
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 84


As they saw the change in Naruto from a beastly demeanor to an emotionless expression, and the horrifying crimson chakra disappeared from his body, Kiba and Shino rushed forward to support the slightly shaky Hinata.

In the background, Team 8, also arrived at the scene.

Seeing that Hinata was unharmed, they all breathed a sigh of relief and curiously observed Kaze.

"Is this Naruto's alternate personality?"

"It should be. His expression and aura are completely different from Naruto."

Suddenly, Ino seemed to have a realization.

"I remember now! The handsome Naruto from the first exam this morning was like this!"

"So that was his alternate personality. No wonder he was so different!"

In the distance, Yamato, accompanied by a group of Anbu, landed in front of Kaze.

"Lord Kaze, thankfully, you intervened to restrain Naruto's rampage, or we would have been in trouble."

"Just now, I had to intervene because I had no other choice. Please, Lord Kaze, forgive me."

Knowing Kaze's temperament well, Yamato quickly apologized with flattery.

He had thought his Wood Style could suppress the Nine-Tails just like Hashirama Senju's Wood Style, but Kaze had effortlessly waved him away.

His proud Wood Style was as fragile as paper, and so was his self-confidence.

Kaze merely gave him a cold look and said nothing. He only wanted to go to the seal space to meet Naruto and ask him about his recent actions.

On the other hand, the unaware Kiba, Hinata, and Shino were puzzled.

"Lord Kaze?"

"Uncle from the Anbu, you've got it wrong. He's Naruto!"

"Woof woof!" Akamaru, perched on Kiba's head, barked in agreement.

Ino also looked over with curiosity, her ears perked up as she waited for an explanation.

As for Hinata, seeing Naruto return to his normal self, she had reverted to her shy and nervous state. 

However, remembering her bold actions and the close proximity, her pale face, due to her injured shoulder, quickly turned red, and steam seemed to rise from her head.

If Kiba and Shino hadn't been supporting her arm, she might have had trouble standing.

"If you want to know, go ask your parents."

Everyone present was a young master or young lady from various ninja clans in the village.

Since Kaze had arrived, he didn't want to lie or explain further, so he ignored their questions.

Turning his attention back to Kaze, Yamato said, "Since you've resolved this matter, we won't disturb you any longer. The S-rank fugitive Orochimaru infiltrated the exams, and we need to capture him."

"No need. I already defeated him," Sasuke's voice suddenly rang out, and then his figure appeared beside Kaze.

"What? You defeated him?" The corners of Yamato's mouth twitched beneath his mask. This Uchiha brat was acting crazy. How could he say something so foolish?

Even someone as formidable as the head of the Anbu would avoid Orochimaru if they encountered him alone.

But this kid with such absurd thoughts?

However, this line of thought was soon refuted when Anko arrived.

"It's not that he was killed. He was seriously injured and fled."

"This is Orochimaru, the real body of the White Snake. Half of his body is left."

With a thud, half of the white snake body was thrown in front of Yamato, leaving him rather embarrassed.

But he double-checked and asked, "Is this really Orochimaru?"

"Over there are many Orochimaru's snake skins. You can check them. And..." Anko glanced at Sasuke as if trying to decide how to phrase her next words.

But before she could figure it out, Sasuke couldn't hold back any longer.

His face exuded confidence and arrogance as he looked up at Kaze and declared, "Even the Naruto from earlier has fallen behind me now. That's why I want to challenge you, Kaze!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a burst of golden-red chakra radiated from Sasuke. His overwhelming aura generated gusts of wind pressure, sweeping through the surroundings.

Dust and fallen leaves were blown outward in all directions.

Yes, Sasuke had done it again! He had locked onto the most powerful being he had feared for three months: Kaze.

"So, this is the Uchiha clan's power? What incredible chakra!" Anko shielded her eyes with her hand and finally understood why Sasuke could defeat Orochimaru.

On the other hand, Yamato was even more surprised. "Tailed Beast chakra?! How is that possible? Sasuke isn't a Jinchuriki!"

"And it's not just Tailed Beast chakra. He can perfectly control it!" Yamato was astonished.

Compared to the chakra from Naruto's earlier rampage, Sasuke's chakra was incredibly gentle.

"Are you challenging me?"

Kaze had originally intended to find a place to have a chat with Naruto. However, seeing Sasuke's arrogance, he suddenly became interested.

Sasuke had acquired great power, and challenging someone to a fight was something Kaze was familiar with.

"Don't worry; I'll be careful not to hurt you!" Sasuke spoke with a smug smile on his face. The two Tomoe Sharingan eyes in his eyes locked onto Kaze.

Behind him, the two golden-red chakra tails were slowly aligning themselves with Kaze, thanks to Sasuke's controlled manipulation.

Clearly, he had taken Kaze's earlier teaching about control to heart.

A snapping sound came from the joint of his thumb and index finger.

Kaze's face lit up with a brilliant smile, and he remained stationary, exuding an air of disdain.

"Interesting. Go ahead and make your move."

"Are you looking down on me? You're not even using the Nine-Tails' chakra. Do you think it's beneath you?" Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed,

and his sinister aura began to emanate.

"No need to complicate things; this will be a fight that ends with a single kick."

Kaze shook his head, and his look of contempt was undisguised.

Sasuke was genuinely enraged this time. His eyes were filled with a murderous intent.

"I've changed my mind."



Mid-sentence, Sasuke transformed into a blur!

The ground beneath his feet cracked and shattered layer by layer, and waves of air pressure radiated outwards!

The next moment, a voice echoed in Kaze's ears.

"Now I'm ready to beat you to the point of severe injury!"


Sasuke appeared next to Kaze, wrapping the golden-red chakra tails around his legs, forming a massive hammer. He then kicked fiercely at Kaze's side.

"So fast!" Anko and Yamato exclaimed in amazement.

Such speed was no less than elite Jonin-level movement. It was unbelievable to see this level of agility coming from a Genin.

Seeing Kaze's lack of reaction, Sasuke's smile grew more arrogant. He seemed to already envision the shattering of an unbeatable myth and his path to invincibility.

However, in the next moment...


"How is this possible!?"

Sasuke stared in disbelief as Kaze suddenly disappeared in front of him, and he felt an overwhelming force from his cheek that pushed him downward.

Sky-shattering impact thundered through the forest. The ground trembled, as if there had been a one-second earthquake.

Kaze, enveloped in green chakra steam, stood over Sasuke, who was now trapped in the collapsed earth.

Sasuke couldn't move.


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