mounted black-armoured knight.

Zeng Xin didn't look at him but rather shifted his gaze behind him. What he saw was a black city. The solid black walls were extremely thick, which was unexpectedly truly a city. And in the air of the city, a purple moon was unexpectedly suspended. The moon hung very low, seemingly only five hundred meters distance from the ground. Looking further up, everything was black, as if a night sky.