

It's a story about a girl who lost her lover and she meet a guy who love her but she is afraid to fall in love again..

sacret · Fantasy
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21 Chs


Gia was still unconscious and it had been a week since the accident and Ryan was staying with her all these whole time. Then he was just looking at her and he think when she gonna come to her consciousness as it had been a week and she hadn't opened her eyes once. He touch her hand but it was covered in bandages but he feel her hand moving and he try to call her and Gia slowly open her eyes. I slowly open my eyes and feel pain all over my body and saw Ryan calling me. I try to get up but I can't do it and Ryan went to her and say stay in bed. I look at him and I remember I was with my parents last time. I ask him where my parents are. He lift my bed little and say calm down first. I can feel he was hiding something and I ask Ryan, tell me where are my parents. He look at me and say you had a car accident and you get injured really bad and your parents were hurt even more. I was trying to hold my tears and I say then are they in other room. He look down and say both your parents aren't there cause they couldn't survive that accident. I couldn't believe and my tears keep coming out and Ryan saw her crying and he try to calm her down and he was feeling bad for her and I stop crying and say please take me to my parents. Ryan nod his head and he put her in the wheelchair and take her to show her parents in mortgage. I was just kept crying all those time and Ryan was just trying to calm her down. It had been a week and I came back home from hospital. Ryan was with me all these time and I enter inside the house and it feel empty. I cry and say it don't feel like my house. Ryan put his hand on her shoulder and say if you want then you can stay at my house. I shake my head and say I am OK. He can feel that she would lonely alone here. He ask if you want then you can stay at my apartment. I look at him and I know if I stay alone here in my house all I was going to feel was emptiness and I nod my head. Ryan smile and say then let's go.