
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 88

Forest of Death!

Sitting on a stone, Kaze still had his eyes tightly closed, his consciousness immersed in the sealed space.

Next to him, Sasuke was also sitting with closed eyes, deep in thought.

As for the two teams receiving Sakura's treatment, they were all curiously observing Kaze.

Based on Ino's embellishment of Naruto's exploits, along with Sakura's additions, they now had a basic understanding of what kind of person Kaze was.

In summary, he was more powerful than the teachers, kind to his own, but extremely cruel and violent towards enemies!

It could be said that any ninja who provoked Naruto and caused Kaze to emerge, except for the legendary Sannin Jiraiya, ended up severely injured or dead!

The graves of others, including top-level shinobi like elite jonin, were probably three meters high by now!

"This is unbelievable, the once clumsy and tailing-behind Naruto turned out to have such a powerful alter ego!"

"It's really cool!"

Kiba's gaze towards Kaze was filled with sparkling stars.

"Is it always this extreme when having two personalities?"

Ino, looking a bit infatuated, stared at Kaze and Sasuke while drooling a bit, as she spoke.

"One is the not-so-good-looking, clumsy tailing-behind, and the other is the incredibly handsome genius!"

"The complete contrast between the two, ah! I'm going to die~"

After three months, Naruto, whose diet and nutrition had all caught up, no longer had that pale and feeble look.

Plus, with Kaze coming out and the change in his hairstyle and aura, it could be said that his appearance was on par with Minato.

It had gotten to the point where Hinata, with every glance, felt like she might explode, and getting too close might melt her.

While everyone was tirelessly discussing Kaze, in the low bushes in the distance,

The Sound Nin trio, who had received Orochimaru's order to kill Sasuke,

Looked like they were facing death, peeking at the crowd with eyes barely visible from the bushes.

"Do we really have to attack Sasuke?"

The black-haired female Sound Nin named Kin couldn't help but turn her head to ask her companions on both sides.

Her face carried a fearful expression, almost about to overflow.

"Hey, you all saw what just happened!"

"The blond one with that terrifying red chakra, he attacked so many people like a fierce beast!"

"And then there was green chakra bursting out, every strike carried a gust of wind, even creating a huge pit in the ground!"

"And the black-haired Sasuke, he was emitting golden-red chakra, moving so fast I couldn't even see his actions!"

"And even after taking a hit that shattered the ground, he didn't seem phased at all!"

Listening to Kin's trembling voice, the other two were equally gloomy and silent.

After a while,

A black hedgehog-headed, hands with holes resembling wind vents, a male Sound Nin named Sak quietly spoke up.

"This is a task given to us by Lord Orochimaru!"

"Even if it means death, we have to fulfill his request!"

"We've managed to survive this long and possess such great strength, all thanks to Lord Orochimaru!"

Sak's face was full of determination, ready to face death.

After all, if it wasn't for Orochimaru saving him, he would have been beaten to death when he was stealing food as a child!

"That's right, Sak!"

"Compared to Kin, who's a cowardly waste, I really do prefer you a bit more."

Wrapped in a thorny cloak, with bandages around his head, revealing one eye, Tosu slowly stood up and walked out of the bushes.

He bent forward, tilting his head to bring his lone eye close to Kin's, a cold murderous intent emanating.

"If you want to run, I wouldn't mind killing you right now."

"If you join us in ambushing and biding our time, there's still a chance to survive, and your family won't be implicated!"

His ominous words and gaze sent shivers down Kin's spine. She quickly spoke up to explain to the two,

"Don't look at me like that, Tosu, I'm not going to run!"

"Right, Sak, help me explain, please!"

"Hmph," Sak coldly snorted, about to say something when a voice behind him, devoid of emotion, interrupted,

"Sound ninja trash, you're in the way."

"Who is it?" The three of them, now aware of the situation, quickly jumped out of the bushes and turned to the source of the voice.

It was Gaara, holding a gourd on his back with his arms crossed, accompanied by Kankuro and Temari.

"So, it's those three Sand ninja!"

After recognizing the newcomers, the three of them breathed a sigh of relief. They had almost thought their eavesdropping had been discovered by Sasuke or Naruto from afar!

"We don't have time for you now. If you don't want to lose your lives, then get lost!" Sak waved his hand as if shooing away approaching dogs.

Upon hearing this, the "Love" mark on Gaara's forehead began to bulge, but his expression remained unchanged. He said, "Enough talk, let's fight. I'll give you a chance to attack."

Seeing Gaara getting angry and ready to fight, Kankuro quickly intervened,

"Gaara, we're just here to check on Orochimaru's situation. Let's not complicate things, especially when they're not real enemies. You don't need to waste your energy. Be fearless in battle."

"So what?" Gaara looked coldly at the Sound ninja trio. "Anyone who crosses my path will die!"

Gaara, who knew about the alliance, had initially intended to spare these three Sound ninja underlings. But he hadn't expected that they had no idea about his identity and dared to be disrespectful.

For these insignificant and annoying underlings, he'd rather have some peace and quiet, so he might as well dispose of them easily!

"Since you seek death, I will grant it to you!" The hot-tempered Sak couldn't hold back and took a step forward.

"Don't attack, I'll shatter them with my voice!" While speaking, Sak bent down and dove forward suddenly!

In the proximity, he raised his palms, revealing the sound holes on his hands!

A series of ear-piercing sounds and air pressure, swiftly gushed out from the hollows!

"Sound Slice!"


Seeing Gaara standing still as if in shock, Sak wore a triumphant smile.


Swish — Boom!

"What?!" Sak's smile froze in place.

Gaara, who remained motionless, was enveloped by a sturdy layer of sand all over his body!

His attack had only caused some sand to flutter in the air!

"How could this be?!"

"He effortlessly blocked my sound waves and air pressure attack, and it didn't affect him at all!"

Refusing to give in, Sak took consecutive steps, changing his direction and continually releasing ear-piercing sound waves and air pressure.

But every strike was blocked by the automatically generated sand!

"Is this your pressure and sound attack?" Gaara's face, hidden in the eggshell-like sand armor, only revealed a pair of murderous eyes in the darkness.

"Let me demonstrate to you the attacks born from pressure and the sounds of despair!"

"Sand Binding Coffin!"

"Sand Waterfall Funeral!"


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