
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 50

Sorry for not uploading this week, I felt incredibly lazy.

Don't worry I'll be uploading all 6 chapters of this week today.


"Damn you!!!"

Kaze's speed was extremely fast, and it wasn't until after the fight that Danzo and the bodyguards behind him reacted.

"Protect the leader!"


The two bodyguard ninjas quickly stood in front of Danzo, who was bleeding from his mouth.

"What's the matter?"

"I taught the dog a lesson, and you're still not satisfied?"

Seeing Danzo hiding behind his subordinates, glaring at him with a sinister face.

Kaze narrowed his eyes slightly and kicked three times in a row.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

With Kage-Level Taijutsu combined with the Nine-Tails' chakra mode, the three of them couldn't even see Kaze's movements clearly.

They were all kicked and sent flying, crashing into the wall of the office.

"Ugh... You two, don't move."

Danzo, lying on the ground in a shrimp-like position, spat out blood and restrained his subordinates from attacking.

Then, enduring the pain in his abdomen, he climbed up from the ground.

"Kaze, you've gone too far!"

"This is the Hokage's office in the Hokage Tower. It won't tolerate your unruly behavior!"

After saying this, Danzo turned around in frustration and asked anxiously when he didn't see Hiruzen supporting him.

"Hiruzen, say something!"

Hearing Danzo's call, Hiruzen finally snapped out of his contemplation.

When Kaze mentioned earlier that Danzo was colluding with Orochimaru, it instantly made Hiruzen see through many mysteries surrounding Danzo.

Such as Yamato's Wood Release and the research on the Sharingan, among others.

If Orochimaru, a scientific genius, was involved, everything would make sense.

And Danzo just mentioned the Chunin Exams.

Hiruzen had a hunch that there was definitely some kind of plan waiting for him in all of this.

However, these were matters to be dealt with between him and Danzo in their secret battle. Right now, the priority was to resolve the situation with Kaze.

Hiruzen looked up, gazing at the disheveled Danzo, and finally spoke.

"Stop it, Kaze. Let the farce end here. I will help you seek justice after this."

With that, Hiruzen even showed a benevolent expression, as if forgiving a junior's mistake.

"You didn't pursue the traitor and damaged the base's facilities, but In consideration of the fact that you acted to save your comrades I won't investigate further."

"But these ANBU ninjas are not traitors. They were sent by me to protect you, so release them immediately."

"And as for that traitor, hand him over to Danzo."

After hearing Hiruzen's decision, Danzo was stunned on the side.

"Hiruzen, have you lost your mind?"

"He publicly assaulted and insulted high-ranking leaders, and you call this a farce?!"

Hiruzen didn't even raise his eyelids and simply nodded.

"It was an impulsive act born out of anger. There's no need to harshly pursue it."

"Are you, someone of your age, unable to get along with a twelve or thirteen-year-old child?"

"You!!!" Blood that Danzo had suppressed surged from the corners of his mouth again.

Clearly, he was infuriated by these remarks.

After a pause, he managed to suppress his anger once again. With a face ashen, he let out a low growl.

"I surrender! Release the people now. I'm leaving!"

Watching this scene that resembled a theatrical play, Kaze couldn't help but burst into laughter.


"Hiruzen, you call yourself my grandpa?"

"And you ask me to release them? I'm the one who should be your grandpa!"

Kaze couldn't be bothered to continue pretending and arguing with these two old dogs.

He had brought these ANBU shinobi here to slap Hiruzen's face! It wouldn't do to use and manipulate him without any consequences.

Hiruzen's benevolent expression froze, and his face instantly turned ashen as Danzo's.

"Stop spouting nonsense!"

"Release the people immediately, and I don't want to repeat myself!"

Hiruzen, abandoning the title of "grandpa," spoke with a commanding tone in his words.

"You're just a blustering old dog, no different from Danzo."

With his current strength, Kaze had no need to continue playing pretend with Hiruzen.

He could curse him as much as he pleased since Hiruzen couldn't do anything to him.

On the side, Danzo was also taken aback by the sudden change and then mocked with a sneer.

"Heh, you're just shooting yourself in the foot. It would have been better if you had handed them over to me in the first place."

"Shut up!" Hiruzen turned his head and shouted angrily.

Then he looked back at Kaze, his eyebrows furrowed into a deep frown, his expression unusually serious.

"I'll ask you one last time, as your grandfather, will you release them or not?"

Upon hearing this, Kaze's smile faded, and he calmly met Hiruzen's gaze.

He knew that if he didn't release them now, Hiruzen would completely tear off the facade and call for Naruto to suppress him.

But so what?

Since he dared to bring these people to disgust Hiruzen, naturally, he wouldn't fail.

"You hypocritical face is truly nauseating. I've already cursed you and yet you are like this."

Kaze shook his head, his face filled with disdain and malice.

"But it doesn't matter. Since you want me to release them, I will."

"I just hope you, old dog, won't regret it."

As he spoke, Kaze made a swift motion with his hand.

The golden-red chakra strings instantly flew out from the hands of the shinobi behind him.

Hiruzen also sensed the danger and shouted in a commanding tone.

"Naruto, come out and take control of the body!"

But he was too late with his shout.

The Nine-Tails chakra that Kaze had previously implanted in everyone's bodies erupted.

The group of ANBU shinobi behind them immediately let out piercing cries of agony.


"Fire! Fire is burning me!"

"It hurts so much! My body is going to explode!"

"Kill him, Hokage-sama! Avenge us!"

After the chakra strings disappeared from the hands of the ANBU shinobi, it was as if a switch had been flipped.

The crimson Nine-Tails chakra, like ghostly flames, overflowed from the pores of their bodies.

Blood gushed out from the seven orifices behind their white masks, staining the pale masks with a faint red hue.

Although Hiruzen's shout came too late, Naruto quickly reacted.

A tremendous suction force emerged from within his body, causing the consciousness that had taken control of his body to teeter on the verge of collapse.

However, Kaze was also quick to react.

He mobilized the tiny bit of Asura chakra he had exchanged from the system and struggled to buy some time.

"I'll give it back to you soon, so stop screaming."

Speaking to himself, Kaze's face showed both disdain and malice on one side.

The other half of his face was filled with panic and regret, accompanied by Naruto's screams.

"Kaze, you lied to me!"

"You said that as long as I didn't intervene in your dealing with Danzo, you would spare these innocent ANBU!"


Advances Chapters-
