
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 52

This event of saving Sasuke and Sakura once again earned him a long-lost measure of corruption value.

As for the trust and reliance value, it dropped to its lowest due to killing the Hokage's subordinates.

However, the value that cannot be dropped increased by 2 because he saved Sasuke and Sakura. This was much better than the significant drop before.

Of course, the biggest gain for Kaze this time was getting rid of some pent-up anger. After all, most of the painful memories that came from Naruto were caused by those two cunning old fellows.

It can be said that except for some shinobi in Konoha and a few ordinary villagers who cared for Naruto, everyone else was included in Kaze's revenge plan.

Time flew by in an instant. Nearly two months had passed in the blink of an eye.

During these two months, Danzo had honestly hidden himself and didn't cause any trouble. Meanwhile, Team 7 and Team 10 underwent rigorous training throughout the day, thanks to Naruto's influence.

They also undertook multiple C-rank missions and one B-rank mission together.

In the end, Naruto successfully mastered the C-rank Wind Release: Great Breakthrough and the B-rank Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere, in addition to the A-rank Multiple Shadow Clone Technique. He had officially entered the level of elite Chunin.

Compared to Naruto's rapid progress, Sasuke's progress was also significant. In these two months, he learned Kakashi's A-rank Lightning Release: Chidori and his Sharingan evolved to a two-tomoe state during a B-rank mission.

As for Sakura, she successfully mastered medical ninjutsu and genjutsu, relying on her statement, "I feel like I'm catching up to them."

This genius-like speed made her training partner and rival, Ino, unable to believe her eyes.

As for Jiraiya, who was found by Hiruzen Sarutobi, he didn't immediately return to teach Naruto, using the excuse that Naruto still needed more training.

Kaze opened the system panel in his consciousness.

[Current corruption value: 10,000]

[Main personality trust and reliance value: 60 (not droppable below 45)]

[Mastery of ninjutsu: Yang Nine-Tails, Multiple Shadow Clone Technique, Shadow Clone Body Flicker Technique, Flying Thunder God Technique, Wood Release, Wind Release ninjutsu, etc.]

Since the missions did not encounter any trouble beyond their specifications, the villagers gradually became immune to their verbal abuse towards Naruto. So, in these two months, Kaze gained 7,000 corruption value.

Kaze didn't use the corruption value because he still desired to acquire Guy's taijutsu and the Eight Gates Formation.

Calculating the time, the Joint Chunin Exams should be happening soon. After all, his Four-Star Village had already sent people to participate, and he would definitely meet Team 3 and Guy after they completed their mission and returned to the village.

As for the trust and reliance value, it increased again after the incident with Hiruzen and Danzo. Although Naruto and Kaze had a few days of quarrel, their trust and reliance quickly returned to normal due to the unshakable value that couldn't drop.

While Kaze was contemplating, the system suddenly delivered a message.

[Corruption value +10]

[Corruption value +]

"Why did the corruption value suddenly increase? Did something happen?"

Kaze shifted his focus to the outside and saw Naruto confronting Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro from the Hidden Sand Village.

"Oh, it's Gaara and the others from the Hidden Sand Village. It seems like the plot of the Chunin Exams has begun," Kaze thought to himself.

Outside, Naruto stood protectively in front of the injured Konohamaru, while Gaara stood in front of the wounded Kankuro.

Due to the rigorous training they underwent, Naruto didn't need Sasuke to come to their rescue, unlike in the original plot. Instead, it was Kankuro who suffered a setback at Naruto's hands.

"Hey, raccoon eyes, make the fat guy behind you apologize to Konohamaru!" Naruto exclaimed arrogantly, pointing his finger at Gaara, with Konohamaru's three small companions behind him, admiring Naruto.

"I am Gaara of the Sand, not raccoon eyes," Gaara replied, crossing his arms and showing an interested expression on his face.

"You have quite the strength. You're interesting. What's your name?" Gaara praised Naruto's abilities, and Naruto, feeling cool, brushed his thumb against his nose and proudly replied.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto, and my hobby is eating ramen. My goal is to become the Hokage, the strongest ninja in the village!"

Behind him, three of Konohamaru's group members had starry-eyed expressions, showing their support.

"Big brother is so cool! I love him!"

Sakura, on the other hand, covered her face and discreetly stepped back, pretending not to know Naruto.

Gaara: "..."

Temari: "..."

Kankuro: "..."

Unexplainably, the three of them felt a bit awkward. They seemed to have encountered a fool.

They were just asking for a name and greeting, so why did he suddenly start talking about his hobbies and dreams?

And those three little brats acting like sidekicks behind him, they really lowered their value by trying to attack them earlier!

"To be defeated by someone like him, Kankuro, you really need to train harder."

Temari turned her head away, wearing a genuinely embarrassed expression.

Kankuro clenched the puppet in his hand, his face darkened, without any retort.

On the side, Gaara suddenly lost interest in Naruto.

He was too lazy to say anything more and turned to the other two, giving orders.

"Let's go."

Seeing Gaara's group ignoring him and preparing to leave without apologizing, Naruto directly reached out and grabbed the gourd behind Gaara.

"Don't think about leaving without apologizing. Make that fat guy apologize quickly!"

He grabbed the precious gourd left by his mother...

Gaara's expression suddenly changed, and his icy killing intent was openly released.

Kankuro, beside him, was also startled by Naruto's actions and quickly tried to stop him.

"Gaara, calm down. Don't forget our objective!"

Temari shouted at Naruto in a stern voice, "If you don't want to die, release your hand now!"

"What?" Naruto hadn't fully understood the meaning behind their words.

But Gaara's patience had reached its limit, and he formed a hand seal in front of his chest in an instant.

Then, one hand stayed in front of his chest, while the other hand swiftly swung forward.

"Desert Imperial Funeral!"

In an instant, sand rushed out of the gourd like a river and quickly covered Naruto.

Feeling something was wrong, Naruto quickly let go and tried to retreat.

But the sand on the ground had already covered his ankles, trapping him in place.

Then, sand from the sky came pouring down, completely enveloping him.

"Naruto!" The sudden change in the situation made Sakura exclaim in surprise.

"Stop it!"

Sasuke, who was sitting on a tree watching, also had a drastic change in his expression.

While rapidly forming hand seals, he dived down at an incredibly fast speed.

Ignoring the words of obstruction, Gaara paid no attention and clenched his palm in mid-air.

"Sand Binding Prison!"

More sand instantly floated in the air and then squeezed inward.

Just as Naruto's life hung by a thread, and Fuuton was about to take over his body.

A familiar voice resounded.

"Ice Style: Ice Rock Dome of God!"

Crackling sounds!

All the squeezing sand was instantly pushed away.

Even the sand that enveloped Naruto's body turned into ice crystals and fell to the ground in an instant.

The dust and ice fragments scattered away.

A beautiful face with black hair appeared in front of Naruto.

"Are you alright, Master's little brother?"


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