
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 83 [Bonus!]

In the eastern part of the Forest of Death,

Boom, boom, boom!!!



"Run! That monster is coming!"

Three or four panicking Genin were fleeing for their lives towards the distance.

Behind them, on all fours, Naruto ran like a wild beast!

Because Naruto was usually switched out with Kaze, he hadn't experienced the Nine-Tails' chakra filled with hatred and desire for destruction.

At this moment, he was completely immersed in a state of slaughter and a desire for destruction!

He attacked anyone he came across without hesitation!

Many people were severely injured, and some were on the brink of death!

If it weren't for Naruto retaining a bit of his sanity and not being able to kill, these unfortunate individuals might have all been torn in half by his claws!

"What's happening!?"

"Why are they all running away?"

Kiba, looking curious, peered at the ninjas running in the distance.

"Don't bother looking. Let's evacuate as well. It must be something dangerous."

"Besides, we already have the Earth Scroll and gathered in the middle of the platform. It's better to avoid danger."

Kiba seemed completely unconcerned.

"Thinking of ending things as soon as they begin, without any intention of challenging the limits of survival!"

"And you, the bug user, are too gloomy. We should face difficulties head-on and go see what's going on!"

"Right, Akamaru?"

"Woof, woof!" Akamaru on Kiba's head enthusiastically nodded.

"But, but I also think Kiba is right."

Hinata timidly expressed her opinion.

"Alright, I know. You guys are really annoying!"

Seeing Hinata also object, Kiba could only nod in frustration.

"Well, maybe I'll take a look with the Byakugan. If it's not dangerous..."

Hearing Hinata's suggestion, Kiba's eyes lit up, and he quickly approached.

"Yeah, Hinata, please take a look. I'm really curious about what's chasing them!"

Hinata nodded and turned her gaze toward the back, her veins popping around her eyes.



Her vision quickly penetrated through layers of trees and foliage.

She soon spotted Naruto, a kilometer away, who had just swiped someone onto a tree trunk with his claws.

"Is that Naruto-kun!?"

"Naruto?" Kiba and Shino both had question marks on their faces, as if saying, "Are you kidding me?"

"Is that dangerous monster Naruto?"

Before Hinata could answer, Naruto, as if feeling their gaze, suddenly looked in their direction.

Crimson vertical pupils, pitch-black lips, and a fierce expression!

Then he pushed off with his limbs and rapidly sprinted toward them!

"This is not right, Naruto-kun is not acting right!"

Hinata's eyebrows furrowed tightly, and she spoke without the previous stutter, her face firm.

The next second, as if she had made up her mind after descending from the trees, her face became resolute.

"Wait here, I'm going to check!"

"What? Didn't you say not to go?" Kiba was a little puzzled.

But Hinata didn't listen and ran out directly.

"We'll follow." Shino also followed without hesitation.

"I can't do anything with you guys." Kiba shook his head, and then, his face filled with excitement, he followed as well.

Behind the rampaging Naruto,

Choji, Shikamaru, and Ino, who were all battered and bruised, followed Naruto from behind.

"What's wrong with Naruto? Why did he suddenly attack us?"

Choji's face was filled with worry and sadness.

It pained him to see his good friend trying to kill him!

Ino recalled Naruto's actions earlier and felt her heart race.

"It's like he doesn't recognize us at all."

She then, as if recalling something, continued.

"And where did Sasuke and Sakura go?"

"They weren't be killed by Naruto, were they?!"

"We'd be dead instead of just injured if he wanted to kill us."

Shikamaru remained calm and analyzed the situation.

"Perhaps there's a problem with the seal, or maybe it's the thing inside him."

"Right now, Naruto is dangerous, acting solely on instinct."

Having trained with Naruto for two months, they were well aware of the Nine-Tails' seal within Naruto, as well as the concept of an alternate personality, which Naruto had shared with them earlier.

Suddenly, Choji, who had been watching ahead, shouted, "Look up front!"

"It's Team 8's Hinata!"

"She's followed by Kiba and that bug guy!"

Shikamaru and Ino also looked ahead and indeed saw Hinata running straight toward Naruto.

"What's Hinata doing?"

Ino, not used to seeing Hinata so firm, was puzzled.

But she couldn't bear to see what might happen next, so she immediately yelled, "Get out of the way, Hinata!"

"Naruto doesn't have his senses right now; he can't recognize us!"


As if to confirm her words, Naruto roared and slashed a tree trunk along the way with his claws.

In the face of the terrifying sight of Naruto, Hinata's expression remained resolute.

"Gentle Naruto-kun is probably feeling sad and helpless right now, and he doesn't want to hurt anyone!"

"I must help him regain his clarity!"

Thinking this, Hinata jumped from the tree and met Naruto with open palms, taking a step forward and assuming the stance of Gentle Fist's Eight Trigrams.

"Hinata, you have to have confidence. You can do it!"

"Just like you practiced so hard, pinpoint the pressure points."



With each strand of hair floating in the air, a streak of blood flowed down Hinata's cheek.

"So fast! I can't keep up at all!"

Hinata, who was originally going to observe with her Byakugan before striking, realized that she could barely keep up with the movements; her body couldn't follow!

If it weren't for Naruto's fingernail shifting a few centimeters just now, she would have been beheaded!

Behind her, Kiba and Shino followed.

Seeing Naruto go berserk again, they anxiously shouted, "Hinata, get out of the way!"

This time, Naruto attacked again, but his target wasn't vital points; it was Hinata's left arm.

Hinata quickly turned around, her snow-white pupils filled with determination.

"During the attack, hit the pressure points!"


A sharp pain shot through her left arm, but Hinata didn't hesitate to strike at Naruto's joints.


The chakra inserted into the joint was blocked by Naruto's chakra cloak!

Seeing that she was being counterattacked, the berserk Naruto raged and his claws swiped towards Hinata's throat.

"Hinata!!" Everyone was shocked.

And in the distance, Yamato's voice could be heard.

"Wood Release: Silent Strangling Jutsu!"

Thick tree trunks suddenly emerged from the ground, rapidly coiling around Naruto's limbs like agile serpents.

However, the tree trunks weren't as fast as Naruto's clawed attack.

Seeing that Hinata was about to die on the spot, Naruto's last trace of clarity struggled and quickly reentered his body, returning to the seal space of the Nine-Tails.

And at that moment, Kaze, who had been watching the show, had to take over the body without warning!


A rush of air pressure swept through, sweeping everything away.

The claws that had been aimed at Hinata suddenly changed direction, shattering the coiled tree trunks.

"Naruto, you've gotten smarter again."


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