
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 61

In the examination room.

Unaware of what was happening, the examinees used various cheating methods.

Sakura and Hinata relied on their own knowledge to write quickly.

Kibe used Akamaru's dog language to cheat and Shino used his insects to peek at the answers.

Ino cleverly memorized Sakura's answers and passed them on to Tenten.

Tenten used hidden weapons to attach a mirror to the ceiling and send it to Lee, while Neji used his Byakugan to copy answers.

Sasuke, in the end, activated his Sharingan to copy the movements.

As for Haku and Karin, one reflected the answers with ice crystals, and the other casually glanced with her Genjutsu.

With Ibiki testing the examinees with a non-existent tenth question, the first written exam quickly ended.

Next was the debut of Anko, who announced that she would be supervising the second exam in the afternoon.

Naruto immediately took back control of his body.

However, when he came out, he didn't change his appearance back.

Instead, he imitated Kaze's demeanor and expression, walking towards the exit of the examination room with an air of importance.

Although he looked somewhat awkward and stiff, the female ninjas who were unfamiliar with Kaze couldn't tell the difference.

They all stared at Naruto's retreating figure and whispered, "He's so cool, I love his arrogance."

It wasn't until Naruto walked out of the examination room and the crowd thinned out that he stopped and revealed his true form as a panting monkey.

Recalling the attention he received from the girls just now, he couldn't contain his excitement anymore. He jumped up and shouted towards the sky while waving his hands and feet.


"So cool!!!"

Sakura: "..."

Sasuke: "..."

"Naruto, can't you learn a bit more from Kaze and be more mature?"

"You're technically the same person, sharing the same body!"

Sakura looked at Naruto with disappointment and confusion in her small eyes.

It's always the same question. They're the same person, yet Naruto still acts so foolishly and leaves her feeling indifferent.

Sasuke shook his head disapprovingly with a hint of disgust.

He didn't understand what Naruto found so exciting.

Clearly, those women were annoying and only disrupted his studying and training!

"Hahaha, you guys don't understand. It's a division of labor in our bodies!"

"I focus on optimism, and positivity, while Kaze focuses on being decisive and cool!"

"When we combine, we become Naruto Uzumaki, fearless and unstoppable!"

Naruto was in high spirits now, enjoying the treatment similar to Sasuke's for the first time. He felt amazing!

After all, he wasn't the Seventh Hokage, who would cut his hair and become composed, at least not yet.

Just three months ago, he was a fox-like monster, despised and hated by people!

Ninety percent of what was said about him back then was malicious curses, without any praise!

Trying to shake off the unpleasant memories from the past, Naruto changed the topic cheerfully and talked to the two about what he had witnessed during the exam.

"Sasuke, Sakura, you guys wouldn't know, but Kaze actually didn't know how to answer those questions at all!"

"After he looked at a few questions on the exam paper, his face turned black, and he was about to beat up the examiners!"

"But luckily, I stopped him in time, otherwise, we might have been eliminated!"

Naruto spoke convincingly, wearing an expression that said, "Come on, praise me for being capable."

"Well, you deserve a pat on the back."

Sakura rolled her eyes and didn't believe that Naruto could stop Kaze.

If he could be stopped, then he wouldn't have mercilessly killed so many ninjas before!

Of course, they had no idea about the incident of Kaze killing the Hokage's direct subordinates from the ANBU Black Ops and destroying the root base.

After being knocked unconscious by a surprise attack, they didn't wake up until the next day.

However, Sasuke, who was on the side, became interested and asked with curiosity, breaking the silence.

"So, how did Kaze cheat and complete the exam?"

"He couldn't have just submitted a blank paper, right?" Sasuke said, shaking his head after mentioning this possibility.

"He probably didn't do that. Only an idiot like you would submit a blank paper."

Sasuke, who was accustomed to insulting Naruto, prepared to scold him as usual.

Remembering that Naruto's strength was only slightly inferior to his own, he ended up calling him a fool.

"I..." Naruto was about to retort, but then he realized that he couldn't and wouldn't cheat.

In the end, he could only scratch his head and say, "He didn't submit a blank paper because someone next to him helped Kaze complete the exam."

"And that person seemed to be arranged by the examiners. I saw that guy named Ibiki smiling at Kaze, and it was an ugly smile."

"Arranging examiners to help cheat!?"

Sakura was shocked. So, having great power allows one to be so reckless?

Sasuke, on the other hand, wasn't too surprised. He had the expression of someone who believed that the strong should have such privileges.

Suddenly, a burst of creepy laughter echoed not far away, reaching the ears of the three.


They stopped and looked towards the source of the sound.

There they saw a person crouching behind a partition board, with waist-length white hair, wearing a red coat, and carrying a large scroll on his back.

"I remember this place. It seems to be the back wall of the bathhouse, and there's an open-air hot spring in the courtyard inside."

Sakura's face turned redder as she spoke, suddenly understanding what the person in front of them was doing.

Naruto also jumped three meters high and shouted at the figure.


"He's a peeping tom! A pervert peeping through the gaps in the wooden boards!!!"

The figure in front heard the shouting and trembled, immediately getting up to run away.

But Naruto had no intention of letting him go. He shouted at the top of his lungs.

"Capture the pervert! A pervert is peeping on women!!!"

"Hey, you brat, lower your voice, or we'll really get caught!"

The figure, who had been running away, had somehow already flashed behind Naruto.

He grabbed Naruto and covered his mouth to stop his shouting.

"What incredible speed!"

"Just like that watermelon head from before!"

Sakura and Sasuke were both astonished, then quickly drew their weapons and aimed them forward.

At the same time, they warned, "Who are you? Let Naruto go right now!"

"Otherwise, when that guy comes out, you'll die in vain!"

"Naruto? That guy!?"

The man with white hair, holding Naruto, seemed to realize something.

After an exclamation of surprise, he quickly released Naruto's mouth and held him in front of him to inspect.

"It really looks like him!"

"And his hairstyle and good looks are just like his father's!"

Naruto, being praised by the man, didn't feel proud at all. He just struggled frantically.

"Who the hell are you, you despicable pervert? Let me go right now!"

"You ask a good question! But please wait a moment." The white-haired man let go of Naruto and, after adjusting his appearance, he stepped on his wooden clogs with a clatter.

In the same spot, he performed a low dance that gave everyone goosebumps.


"I am the master of the Mystical Palm Technique, the Toad Sage, and the one known as Jiraiya!"

After finishing his last move, Jiraiya stood in front of Naruto.

"And I am your future teacher, the legendary Sannin, Jiraiya!"


Advanced Chapters-
