
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 58

Although Might Guy returned recently after completing a mission with his third squad, Kakashi still revealed some information about Naruto to him.

Of course, Kakashi wouldn't foolishly mention the multiple personalities and violate Hiruzen Sarutobi's orders to keep it a secret.

He simply mentioned that Naruto had mastered the power of the Nine-Tails, causing his personality to become volatile and rebellious.

Might Guy was warned to be cautious when encountering Naruto and it would be best to run as far away as possible.

This dangerous and troublesome quagmire was not something he, who was innocent and without background, should get involved in.

Kakashi risked punishment by Hiruzen Sarutobi to give this warning.

It was evident that in Kakashi's eyes, Might Guy was only slightly better than Obito.


Seeing Might Guy suddenly appear and save him, Lee had a guilt-ridden expression, even to the point of tears.

"I... I haven't lost yet. I still have the secret technique Sensei taught me."

"Lee, revealing your trump card before the match, do you understand what that means?"

Might Guy interrupted Lee's words and gestured for him to come to him.

Obediently standing up, Lee approached Might Guy and lowered his head in apology.

"I'm sorry, Sensei. I've caused you trouble!"

"Don't say that, you idiot!" Might Guy's fist struck Lee's tearful face.

Lee covered his swollen face, tears streaming as he met Might Guy's gaze.

"Sensei, I..."

"Rock Lee! Don't say anything. I understand, my student!"

Might Guy knelt down, embracing Lee tightly as tears flowed.

Lee also sobbed, tightly hugging Might Guy in return.



"Sob, sob, sob!!!"

This heartwarming scene made Sasuke and Sasuke cringe, ready to vomit.

"Double thick eyebrows, double disgusting. I feel like I'm going blind!"

For the first time, Sasuke agreed with Sakura's words, nodding in agreement.

"Indeed, powerful people all have quirks."

Kakashi enjoyed reading Icha Icha novels, Kaze liked tormenting enemies, and Asuma liked smoking.

And Might Guy, he enjoyed disgusting people in public!

Kaze rubbed his eyes forcefully as if wiping away something dirty that had entered his eyes.

Then he looked at the ground beneath Might Guy's feet and directly released a golden-red chakra of the Nine-Tails.

"Now that you've come out, stop the nonsense."

"Come at me, let me witness the legendary Forbidden Art of Taijutsu, the Eight Gates Formation!"

Looking at the proud figure standing in the distance, with nine huge fox tails billowing behind him, Might Guy wiped away his tears, his expression quickly turning serious.

He pushed away the still-hugging Lee and leaped forward.

"The power of the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox?"

"Just as Kakashi said, and even surpassing it, the power is just like twelve years ago!"

Might Guy's expression was serious yet content. "I never expected the Fourth Hokage's plan to succeed. We can truly master this power!"

Twelve years ago, Might Guy had caught a glimpse of the Nine-Tails from a distance.

The long-absent pressure and fear made his limbs tremble involuntarily.

However, it wasn't fear but rather the body's tension before a battle.

The next moment.


"Leaf Whirlwind!"

Might Guy struck first, rushing towards Kaze with a sonic boom, then spinning in the air, unleashing a whip-like spinning kick.


Kaze stood still, not moving an inch, and behind him, a single fox tail blocked the whip-like kick that Might Guy sent his way.

"So strong!"

Might Guy felt as if he had kicked a steel beam!

No, even if it were a steel beam, his kick would have left a dent!

Kicking the Chakra Fox Tail, he couldn't even force a retreat!


The sound of friction between the thumb and middle finger joints.

This was the prelude to Kaze getting excited, indicating that he was getting serious.

"I won't hold back anymore. If you don't open the Eight Gates, you will die!"

As soon as he said that, Kaze seemed to gradually disappear like a blur.

"It's the afterimage left behind by his incredible speed!"

Might Guy never expected Kaze's body flicker to be so strong!

This speed was no less than his years of hard training!

"He's above me!"

Suddenly looking up, Might Guy saw Kaze leaping into the air, his nine fox tails converging to form a giant hammer.

Carrying a powerful gust of wind, it came crashing down with terrifying force.

Without hesitation, Might Guy clenched his fists, and his muscles instantly tightened and swelled.

A large amount of greenish-blue Chakra burst out of his body like flames.

Then, a voice full of strength resounded through the entire hall.

"The Fourth Gate of the Eight Gates Formation, the Gate of Pain, open!!!"

In an instant, a terrifying aura emanated from Might Guy's body.

It shook the ground, causing the wooden debris around to soar into the air!

At the same time, Kaze's fox tails, which had obscured the sky, were now above Might Guy's head.

Just as they were about to make contact, Might Guy finally made his move.

He crouched slightly, driving his feet hard into the ground as support.

Then he tilted his face upward and unleashed a rapid series of punches at an incredible speed.

"Forbidden Technique: Lotus Flower!"

His punches moved faster than the speed of sound. From a distance, it looked as if Might Guy had grown hundreds of extra arms beside his shoulders!

These arms resembled a barrage of arrows, carrying sharp gusts of wind, and they all struck the descending fox tails from above!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The hall resounded with intense impacts!

The wooden floor beneath Might Guy's feet cracked and sank!

Spiderweb-like cracks quickly extended throughout the entire hall, even reaching the walls!

Simultaneously, the wind pressure generated by the collision of fists and fox tails swept across the entire arena!

The shattered wood chips and resulting smoke were all swept away by the wind pressure!

In the distance, Sakura, Sasuke, and Lee's, whose eyes couldn't fully open, were left with bloody scratches on their bodies!

"So powerful!"

The three, who were injured by the aftermath, quickly retreated to the wall of the hall.

Sasuke's face was pale and ugly, and his heart was far from calm.

"I'm too weak even to watch a battle of this level!"

"That man who can kill an entire clan is... definitely strong. At this rate, I won't be able to seek revenge at all!"


As Might Guy delivered his final punch in the distance,

Visible waves of air spread from the point of impact.

Kaze, above, was unable to press down with his tail anymore and landed steadily not far away.

"You're strong. It took me opening the Fourth Gate just to barely withstand your attack."

Might Guy, his body flushed with green Chakra and his face smiling, expressed admiration.

However, his trembling hand behind his back revealed that he wasn't as relaxed as he claimed.

"Hahaha! Although I want to continue fighting you, the building here can't take it anymore."

"Powerful youth, let's consider this a 1-0 victory for you. Next time, I'll come find you for another match!"


After speaking, Might Guy didn't give Kaze a chance to respond.

He swiftly carried Lee and rushed out of the hall.

Looking at the system panel displaying the symbol for redeemable points for Might Guy, Kaze also dispersed his Nine-Tails Chakra and had no intention of chasing after him.

However, it didn't take long for Kaze to understand why Might Guy chose to flee.

"You have damaged public property. Please pay the fine!"


Advanced Chapters-
