
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 98

Central Tower of the Forest of Death.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura reached the endpoint of the exam smoothly.

Coincidentally, they encountered Team Rock Lee, who had already arrived.

"Oh! It's the one with thick eyebrows!"

"I didn't expect them to arrive so early here!"

Seeing Rock Lee's distinctive appearance, Naruto exclaimed.

Hearing Naruto's exclamation, Team Rock Lee turned to look.

"It's you!!!"

Rock Lee was also surprised, then quickly turned and shouted to Neji and Tenten.

"I told you, it's him, the monster who defeated Kakashi-sensei!"

"I remember Sakura calling him by the name Kaze!"

"Kaze!!!" Neji and Tenten immediately looked over.

They wanted to see what kind of person could defeat Kakashi.

"It's him! That guy with the arrogant and cool yellow hair before the first exam!"

Seeing Naruto, Tenten recalled being stopped by two guys with genjutsu before the exam.

"But why does he look so weird, like he's changed?"

Naruto's exaggerated movements and lively personality made Tenten unable to connect him with the cool guy from that morning.

Neji also remembered this and furrowed his brows in confusion.

"If he's so powerful, why did they just arrive here this morning?"

"Even Hinata, that weak little miss, got here before them."

They were the first to arrive yesterday.

But Hinata and her team arrived second, surprising Neji.

"I'm not Kaze; I'm Naruto!"

Hearing Team Rock Lee calling him Kaze, Naruto loudly refuted.

"And you with the thick eyebrows, I won't let Sakura be taken by you!"

Sakura: "???"

Before Sakura could speak, Rock Lee instantly appeared in front of Naruto.

Staring at Naruto with eyes burning like flames.

"I'm not called thick eyebrows; I'm Rock Lee!"

"And I will train hard to defeat you and then start dating Sakura!"

Sizzle, sizzle~

The eye contact between them seemed to spark burning lightning.

This left Sakura, who was speechless on the side, with veins popping on her forehead!

Then, surpassing her usual speed, she quickly gave Naruto and Rock Lee a punch each.

Bang! Bang!

"You two idiots, stop talking nonsense!"

"Whether I like someone or not is my business, not something you can decide!"

Originally, Sakura wanted to say she didn't like either of them and wouldn't date either.

But seeing Naruto's side profile, she inexplicably changed what she was about to say.

Considering Sasuke's attitude towards her in the previous exams.

Maybe, just maybe, she had a slight chance with Sasuke!

But if not, she could reluctantly agree to Naruto and then convince him to switch to Kaze!

Thinking this, Sakura couldn't help but show a shy and silly smile.

"Boring." Watching Sasuke, who was about to leave the scene, just wanted to leave the crowd.

Suddenly, his brows furrowed, pushing Naruto away.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Sand bullets formed from several grains hit the spot where Naruto was standing.

Seeing Sasuke push him, Naruto thought Sasuke wanted to fight again.

Just as he was about to roll up his sleeves to fight, Sasuke said disdainfully.

"Idiot, look at where you were standing just now."

"Where I was standing?" Turning his head, Naruto saw several sand bullets on the ground.

Suddenly, his face turned black, and he angrily looked behind.

He immediately saw Gaara and his two companions walking towards them.

"It's actually you, the guy with dark circles trying to ambush me!!!"

"Darn it, wasn't getting beaten by me yesterday enough?!"

Although those sand bullets seemed weak, they couldn't even break the ground. But Naruto was a skilled ninja now!

Skilled ninjas needed to save face!

Gaara, emanating a strong scent of blood from his body, didn't give Naruto a friendly expression.

He just gave him a cold look and said indifferently, "If it was an ambush, you would already be dead."

"And, you're in the way, move aside."

After being injured by Naruto yesterday, Gaara unleashed a massacre in the Death Forest. At least four squads, twelve people, died by his hands.

Hence, the scent of blood on him was quite intense.

"Hey, you ambush me and still act righteous!"

"I won't move, if you can, step over me!"

Seeing Gaara being so unfriendly, Naruto was very angry.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Seeing Naruto not yielding, the word "love" on Gaara's forehead had veins popping up. At the same time, strands of sand slowly circled around Gaara.

Seeing the tense atmosphere, Temari, who was behind, intervened in the next second.

"Just greeting each other, don't be mad!"

"Look at those sand bullets, they crumbled halfway, they're not even aggressive!"

Kankuro also whispered to Gaara, "Gaara, endure a bit more; it won't be long before you can fully release it."

Seemingly because Kankuro and Temari healed Gaara's injuries and even grilled fish for him last night, Gaara's expression calmed down, and the sand automatically returned to the gourd on his back.

"For the upcoming exams, you better hope you or your companions don't encounter me."

"Otherwise, I will use sand to crush your bones, bit by bit!"

After saying that, Gaara no longer insisted on Naruto making way, directly using Sand Body Flicker to pass by Naruto and head towards the tower.

"Excuse me, coming through."

Knowing the terrifying strength of Naruto, Temari and Kankuro politely passed through the crowd.

They quickly caught up with Gaara in front.

After Gaara and his team left, Sakura on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, with a frightened and innocent look on her face, she held her head and shouted in distress.

"Ah, why does he want to crush my bones when it's Naruto who caused the trouble!"

Taking advantage of the situation, Naruto approached and patted his chest.

"Don't worry, Sakura. I'll defeat him if he tries to harm you!"

Hearing this, Sakura looked frustrated. "Your effort won't do any good!"

On the side, Rock Lee, watching Gaara walking away, suddenly turned to Neji.

"He gives me a very bad feeling."

Neji also frowned and nodded, "Very dangerous, engaging with him might lead to death."

Seeing Rock Lee and Neji looking serious, Tenten curiously asked Naruto in front of her.

"How did you provoke such a terrifying guy?"

"Why does he look like he wants to kill you guys?"

Naruto proudly lifted his head, his face full of pride.

"If you're talking about this, I won't be sleepy anymore!"

"In short, I beat him up fiercely to save someone!"


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