

It's a story about a girl who lost her lover and she meet a guy who love her but she is afraid to fall in love again..

sacret · Fantasy
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21 Chs


Next day, Ryan wake up in his bed with hangover and he can't remember about yesterday night. He came out of the room and saw Gua making breakfast for them. She saw his and call him for breakfast. She gave him a coffee first. He sat down and she say how are you? Ryan just say I have a bad headache and can't remember what happened yesterday. I nod my head and say let's eat first. We eat the breakfast and then we went to our room to get ready for our classes. I came out and then Ryan also came out. We were coming to university and we both weren't talking about each other. Ryan turn to look at Gia and he thought something had happened yesterday but Gia isn't saying anything. They arrived at the university and was walking to their classes and Ryan say Gia, did I do anything wrong yesterday? I look at him with surprised face and ask why you ask. He say you aren't saying anything so I thought I did something. I say you don't do anything so don't worry. He nod his head and say if you say then. Then they both went to their classes and after class Winnie and I was eating lunch at canteen. She suddenly asked why did you marry Ryan? I look down and say why? She say I just want to know. I say you know he is a good person. She stared at her and say what about Ken? I say let's eat first. She say I am just worried about you and I can't figure out what you are thinking. I smile and say why you still like Ryan? She get annoyed and say what? I say you used to like Ryan. She glared her and say I used to but not anymore. I nod my head and say ohhh. She ask you had almost 2 year relation with Ken and you just left him. I put down the spoon and say I feel sorry for that to Ken but I realize as something. Winnie get curious and ask what? I continue When I had accident Ryan don't leave my side for a second and when I go to his room, his room was filled with the things I like, as if his world revolve around me and he had told me before that he like me but I just ignored him, now when I don't have anyone by my side he is still there for me, I just can't ignore that and when he ask me to marry him, I just say yes. Winnie smile and say I kinda knew that Ryan might have liked you. I take the bag and say I will go to library and I walk away from there. When I was looking for a book there, I met Ken. He saw a ring on her finger and say congrats. I just nod my head and say thank you. Then he just walk away from there. Ryan was seeing them from other corner of library.