
I am not your hero.

DaoistITbZ9W · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Dad pulls up to the curb, just outside of the school. He would drop me of at the schools front door if I had not begged him to let me, do me. That was last year. Now, he actually drives away after I enter the school grounds. Wow. I feel in powered, confident, strong and suddenly lonely? He has always been there until the bell rings, what changed? I started to look around, without making it obvious that I was scanning my invironment. Shit! He is there. Big and bright as if he's a bloody lighthouse. Trevor. What the hell!?

Now I know why dad left. My 'bodyguard' was here at school. SHIT! What does this mean? I move inside to the locker that I had last year and before that to open it up, to place my backpack in. Jip, still mine. It is weird, but at this school, you keep your locker and code from the moment you get your locker and class info, till the day you graduate. This is my last year in high school. We have extra classes that other schools don't have, but only a selected group of students are allowed to be in that classes. The most popular and jock's are in them. Sometimes you get the odd one there to. They have no free periods, like the rest of us. But sometimes they can come in late and of course they don't get in trouble. The first bell rings and we all go to the mandatory gathering at the football field. Our school is not that big, over a thousand strong, but we all fit in at the bleachers.

The headmaster, Mister Higgins and the staff come to the field last. He does his greeting and his inspiring opening. I love him. He keeps it short and sweet, because he knows how long it takes to get all the kids sorted by homeroom. Just like kindergarten. Hey, don't mock it. Here is works. No one ever gets lost after every one moves to their homeroom. Fifteen minutes later and it is our turn. Mrs.Cloete has her clipboard in hand and starts. "When I call out your name, please take you leave to you designated homeroom. Abbott, Leland..... To Mrs.Peters"

And on and on we go. Suddenly I realize that my name was not called, that I am in fact not in one of the first two classes. Please let it be in this one. Please let it be....

"and last. Walters, Gordon. You are with me. The rest of you, please wait for Mr. Trevor."

And with that my world crashed around me. The popular and jock's. And some of the odd balls. I was one of the odd balls. We are together in the special extra classes. With him. Trevor. Grrr! School sucks!

I have a quick tally and see that not all the jock's, cheerleaders and popular kids are in this class. We make a total of twenty five, with me. Suddenly a new student comes to Trevor with a note in her hand. He takes it, reads it and smiles. Yes, you heard me. He smiled! That is something that I have never seen before. I am so shocked that I was not aware that the new girl came and sat down next to me.

She started talking, but all I heard was static.

"He smiled?" I whisper under my breath. The sudden loud laughter right next to me was a little bit of a surprise and shock for me. Who was this stranger that almost sat on the pleat of my skirt?

"Miss Lawson, mind telling the class, what was so funny?" Trevor asked.

"Not at all, sir. It is just that I almost sat on this poor lady's lap and it seems that I am not her tipe. No sparks you see..." she trails of and the next moment she pokes my face. What the hell? She looks at me and winks.