
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 60

Kaze ignored the malicious plots without paying them any attention. It was because his focus was entirely on the system in his mind.

[Corruption Value +5000]

[Current Corruption Value: 15,000]

[Master Personality Trust Dependency Value: 62 (Can not drop below 45)]

Since the trust value had surpassed 60, Kaze found it easier to obtain darkness value from Naruto.

Just like the wave of comparisons he had recently experienced.

And after his appearance changed, many people praised and envied him.

He even beat up the coarse-eyebrowed Lew, who had confessed to Sakura, and his teacher, Might Guy.

This vanity and the satisfaction of being praised unexpectedly generated corruption value.

Instead of simply converting negative emotions or deriving pleasure from seeking revenge against specific targets, as he used to do.

But Kaze thought it was quite normal.

After all, the amount of darkness value required for powerful ninja techniques was too high.

If it remained difficult to obtain darkness value in the later stages and the methods were limited.

Then he would doubt whether his system was effective and professional enough.

"He gained 5000 corruption value in one go, could it be because one of Naruto's finally started feeling good?" Kaze mused to himself.

After surveying the people around him, Kaze quickly noticed numerous female ninjas stealing glances at him and Sasuke.

They even laughed secretly and shipped them because their temperament was similar yet different!

However, when they noticed Naruto's cold gaze scanning over, they all blushed and pretended to count ants on the ground.

[Corruption Value +50]

[Corruption Value +50]

Alright, it was confirmed. It was because they praised him for being handsome.

It was because he received the same treatment as Sasuke, who was also handsome.

That's why Naruto, who had the same first-person perspective, was ecstatic.

But thinking back to how the girls in the class treated him with disgust in Naruto's memories, it seemed to explain everything.

The icy expression on his face melted, and he smiled slightly at these female ninjas, causing them to scream.

[Corruption Value +500!]

"Heh, you really live up to your name, Naruto," Kaze said to himself before withdrawing his gaze.

Without paying attention to Naruto's questioning look, he looked at Might Guy in the exchange list.

[Might Guy]

[Corruption Value: 30,000]

To exchange for all of Guy's current abilities, it would require a total of 30,000.

That was around 6000 more than the complete Eight Gates Release.

This was mainly because of the excessive number of techniques known by the Eight Gates Release.

Otherwise, it might not even reach 10,000.

With just one Mangekyou Sharingan, someone could rival the Eight Gates Release.

And Kakashi now was also supported solely by one Mangekyou Sharingan.

Unfortunately, Kaze didn't have darkness value to play around with his eyes, and he only had one pair.

So he wouldn't be making the exchange, wasting the already limited darkness value.

Regaining his thoughts, Kaze, who lacked darkness value, directly opened the detailed list.

[Kage-Class Taijutsu]

[Corruption Value: 4,000]

[Regular Taijutsu Techniques]

[Corruption Value: 1,000]


[Eight Gates Release]

[Corruption Value: 24,000]

[1st Gate]

[Corruption Value: 3,000]

[Second Gate]

[Corruption Value: 6,000]


[Eighth Gate]

[Corruption Value: 24,000]

The method of exchange is similar to the previous Nine-Tails Chakra.

However, the Eight Inner Gates are much cheaper, with only an additional 3,000 for each stage.

The Death Gate is equivalent to opening all the previous seven gates, so it requires the amount of corruption points needed for the Eight Inner Gates.

If he has already exchanged for the opening of the gates before and then exchanges for the Death Gate, it will automatically subtract the corruption points consumed by the opening of the gates.

Kaze glanced at his corruption points.

[Current Corruption Points: 16,000 (increased by 1,000 just now)]

After a quick calculation, he directly clicked on the exchange button.

[Exchange Successful!]

[Kage Level Taijutsu - 4,000]

[Common Taijutsu Techniques - 1,000]

[Fourth Gate: Gate of Pain - 12,000]

[Current Corruption Points: 0]

The moment the exchange was completed, Kaze felt a warm flow throughout his limbs and body.

At the same time, his sitting body suddenly trembled, and he elevated a few centimeters out of thin air.

The muscles hidden under his clothes swelled and formed perfect streamlined lines.

Sasuke, who was sitting beside him, seemed to sense something and turned his head sharply to stare at Kaze.

Although Kaze sat up straight, making it hard for him to see anything, Sasuke had a feeling that Kaze was different from before.

Before he could ask, a sound of 'bang' rang out.

Suddenly, Morino Ibiki, wearing a black coat, appeared with the examination team in front of the classroom.


"Everyone return to your seats and prepare for the exam!"

Although Morino Ibiki's voice was not loud, it was full of vigor.

And with a heavy atmosphere of intimidation, it instantly overwhelmed everyone in the examination room.

Then, everyone obediently found a seat and sat down.

"I am Morino Ibiki, the examiner for your first exam."

Seeing that everyone was seated, Ibiki began to explain the rules of the exam.

In general, fighting and killing are not allowed during the exam.

There are ten questions worth ten points in total, with one point deducted for each wrong answer, and getting caught cheating results in a deduction of two points.

If one person in a team loses all their points, the entire team will be eliminated, and so on.

Because Naruto was replaced by Kaze, Sasuke and Sakura didn't release any killing intent towards Naruto like in the original.

As the proctor ninja distributed the exam papers, the exam officially began.

Kaze, who received the exam paper, curiously glanced at it.

The first question was about deciphering a code, which he didn't know how to do.

The second question was about calculating the range based on the shadow of a projectile, and explaining the possible characteristics of enemies within that range, as well as the range and basis for using projectiles.

He didn't know how to do that either!

The Naruto in his consciousness also shook his head repeatedly while looking at these questions.

"Kaze, fortunately, I have you to help me with the answers. If it were me, we might end up being eliminated together," Naruto said.

Before Naruto could finish speaking, he saw Kaze throw his pen and stand up.

"What are you doing, Kaze?"

"You can't do it either, so you want to cheat?!"

"That won't work, it will result in point deductions!"

"Shut up!" Kaze snapped angrily.

He indeed couldn't do it, but this exam wasn't really testing this knowledge!

It was testing his ability to gather intelligence, in which meant it was testing his ability to cheat!

But with his strength, did he really need to cheat to gather intelligence?

With his Tailed Beast transformation and a dozen Tailed Beast Chakra, he could easily eradicate any troublesome roots and didn't need to gather any damn intelligence!

So, Kaze stood up with the intention of going to invite Ibiki to have something to eat.

Maybe a fist-sized pot and some Nine-Tails Chakra, or something like that.

But before he could leave, the examinee sitting next to him quickly handed him a completed test paper and a note.

"Sir, this is your perfect score test paper."

After reading the contents of the note, Kaze looked up at Ibiki in front.

He saw a rather unsightly forced smile on Ibiki's scarred face.

Obviously, the person who handed him the note was specifically arranged to sit next to him and help him with the answers!

So that's why Hinata ended up sitting at the back, deviating from the original plot.

He originally thought it was his appearance that made her too shy, but now it turned out that she was squeezed out!


Life is tuff but I'm finally done, daily updates from today!

Advanced Chapters-
