
I will not leave you

“I will wait till my wife forgives me, then I will treat you much better, just like a Queen, I will never hurt you and I will try my best to heal the wound that I have caused you but remember this Anna, I will never give up on you, I will to get you back no matter what” said Adam sincerely.

Anna was stunned but then she get to remember something and asked to Adam “wait a min, how did you get inside my room?”.

“Oh that! I came through the balcony” said Adam with a smile.

Anna was stunned, then she told in shock “but its 30th floor” said Anna, she cant believe that he came through balcony.

Adam nodded his head with a smile on his face, Anna ran out and saw dowm, it was so deep, then she looked at Adam, who was so near her, Anna was shocked and shoted “are you mad or something. How did you get here? No one can come here, this is so high, tell me the truth”.