
I am not a Fantasy Hero

I was summoned against my will along with all my classmates, they all wish to have adventures in the other world but my wish is just to go back home. Why is it so hard to accept that I am different from all of them? Why not just return me to my world? Why do they have to make things so difficult? Join Julio on his adventure in a new world after being summoned against his will and then discarded because of his difference of opinion.

Anon20K · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 10: Those heroes

Now with the sword covered with poison Julio had a little confidence, in his mind he knew he had only one chance, he could not cut the skin and introduce the poison, so he could only do it in one place, he had to bury it inside the large jaw of the worm.

He closed his eyes waiting for the right moment, the worm would come for him, it was a fact. The tremors happening under his feet were evidence, it is getting closer and closer, Julio felt it, he opened his eyes when he felt the last tremor.

"Come!" he exclaimed loudly at the same time that teeth emerged from the ground, he gave a blow to the ground to propel himself and take a little distance, but only the necessary considering his objective.

Julio moved his sword just enough to bury it in the gum of the worm, the whole sword was stuck in the gum with all the poison it carried.

"KRIIIIIIII!" roared the worm rocking back and forth, Julio was finally hit and sent away as the worm continued to writhe in pain, soon the second head was out of the sand, but there was foam inside its snout.

He looked around, he had to do something right now before it was too late, it was time to finish off the worm. He ran towards the corpses, he needed another sword no matter its state and so it was, from the pile he took out a white colored sword that he brandished once again, this time he ran towards the second head, it had foam everywhere and seemed more disoriented, it was the easiest target to eliminate.

He took a great leap looking for momentum to perform a stab with more force "Die!" he exclaimed angrily thrusting the entire sword into the skin of the worm, he squeezed every last drop of his strength to pull it out, he performed more cuts all over the snout "die, die, die once and for all!"

When he finished his flurry of blows with the sword, the sand worm did not move, finally the monster's life was over.

[You completed the mission]

[You killed the sand worm (lvl 80)].

In a mountain far away from the desert where Julio was enjoying his battle, similar events were happening, but with quite a few differences.

The heroes the group of young students who were summoned from the earth to defeat the demon king were now in the largest forest of the kingdom, on a mountain in that place facing a group of forest trolls.

Sara had a full body armor, a gleaming long sword and a shield so big that it covered her body completely, thanks to her high stats it was no problem for her to carry such a shield.

"Prepare the attack to eliminate all threats" ordered Sara as she kept the group of trolls at bay using her large shield, next to her there were other students with similar classes.

"You don't have to ask twice, president" Luke took his large battle axe, he put it on his back as he stood up slightly always keeping his focus on his prey like some kind of hunting dog "very well, let's go for the next level" he muttered to himself as he licked his lips.

"I will take the left flank, Luke take all those on the right, the rest attack from the center to erase the coordination of the monsters, Brad you can eliminate anyone who tries to flee" Henry instructed everyone present.

As a weapons master, Henry had the ability to control any type of weaponry as if he had used it for a lifetime, so now he kept several light weapons in his clothes and a long sword in his hand for melee battles.

Luke was still in his position, but now he had his teeth clenched in rage "You are not my boss Henry, I am free to choose how I should attack" Like a spear, Luke's body took off from the ground, his speed was something admirable for everyone, but for the trolls this is completely different from what they expected, before Luke arrived to end their lives they could see how the young man's eyes were impregnated with evil.

"You did it Henry, you finally reached level five!" Sara congratulated her classmate who was shrouded in golden light.

Henry looked at his hands and his surroundings "Reaching level five is different from the previous levels."

"That's due to the characteristic of your specific job, master-at-arms. The fact that you reached level five means that the first special ability is available" the knight in charge of the heroes, General Snyder looked at all the heroes "this I mention is for all of you who possess both normal and special classes, from the moment the goddess allowed you to enter the world then your classes were blessed, that which in this world we call mutated. You will all get special abilities."

"Special abilities" muttered Henry triggering his stats window.

[Name: Henry Wright]

[Title: Hero]

[Class: Weapons Master ]

[Condition: Exhausted ]

[Level: 5]

[Experience: 2/500]

[Vitality: 30/30]

[Mana: 30/30]

[Strength: 5]

[Intelligence: 5]

[Agility: 7]

[Stamina: 5]

[Charisma: 8]

[Points: 2]


[Weapon control (unique)]

[Total consumption (specify)]