
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 74

GG, bonus chapter tomorrow! Next goal 300!


In the grove, looking at Naruto running towards them, Yura revealed a sinister smile.

"As expected, just a foolish newcomer eager to show off. It was so easy to lure you in!"

"I'll gladly accept your scrolls, hehehe."

As Naruto approached, Yura formed hand seals.

After a loud bang, he transformed into a large stone.

"Nobody here?" Naruto said, puzzled as he parted the grass.

However, his eyes gleamed with excitement when he saw the out-of-place large stone.

Then, he mumbled to himself, "Never mind, I must have been mistaken. I'll continue going to the restroom."

While saying that, Naruto swiftly pulled down his pants and began urinating on the big stone.


The pale yellow stream quickly drenched the stone.

The stone trembled for a moment and then swiftly returned to its original state.

However, a minute passed, and Yura, disguised as the stone, realized that the foul-smelling urine on top of his head was still abundant, just like before!

Now he couldn't bear it any longer!

Though he couldn't launch a sneak attack from behind, he was still ninety percent confident with his trap set up!

With this in mind, Yura no longer concealed himself and transformed back into his true form with a leap.

At the same time, he swiftly pulled a thread connected to the surrounding trees and threw several kunai at Naruto.

Shwoosh! Shwoosh! Shwoosh!

"Damn dirty brat, go to hell!"

However, Yura's smile quickly froze on his face.

All the prepared shuriken and the thrown kunai were deflected.

And in the surrounding woods, Naruto stood amidst a crowd of clones, all looking eager to fight!

Moreover, right where he had been standing just moments ago, several Naruto clones with mischievous grins were present!

"Shadow clones!!!" Yura instantly understood why there was so much urine.

He was also astonished at the vast number of clones spread throughout the mountains.

"How can there be so many?!"

"Damn it, are these Konoha's fresh graduates???"

With so many shadow clones, Yura would even believe they were Jonin!

"Hehe, I am Naruto Uzumaki, the genius of Konoha!"

If Naruto had a tail, it would probably be wagging happily by now.

"Hand over the scrolls quickly, or I'll beat you up!"

The multitude of shadow clones grinned mischievously, forming hand seals rapidly.

"I surrender! Come out, and I'll give you the scrolls!" Yura, already scared out of his wits, immediately surrendered.

He reached for his pocket, pretending to hand over the scrolls.

Naruto's face turned into a blossoming flower as he prepared to emerge from one of the clones.

He could already imagine how admired he would be by Sakura once he single-handedly obtained the scrolls.

"You gullible fool! He's tricking you! Let the shadow clone go over!" said the inner voice of Kaze.

Naruto's innocent action caused a twinge of pain in his heart.

If not for Yura's astonishment earlier, making Naruto feel like he was putting on a show and gaining some "dark points," he wouldn't care and would want to take over his body only during dangerous situations.

Upon hearing Kaze's words, Naruto hesitated for a moment. Then he immediately had one of the shadow clones jump out.

Sure enough, as the shadow clone approached, Yura's face turned fierce.

He quickly placed three explosive tags from his pocket onto the clone!

"You naive brat, go to hell!"


A violent explosion stirred up a cloud of smoke.

Yura didn't stop to inspect the results of the battle but turned and ran. He knew very well that causing such a commotion would surely attract Sasuke and Sakura from the other side.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!" he yelled as he just ran out of the smoke's range.

However, to his surprise, not a single one of the shadow clones that should have dispersed due to his main body's injury or death had disappeared. They not only could use ninjutsu against him, but every single one of them was unleashing ninjutsu!

"It's impossible! What kind of monster are you?!"

Yura's question was met with an enormous tornado composed of countless wind dragons.

In an instant, the tornado lifted Yura along with the trees and rocks within a radius of over ten meters into the sky. Then, a rain of rocks, dust, and trees fell heavily to the ground.

Yura crashed to the ground, his arm broken, spitting out blood as he sat there, dazed.

"To think he amplified so many shadow clones to unleash the Great Breakthrough! Naruto's chakra levels are truly terrifying!"

Orochimaru, who was spying from a distance, couldn't help but express his amazement.

Outside the examination area, Anko sat at the entrance, eating  dumplings, her face full of disbelief as she watched the giant tornado rising from the forest.

"How is this possible? A Genin capable of controlling Wind Release at this level!"

"Such a large area; he must have mastered Shape Transformation or Nature Transformation!"

Not only Anko but also the other invigilators were astonished. They could never have imagined that someone with such an abnormal chakra capacity would accumulate the power of more than ten C-rank ninjutsu.

But despite its impressive appearance, it turned out that the attack wasn't lethal, as it failed to kill even a single person.

"Oh no, it seems I went too far!" Naruto, breathing heavily, saw the terrifying tornado.

Quickly dispersing the shadow clones, he ran towards the fallen Yura.

When he saw that Yura had only lost an arm and was unconscious on the ground, Naruto breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it was just an exam, and causing fatalities wouldn't be good!

Not far away, Sasuke and Sakura, who had heard the loud commotion, hurried over.

"Naruto, are you okay?"

"Did you take care of the enemy?"

Quickly tying Yura up with a rope, Naruto grinned triumphantly at the two.

"Hah! I've already dealt with one enemy and captured him alive!"

"Once we take the scrolls from him, we can focus on continuing our journey!"

Seeing Yura covered in blood and tied up, both Sasuke and Sakura breathed a sigh of relief.

However, seeing Naruto so proud, Sasuke couldn't help but snort disdainfully.

"He's just a Genin from a small village. I can easily kill a group of them without breaking a sweat. There's nothing to be proud of!"

"Be more cautious; his teammate might be hiding nearby, preparing to ambush us!"

Upon hearing Sasuke's warning, Sakura quickly readied her weapons.

"Tch, they probably ran away after seeing how awesome I am!" Naruto grumbled in dissatisfaction.

He then squatted down and began searching Yura for the scrolls.

Unfortunately, after searching for a while, he found nothing. He stood up and shrugged at the two on guard.

"I didn't find any scrolls. They must be with his escaping teammate."

As Naruto finished speaking, Sasuke pulled Sakura away forcefully.

At the same time, he scolded Naruto in a stern voice, "Idiot, get out of the way!"


Naruto couldn't react in time. A terrifying hurricane came roaring towards him, slamming him heavily into a tree trunk.

In front of them, the Grass Ninja disguised as Orochimaru raised his palm and aimed it at them.

"Wind Release: Violent Wind Palm."


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