
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 95

"If the Shimura clan is like this, Sarutobi's clan must be even wealthier!"

Kushina, who was on the side, muttered angrily.

"And what about protecting Konoha and the Root? I think they are like leeches and leeches sucking the blood out of Konoha!"

"No, that's an understatement!"

"They even want to swallow the property of heroes. It's absolutely disgusting, like a tumor and a pus-filled sore!"

"You're right, you're right," Kurama on the side nodded in agreement.

"They should all be killed, not a single one spared!"

Listening to the calls for violence from both the fox and Hidan, Minato redirected his gaze.

"We're not here for revenge and killing. It's best not to attract too much attention."

With that, he pointed to the area behind the mansion.

"Not here, the shrine mentioned by Kaze should be further back."

"Not killing?" Hidan scratched his head in confusion.

"Why did you bring me here if you don't want to kill? You're not asking me to go night running with you, are you?"

Minato sighed in exasperation. From the start, all Hidan seemed to hear was the word "kill."

"Hidan, let me reiterate tonight's objective."

"Plunder and destroy the two Root bases spoken of by your so-called evil deity."

"I'll be responsible for blood extraction, and you're in charge of using your cursed ritual to kill with one strike. Kushina and Kurama will block the exits."

"We must make it quick and quiet, avoiding any large disturbances."

"Finally, take all the information and evidence from the base. Understand?"

Since Minato was currently only a chakra construct, similar to a shadow clone, his physical form was very fragile.

He planned to rely on the speed of Flying Raijin for blood extraction and avoid direct combat.

Besides, Kaze was linked to his chakra, so there was no concern about excessive Flying Raijin usage.

If needed, Kaze could replenish his pure Nine-Tails chakra.

"I understand." Hidan waved his scythe with an excited expression on his face.

"I promise that those whose blood you take will feel the blessing of the evil deity and experience ultimate pleasure!"

Minato sighed. It seemed that Hidan only focused on the blood extraction and killing.

"Haha, you're quite interesting, young man. I like you a lot!" Kurama patted Hidan's shoulder in approval, but Hidan shrank away in annoyance.

Meanwhile, Kushina wore a gentle smile and said, "Minato, you're so caring and gentle."

As soon as she mentioned "gentle," Kushina's expression changed dramatically, and her hair flew into the air.

"Do you think I would say that?"

"I'll tell you, if you keep repeating useless nonsense, I'll make sure you can't walk away from it!!"

Startled by Kushina's outburst, Minato instinctively cringed and quickly moved to the front.

"Follow me, this way!"

Beneath the Shimura clan's shrine, two Root shinobi patrolled in a dark corridor. Suddenly, a strange, runic kunai flew towards them from a distance.

Hearing the kunai's sound, the two shinobi didn't hesitate and immediately dodged. However, the kunai disappeared in the next moment, revealing Minato, dressed in his ceremonial robe.


The two Root shinobi were about to shout but found their voices sound like leaky bellows. They felt a slight pain in their throats. A warm, moist sensation flowed down their skin, blood from their slit throats.

"Eleventh and twelfth," Minato's voice sounded like a death god's whisper.

These Root shinobi, with mid-level ninja abilities, fell prey to Minato's deadly trap.

Even though Minato is not in his physical form right now, he can easily achieve a one-hit kill.

At the same moment Minato killed the two, deep within the base, a row of kunai flew through the air.

Swish, swish, swish!

Simultaneously, there was a shocked exclamation.

"The Fourth Hokage!?"

"This can't be!!!"

Upon hearing someone loudly call out his name, Minato, after dodging the kunai, sighed in resignation.

"They found me so quickly; they're really vigilant!"

Saying that, Minato looked in the direction of the voice.

"Shimura clan's high-ranking ninja?"

"I have a faint impression of you. We should have crossed paths over a decade ago."

"It seems there might be some surprises in this base!"

With those words, several kunai bearing the Flying Raijin seal were launched in different directions by Minato.

"Who are you?!"

The high-ranking Shimura ninja was both shocked and furious, roaring, "Everyone, attack! Anyone who dares to impersonate the Fourth Hokage shall be executed on the spot!"

Because of his interrogation jutsu, he didn't demand a live capture; as long as the head of the corpse remained intact, it would suffice.

"Is it an impersonation? You'll know soon enough."

In the time it took to speak, Minato's figure disappeared from where he was.

When he reappeared, he had replaced one of the kunai far ahead and was in front of the Shimura high-ranking ninja.

"Flying Thunder God!!!"

"No! This is impossible!!!"

This iconic ninja technique instantly shocked the Shimura high-ranking ninja. If he had any doubts before, the appearance of the Flying Thunder God had practically confirmed it.

"The Fourth Hokage is not dead!!!"

"Everyone, run and spread the news!!!"

Having narrowly avoided a strike aimed at his neck, but with his arm sliced, the Shimura high-ranking ninja shouted at the top of his voice.

Having experienced three battles, he knew very well the terror of Minato. He was the kind of person whom, if encountered on a mission, you could immediately give up and escape without facing any punishment!

Now, this man had come back to life and invaded the Root's base. He must have learned of the tragic fate of his descendants!

So, at any cost, he had to get this news out. Otherwise, the Root and even the Shimura clan would face an unprecedented disaster!

"You can't escape."

Minato, having failed to land a single blow, didn't attack again. Instead, he gently released the kunai covered in blood.

"But don't worry, it'll be over in an instant, and you won't suffer much."

His words sounded gentle but carried a spine-chilling coldness.

The Shimura high-ranking ninja was about to say something when he found Minato had disappeared from where he was. Meanwhile, he kept seeing flashing yellow lights in the distance, as well as fallen ninja!

This was the yellow flash that made enemies cower in fear on the battlefield!

"No, I need to run quickly, while he's busy killing the others!"

The Shimura high-ranking ninja didn't stay stunned for too long. A few seconds later, he snapped back to his senses and hastily made his escape.

But just as he raised his foot to flee, an intense pain pierced his chest. It felt like a steel needle had punctured his heart.

He reached out to touch his chest, and his hand came away wet and warm.


The Shimura high-ranking ninja's face held remnants of fear and disbelief as he fell heavily to the ground.


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