
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 94

Under the extensive use of shadow clones, two scrolls, one for Heaven and one for Earth, were quickly unearthed. 

Because Naruto drove off the enemies and saved the almost fatally injured Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji, they naturally didn't hesitate to take this additional Earth scroll.

They merely reclaimed the Heaven scroll Ino had initially taken out. 

As for Naruto, who acquired the Earth scroll, he now had both scrolls required for the second part of the exam. 

The next step was to reach the center of the Forest of Death to pass this second exam successfully.

After distributing the scrolls, the sky was getting dark. 

In order to help Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji, who had been injured twice in a row, Naruto and Sakura decided to rest with them for the night. 

Sasuke didn't object either; he no longer cared about his rank in the Chuunin Exams and kept glaring provocatively at Naruto, as if he was ready to challenge him at any moment.

As for Kiba, Hinata, and Shino, they had already gathered both Heaven and Earth scrolls, so they bid farewell and left. 

They didn't want to waste time and decided to head to the central tower of the forest during the night.

Not far away, behind a tree trunk, Kabuto, wearing black-framed glasses, withdrew his prying gaze. 

He gently adjusted his glasses on his nose, his brows furrowed with doubt.

"He actually held his own against Gaara in his half-tailed beast form. Naruto has truly mastered the power of the Nine-Tails!"

"It seems that the thousand snakes Orochimaru summoned in the afternoon were also involved in his battle."

"But what's going on with Sasuke? Why can he use the Tailed Beast's chakra too?"

"And the Tailed Beast chakra emanating from him, as well as the Heaven's Curse Seal successfully applied to his neck."

"Could it be that Orochimaru has made significant breakthroughs in his research on the Eight-Tails' chakra lately?"

"So he gave both the Eight-Tails' chakra and the Heaven's Curse Seal to Sasuke together?"

Kabuto wasn't entirely convinced by his own speculations.

After all, combining these two powers would make Sasuke incredibly formidable. 

Judging by Sasuke's aura and his disdain for Naruto, even with elite Jounin-level abilities, Kabuto wasn't sure if he could compete.

Shaking his head, Kabuto took out a pen and notebook and recorded all the information he had just observed.

When the afternoon exam started, he didn't enter from the same entrance as Naruto's group. 

Instead, to avoid suspicion, he chose a relatively distant entrance. 

After entering, he quickly separated from his teammates and began searching for the traces of Naruto and Sasuke.

Later, he was drawn to the appearance of the Thousand Snakes, rushing to the scene. 

Unfortunately, the battle had already ended when he arrived, and he only witnessed Sakura tending to her comrades. 

He didn't witness Sasuke's actions or the remains of Orochimaru's White Snake body.

However, Kabuto closely observed the battle between Naruto and Gaara, as well as the near confrontation between Naruto and Sasuke, from a distance.

"Who is that!?" Suddenly, he noticed a protruding figure from the ground and furrowed his brow. 

He raised his hand and shot a row of shurikens in that direction.

Swish! With the shurikens embedding into the ground, the raised earth returned to its normal state and revealed a plump figure on the other side.

"Medic-nin Kabuto, it's me, Jirobo."

Looking at Jirobo with purple rope tied around him, Kabuto released his furrowed brow and asked.

"What are you here for?"

"I remember that Lord Orochimaru instructed you all to stay in the base and only come out when the plan begins."

Jirobo nodded, "Of course, I'm aware of that."

"But now Lord Orochimaru has returned to the base and sent me to inform you."

"Originally, the plan was supposed to start only after the Daimyos arrived for observation, but now he wants you to go out with me."

"The plan is moving ahead of schedule?" Kabuto was somewhat surprised and puzzled, but he quickly realized the reason and asked, "Is it because of Naruto and Sasuke?"

"I don't know." Jirobo shook his head, showing some impatience. "I'm just here to deliver the message. If you have any questions, you can ask Lord Orochimaru."

Kabuto showed no reaction to Jirobo's disrespectful tone. Instead, he smiled and nodded, "You're right. Since the plan is advancing, there's no point in me continuing the exam."

With that, Kabuto took out the Heaven and Earth scrolls he had obtained and opened them, revealing the Spirit Transmission Jutsu with the word "Human" inscribed inside.

Bang! After a puff of summoning smoke, the voice of the proctor in the scrolls was heard, "Opening the scrolls mid-exam, you are disqualif... ugh!"

Swoosh! A blue Chakra-operated surgical blade created a splash of crimson. 

The proctor had an expression of disbelief, clutching his neck, and collapsed backward.

Kabuto, with a faint smile, reabsorbed the Chakra from his palm and then crouched down. He patted the proctor's corpse.

Dead Soul Technique!

The already cooling corpse's heart suddenly began to beat. Subsequently, like a living person, he stood up and walked to Kabuto's side.

This scene sent shivers down Jirobo's spine, but Kabuto seemed unfazed and said, "You should go back and report. I'll go out as if I've been eliminated."


That night, in front of the main residence of the Shimura clan:

"Hey, Blondie, Redhead, and that Black-Haired guy, is this the place where you said you can kill people?"

Gazing at the grand closed gates of the luxurious mansion, Hidan had been prohibited from killing for many days, and he was now holding his Scythe of the Crescent Moon with excitement.

But to avoid making any mistakes and incurring punishment, he turned his head to confirm with the three others.

"Black-Haired guy? I am Uchiha Madara!" The Nine-Tails scowled at Hidan.

He then turned back, crossed his arms, and arrogantly declared, "Don't ask me. I don't know. I'm just bored and came along to grab a bite!"

The Nine-Tails, who finally had a chance to enjoy human life, had been feasting in the Four Star Village's base all afternoon until evening.

If it weren't for seeing Minato, Kushina, and this guy Hidan sneaking out, it would have eaten until the next morning!

After all, apart from the Sage of the Six Paths, it hadn't had a Chakra link with anyone else before this. 

Now that it had finally made a Chakra connection, it had to satisfy its cravings!

"Is the Shimura clan really this rich?" Minato looked at the vast mansion and was a bit astonished. 

If it weren't for the sign saying "Shimura," he might have thought this was the Hyuga or Uchiha territory.


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