
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 57

T:N- Fuck me


"Do you know Sensei?"

"And how did you know that I wanted to challenge you?"

Lee's face was full of confusion, and his thick eyebrows squeezed together.

But he quickly gave up thinking when he couldn't figure it out.

He leaped from the second-floor corridor and landed in the hall below.

"Wait for me, I have something to do before we fight."

Saying that Lee twisted himself in a very enchanting posture in front of Sakura.

He made a thumbs-up gesture, confidently smiled with exposed teeth, and even winked.

"Sakura, please be in a relationship with me!"

"I, Rock Lee, will protect you with my life!"

Sakura: "???"

"Ew—no, absolutely not!"

"Your face is too greasy, and I can't accept your thick eyebrows either!"

"No, not just the eyebrows, but also your droopy eyelashes, shiny melon head. No, absolutely not!!!"

As Sakura felt increasingly uncomfortable in her stomach from saying these things, she bent over and started vomiting.

Then she quickly turned her head and gave a stern look to Kaze and Sasuke beside her.

It was as if she was using their handsome looks to cleanse her eyes.

Unfazed by the rejection, Lee remained undeterred.

Instead, he shifted his gaze to the nearby Kaze and Sasuke.

He raised his bandaged hand with the palm facing forward.

"I understand now. You must have rejected me because of them!"

"If I defeat all of them, please agree to be in a relationship with me afterward!"

Lee's self-absorbed words infuriated Sakura.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest, made an "X" gesture, and shouted angrily.

"Hey, hey, hey, can you please listen to what I'm saying?"

"We're impossible, absolutely impossible, okay?"

Lee nodded earnestly, "I understand, I will definitely defeat them and then be in a relationship with you!"

"Ah, ah, ah!!!" Sakura covered her head, feeling exasperated.

In Naruto's consciousness, he was also angrily frustrated.

"Kaze, please, you have to beat this thick-eyebrowed guy!"

"Sakura is mine, I absolutely can't let him win and take her away!"

Naruto's noisy voice in his mind didn't affect Kaze.

He shook his head, about to step forward, but Sasuke suddenly preempted, his face filled with eagerness.

"He's not worth your time. Let me handle it."

"With his strength, it's just right for me to test my training."

Seeing Sasuke wanting to take the lead and fight, Lee's expression turned serious.

"The first opponent is the Uchiha genius, right?"

"But that's fine. After defeating the weaker one, I'll go challenge the guy standing behind you.."

"Weaker one?" Sasuke's face turned dark, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

He was about to say something when a terrifying aura suddenly emerged from behind him.

"Come back, Sasuke. I don't want to waste time."

Without giving Sasuke a chance to refuse, Kaze instantly appeared in front of Lee.

"It seems I have to beat you first to make Might Guy show up."

"So fast!" Lee was momentarily stunned but quickly reacted.

"When it comes to taijutsu, I won't lose to anyone my age!"

As he shouted, Lee suddenly jumped up, spinning in the air.

With a powerful twist of his waist, he swung his right leg upward, producing a whistling sound as it broke through the air.

"Leaf Whirlwind!"

Before Lee could finish his move, a loud crashing sound of his body hitting the floor covered his voice.


Only to be seen, Lee, who was originally launching a kicking attack, was forcefully slammed onto the floor.

The impact was so strong that the wooden floor caved in and cracked, revealing sharp wooden spikes pointing outward!

"Directly crushed! Kaze is indeed so powerful and handsome!"

Seeing Lee lying on the ground, gasping for breath, Sakura felt a sense of satisfaction as if a great vengeance had been avenged.

Unable to contain her excitement, she jumped up and down on the spot like an infatuated fangirl, shouting loudly.

On the side, Sasuke's face was filled with disappointment and unwillingness as he clenched his fists.

"Darn it! I worked hard and trained for two months, but without activating the Sharingan, I couldn't even see his movements."

Kaze's heart remained unaffected by defeating Lee. Instead, he looked around the hall, trying to sense any hostile intent.

Unfortunately, Might Guy held no ill will towards him, and Kaze didn't know if Might Guy was deliberately avoiding surveillance.

Lee, feeling intense pain in his abdomen on the floor, struggled to get up.

After holding his stomach for a while to ease the pain, he looked up at Kaze.

"You're strong, but I won't give up on Sakura. So, from now on, I'll use my full power. Please be careful."

As he spoke, Lee untied the weights that were bound between his hands and feet, throwing them on the ground.


The weights with their terrifying weight created a large pit in the wooden floor and produced a tremendous sound.

The rising dust and wood chips obscured the surrounding view.

"Whoa, he's wearing such heavy weights! Is he a monster!?" Sakura exclaimed.

Sasuke furrowed his brows tightly and immediately activated his Sharingan, as he had expected.

In the midst of the smoke and dust, Lee suddenly disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Kaze's feet, swiftly squatting down and executing a spinning low kick.

"Leaf Fury!!!"

A loud impact echoed once again.

The situation was not much different from before.

Kaze casually slammed Lee onto the ground.

But this time, he added a foot on top of Lee's head.

"Another instant defeat!" Sasuke, who could barely see with his Sharingan, was astonished.

Lee's current physical prowess had surpassed his own, yet he couldn't even avoid a single move from Kaze. Their strengths were simply in different dimensions!

Just recently, he and Kakashi had fought back and forth!

"No, I haven't lost yet. I still have a secret technique!"

Struggling to rise while being stepped on, Lee wanted to fight to the end for love.

However, looking at the blackening value on the system panel that no longer increased, Kaze had no intention of continuing to play house with Lee.

He lifted his head and shouted loudly into the empty space around him.

"Might Guy, come out and let me see how formidable Kakashi's dear friend and rival truly is."


Might Guy, hiding behind the corridor, didn't respond.

Although he wanted to go out and admit that he was indeed Kakashi's dear friend and rival, he remembered the order not to provoke the Jinchuriki by the Hokage, as well as the danger Kaze posed that Kakashi had warned him about.

In the end, Might Guy chose to play the turtle to avoid any unnecessary trouble.

However, he clearly didn't understand Kaze's lack of inhibitions.

Seeing that Might Guy refused to come out, Kaze lifted his foot high and aimed it at Lee's right leg.

He said in a voice loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I wonder if losing one leg will prevent you from continuing to train your physical techniques."



The smoke billowed, and debris scattered everywhere.

Kaze's descending foot created a large pit on the wooden floor.

Not far away, Lee was rescued by Might Guy, who had the same pose and was held in his hands.

Might Guy placed Lee beside him and raised his thumb towards Kaze and revealed a bright smile, flashing his shiny teeth.

"Really... You are indeed as Kakashi described, full of youthful vigor and a menacing sharpness that's frightening!"


Advanced Chapters-
