
Weak Girl

Hey my name is shin hye in and me and my family live in Seoul south Korea I am a 2year high school student I attended inchwa high school

It's 6am I wake up going to school I have younger brother and sister My brother shin hye Jin in first year of high school and my sister shin gueom mi still in elementary school and my dad and Mum

As I come in school I enter in class and went to my seat but I found it was written with curse words like Hell(지옥) bitch(암캐) fuck you (젠장) and there were papers of my note book I went over to the bin to throw the paper and found my diary torn into pieces I bent down to pick it but the bully girl Kim chaeyoung Came over and put my head in the bin I screamed trying to push her but her other friends park rae soo and choi mina came and prevented me from getting up

Chaeyoung took pictures of me and send it to the class group chat the teacher came in class and everyone went to there seats I stood up and I went to my seat

At lunch time I was eating peacefully until chaeyoung and her gang came and took a bottle of water and poured it to my food they forced me to eat it my brother saw and try to help me but him to was bullied the bell rang and everyone went to class my brother went to clean up and went back to class I got up and went to the school roof top I thought of all the things they did to me bullied me since junior high but I tolerated and now am fead up I took small steps near the edge and jumped as people were In class they saw someone fall people came and looked at me my brother came and hold me as I close my eyes I went into a coma while I was in battle with my health this is what was happening in my family's life

"Hye Jin is coming home today baby" mom said as she talks to guoemi

My brother went and became an idol in a group called MIRROR it's a group known in Korea but not International it consist of 7 members And each are very good looking boys.their oldest baek jun is 29 years and my brother the youngest is 20 Years