
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 82


An extremely angry and loud shout echoed through the air.

Anko, holding a kunai in her hand, landed on the already faded snakeskin on the ground as if struck by lightning.

"Damn, it's snakeskin again!"

"Who is he fighting and why is he shedding so much snakeskin?"

With doubt and confusion, Anko continued to swiftly maneuver through the branches.

"Never mind all that; this time I must settle the score with him!"

"I'll use everything he taught me to take him down, even if it means risking my life!"

As she muttered to herself, Anko once again saw the body of Orochimaru lying on the ground with its mouth wide open.

And in front of that body, there were actually two people standing!

"They are the examinees from the Four Star Village and the survivor of the Uchiha clan!"

"Did they force Orochimaru to shed his skin and escape?"

"Impossible, they're just low-ranking ninjas taking the exam."

Frowning, Anko didn't immediately ask but instead quickly checked the snakeskin on the ground.

"Indeed, it's another snakeskin shed by Orochimaru!"

Then, she suddenly turned around and looked at Sasuke and Haku with a serious expression.

"Have you seen the ninja who shed this body?"

"He's an S-rank ninja on the wanted list, very dangerous, you're not capable of dealing with him."

Before Anko could finish her sentence, Sasuke impatiently interrupted her.

"An S-rank fugitive?"

"Humph, just a useless runner!"

Empowered by the terrifying Nine-Tails chakra given by Kaze, Sasuke was now feeling confident. He had even made Orochimaru, one of the legendary Sannin, play dead and flee.

He believed that with a few more tails of chakra, and some more practice in its usage, he could take down Itachi Uchiha.

There was also Naruto, who had two tails transformed and was uncontrollable. Sasuke was now eager to mock him!

"Why, you!" Sasuke, who was getting cocky, immediately angered Anko.

Just as she was about to teach Sasuke a lesson about respecting his elders, her raised hand was caught by a smiling Haku.

"The person you're looking for is up ahead, all those scattered on the ground are him."

"What?!" Following Haku's pointing direction, Anko's face was full of disbelief.

"Orochimaru is dead?"

"Impossible! Only I can kill him!"

With a shocked and bewildered expression on her face, Anko stumbled towards the scene.

After indicating the direction to Anko, Haku withdrew his gaze and looked at Sasuke.

"I don't understand why the master values you so much, but I'm just a tool in his hands, I have no time to care."

While Zabuza was a tool for Kaze, Haku was a tool for Zabuza, making him a tool of a tool.

"But I have to remind you, after the exam, head to the Four Star Village as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, you'll experience the feeling of being burned, and every cell in your body being charred, I'm sure you wouldn't want to experience that."

Due to the immense power granted by Kaze, Zabuza could easily slaughter the Mist Village's pursuit team without worrying about his safety.

And they were also given a stable hiding place, so they didn't have to hide and run around.

So, Haku was quite satisfied with their current situation and had developed strong loyalty to Kaze, second only to his loyalty to Zabuza.

Naturally, he also worked diligently and responsibly.

Moreover, he was also thinking about the future, hoping that Kaze could release him and Zabuza from the restrictions he placed on them!

"Humph, I will naturally go, no need for your warning!"

Given the opportunity to obtain such a powerful force, Sasuke would certainly not let it go. If it weren't for Kaze's clone instructing him to go to the Four Star Village after the exam, he might have left immediately!

As for the idea of burning his body like the night of the Uchiha clan massacre, did it really cause him any pain?

As long as it allows him to successfully seek revenge, he doesn't care what it feels like!

"As long as you understand."

Leaving behind these words, Haku quickly left the area. He had left Shizune and an ordinary Genin together, and he was somewhat concerned about their safety.

Seeing Haku depart, Sasuke walked towards Sakura, who was hiding behind a tree in the distance.

With the matter resolved and Sasuke back by her side, Sakura breathed a sigh of relief and then asked, with a touch of worry, "Sasuke, what's your relationship with that Four Star Ninja we just met?"

"And who is that mysterious person? Did he really give you the same tailed beast chakra as Naruto?"

"Do they have any other intentions toward you, or..."

Listening to Sakura's rapid-fire questions, Sasuke frowned and interrupted her.

"My affairs don't concern you or warrant your investigation!"

"Don't act like we're close; we're just comrades in battle, not friends!"

Since he had already sold his soul to the devil, Sasuke had no intention of forming bonds with his comrades here. He didn't want any hesitations in case they became enemies in the future.

"Sasuke, you..."

Sakura couldn't understand what was wrong with Sasuke. Their relationship had been improving, and she had tried to be more understanding of his feelings, even warming up to Naruto as Sasuke had wanted. But now, why was he being cold and hostile to her again?

Could it be because of that guy named Haku and the mysterious person who suddenly appeared?

Although she wanted to ask for an explanation, she closed her mouth when she saw Sasuke's icy demeanor.


Not far away, Anko returned carrying half of a white phosphorus snake body. She threw the snake body in front of Sasuke and looked at him with an inquisitive expression.

"Where did the Four Star Ninja go?"

"I need you to report everything that just happened to me. This concerns the safety of the village!"

Anko didn't believe that Orochimaru could be killed so easily by a Genin. If it were that simple, Orochimaru would have been dead a thousand times over, and he wouldn't be a thorn in Konoha's side.

"I killed this trash who tried to attack me; it's that simple."

Sasuke glanced at Anko with a cold, ruthless gaze, and the golden-red color in his eyes flashed for a moment. Then he turned and left in the direction where Naruto and the giant snake had battled.

Anko, on the other hand, felt a chill in her heart as if facing a formidable flood beast.

"Could it really be him?"

Now, Anko was starting to believe Sasuke's words to some extent. But Sasuke wasn't one to talk, and Sakura could clearly talk.

So she turned and caught Sakura's wrist as she prepared to leave.

Threateningly, she said, "If you don't want to be disqualified, tell me everything you just saw, including what Orochimaru said and how he was killed."


T/N- No chapter for SSCOTE today, basketball has left me tired I need sleep. I'll upload two for it tomorrow.

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