
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 73


So you know how this was faloo and incomplete yeah? I actually found a source with all the chapters (315).

Lucky for you guys.

Oh and fk me. I'm just going to post once a day for 6 days like before but I'll just post three on a Saturday or Sunday (Mostly Sunday.)

I'm just suffering from severe procrastination syndrome.

I think this is better than constantly lying and burning myself out and ultimately taking long breaks after one post.

Upload Schedule is in the description of you're interested.


This little incident quickly passed.

The second exam proctor, Anko, soon appeared in front of the iron wire fence.

She proceeded to perform some routine hitting and intimidation on the examinees.

Because Naruto was still thinking about the long tongue from earlier, he didn't confront Anko like in the original story.

There was no scene where Anko hugged and licked his face.

As for Orochimaru, he was preoccupied with thinking about Haku and Karin's relationship.

Thus, he didn't deliberately approach Anko, his former disciple, like in the original plot.

With everything settled down, Anko began explaining the rules for this exam.

In this round, the exam would be conducted in three-person teams.

Before the exam started, each team would receive a Heaven or Earth scroll.

To pass the test, they must fight each other and collect a pair of Heaven and Earth scrolls.

They needed to hold onto this pair of scrolls and reach the central tower in the exam area within five days.

At the same time, all three members of the team must remain intact; no one was allowed to die!

Finally, all three members of the team would need to sign a death waiver.

Once signed, they could approach and obtain a scroll.

Then, they would select one of the twenty-two entry points and begin the survival test.

After explaining all the rules, Anko waved her hand toward the temporary tents behind her.

"Now, exchange your scrolls!"

"Three death waivers for one scroll. Choose your entry point and enter together once the time is up!"

"Oh, by the way, before we start, I want to give you some advice."

Originally looking serious, Anko licked her lips like a chuunibyou (middle-school second-year syndrome) girl, and a bloodthirsty smile appeared on her face.

"Hehehe, don't die within these five days, or else your bodies will be eaten by wild beasts~"

"Let's start exchanging the scrolls!"

The proctor behind Anko stepped out of the temporary tent, interrupting her chuunibyou-like speech.

The "mad beautiful girl" persona doesn't go over well in the ninja world.

Upon hearing the instructor's call, all the examinees immediately left Anko and gathered around the proctor.

Anko frowned and spat on the ground, then took out a shuriken and played with it as she followed the others.

As they completed the signing of the death waivers and received their scrolls, Anko stood in front again. She checked the time on her wristwatch and shouted loudly.

"Everyone, follow the entry point supervisors and wait at your respective locations!"

"Thirty minutes from now, we'll enter the forest exam area together!"

The battle began from this moment.

Team 7, Team 8, and Team 10, all from the same year, gathered together, occupying one entry point.

Orochimaru, disguised as a Grass Ninja, observed Sasuke and Naruto and took the entry point right next to them.

Accompanying him were three Amegakure (Rain Village) ninjas who also had their eyes on the nine young ones, and three Otogakure (Sound Village) ninjas.

White, along with Karin and an ordinary ninja from the Four Stars Village, took the entry point on the left side. Hidan was leading an Anbu team and didn't participate in the exam due to another mission.

Using his chilling aura and killing intent to drive away others, Hakualso smiled and waved at Naruto's direction.

Upon seeing White's smiling wave, Naruto's face blushed again.

He shook his head fiercely, trying to banish the beautiful face from his mind, and turned to Sasuke and Sakura.

"It's finally time for us to show our strength. After two months of hard training, we have to knock them all down today!"

Although Sasuke still didn't show a friendly face to Naruto, he looked forward to the challenge and kept his eyes on the Amegakure and Otogakure ninjas on their side.

"Hmph, it just so happens I'm not in a good mood today. If they dare to provoke me, I'll take them all down!" Sasuke said.

Sakura was a bit nervous, fidgeting with her clothes while giving herself encouragement.

"I've learned medical ninjutsu and genjutsu, and Sasuke and Naruto have mastered A-rank ninjutsu!"

"We've completed two B-rank missions and over a dozen C-rank missions before. Let's treat this as just another B-rank mission!"

"We'll definitely pass without any problems!"

"Even if there's an issue, we have Kaze with us!"

Thinking about the invincible Kaze within Naruto, Sakura's confidence surged.

She unconsciously moved closer to Naruto, and the scent of a young girl emanated from her.

Naruto was also excited and repeatedly patted his chest in agreement.

"That's right! If we encounter any danger we can't handle, Kaze will take care of it in a flash!"

"There's no problem with this exam!"

As for the matter of Kaze killing enemies, Naruto was no longer dwelling on it or getting hung up on it.

Before gaining strength, he could only refrain from killing when he fought.

As for Kaze, whom he couldn't control, as long as they didn't harm innocent people or engage in cruel slaughter, it was fine!

Meanwhile, Team 8 and Team 10 were discussing strategies among themselves.

Only Hinata, who was absent-minded, kept stealing glances at the smiling Naruto.

Thirty minutes passed in an instant.

Using walkie-talkies, Anko issued orders to the proctors at each entry point.

"The second round of the Chunin Exams is now starting!"

"Let's go!" As soon as the doors opened, everyone rushed in at high speed.

As soon as they entered the forest, the three teams instinctively chose three different directions and went their separate ways.

However, they hadn't gone far when Orochimaru, the Sound Village ninjas, and the Rain Village ninjas, who were originally at another exit, arrived at their entry point.

The three Rain Village ninjas exchanged glances with each other and arrogantly split up, each pursuing a different direction.

Disguised as three Grass Village ninjas, Orochimaru gave the Sound Village ninjas a signal and followed the direction that Naruto had taken.


A chilling and tragic scream pierced through the dark forest, causing Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, who were moving at high speed, to stop.

"Somebody has already started fighting!" Naruto curiously looked around.

Sakura took out a shuriken from the side of her leg, a mixture of nervousness and worry on her face.

"The sound seems to come from not too far away, probably from where Hinata and the others are!" Sakura said.

"Don't worry about them; it's probably the scream of an enemy who fell into their trap," Sasuke calmly analyzed. "With Hinata's Byakugan, Kiba's enhanced sense of smell from his ninja dogs, and the Mind Transfer Technique girl, they must have detected the enemy tracking them and set up a poisonous bug trap to catch them."

Since he couldn't remember Ino's name, Sasuke referred to the Ino as the "Mind Transfer Technique girl."

"You can analyze everything just from hearing one scream. Sasuke, you're really amazing!" Hearing his logical analysis, Sakura looked at him with admiration.

"Hmph, it's not necessarily correct. What if it's Shikamaru and the others who defeated the enemy?" Naruto was dissatisfied. He hadn't even started showing off, and Sasuke was already stealing the spotlight!

"Their jutsu wouldn't cause the enemy to scream like that for so long, idiot!" Sasuke glanced coldly at Naruto.

He couldn't understand why the legendary Sannin, Jiraiya, would be interested in such a fool.

"You!" Naruto was about to retort.

But then, he caught a glimpse of a head quickly pulling back in the distance.

Eager to show off, Naruto quickly changed his expression and pretended to be in a hurry.

"I, I need to go to the bathroom. Wait for me!" Without waiting for their response, he ran towards where he saw the head retreat.


Gonna bring back the powerstone rules, the book kinda feels dead and makes me unenthusiastic, if you get my gist, so don't skimp on the stones if you actually like the novel.

100 PS= 1 Extra Chapter

300 PS= 2 Extra Chapters

500 PS= 3 Extra Chapters

1000 PS= Yeah we aren't getting this