
I am now a dragon

Miki407 · Fantasy
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3 Chs


I gasped for air. As my lungs filled with fresh air I took in the sight in front of me. It was breathtaking. A small water stream moving throughout the center of a very large cave. The water seemed to glow with a faint blue color. The roof and floor were covered in stalactites and stalagmites. But it seemed like the larger ones were broken by something. I was curious as to what I was stuck inside of. I turned around looking for answers and there I saw it. "An egg!" I yelled, but to my surprise it was not a human voice that I heard but instead some kind of highish pitch growl. My confusion at that revelation was short lived. A strong feeling of hunger took over me. My body was moving on its own, quickly approaching the egg. And as soon as I got close to it something deep down told me to eat it. I didn't have much of an option but to compile. This hunger seemed to have no limits. I didn't even notice when it happened but the egg was gone and with it my hunger disappeared as well.

It was quiet except for the ambient noise of moving water. I was curious about the glowing water. It seemed unnatural. Perhaps it was some kind of bioluminescent algae or bacteria. I tried walking to the water but something felt weird. The feeling of unfamiliarity took me over. As I walked I couldn't help but take a look at myself. "What is this?" a scream almost escaped my mouth. My body was covered in dark scales. After the momentary shock I continued the inspection of my body. I had sharp claws and what appeared to be wings. I had my doubts as to whether they are big enough for flight. I felt the inside of my mouth with my tongue and noticed sharp teeth. As I became more conscious of my movement I started to have a hard time walking. "It should get used to this body" I thought as I awkwardly walked without any particular destination.

"Where does this feeling of unfamiliarity come from?" I wondered. I decided to rest for a moment and try to recall my memories. I layed down and concentrated. I could recall a lot of information about a world, but something told me that it was a different world than the one I am currently in. Looking through my memories I remembered dragons, fictional beasts with many different depictions. A question came to my mind. "Am I a dragon?". That was my best guess. "What was I before?" I thought. Despite my efforts, every time I tried to recall anything about myself I came up short. It was as if I never existed. As I continued trying I got a mild headache. My memories always felt like I was only an observer, looking for a far.

As I was laying down I felt my eyes slowly closing as I drifted into sleep.

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