
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 48

Yesterday's Chapter, I was a bit busy.


On the right side of Kaze's position,

The surrounding darkness gradually faded, revealing four figures inside.

At the forefront was Sai, panting heavily as he waved his brush.

Behind him stood three fully sealed ninjas from the Ino-Shika-Cho clans.

"Buy me some time!"

After shouting towards the three, Sai waved his hand, unfurling a scroll in mid-air.

Then his brush swiftly moved, rapidly drawing on the scroll.

And the attacks from the three followed Sai's words.

The Nara clan ninja with tied hair took the lead, and his shadow beneath him swiftly extended like a venomous snake.

It was like a swiftly shot arrow.

In the blink of an eye, it reached Kaze's feet, merging with his shadow.

Instantly, an invisible restraint was imposed.

As if some resilient spider silk tightly entangled Kaze's body, rendering him unable to move.

While restraining Kaze's movements,

A ninja from the Yamanaka clan, with both hands forming a triangular seal, emitted unseen spiritual energy from within the triangle.

This spiritual energy was extremely fast, like a bolt of speeding lightning, instantly entering Kaze's mind.

Lastly, the chubby ninja from the Akimichi clan made his move.

His inflated hands, complete with seals, rapidly grew larger.

In an instant, they transformed into two colossal palms that obscured the sky.

With the piercing sound of air being torn apart, they heavily slammed towards Kaze.

All three of them were top-class elites among Tensai under Tenzou's command.

Their seamless combination attacks had defeated even Jounin.

Unfortunately, they were facing Kaze, a formidable opponent with a systematic wall-hack ability.

The first one to meet his demise was the Yamanka clan ninja.

As his consciousness entered Kaze's body,

He was greeted by a giant Kaze figure with crimson vertical pupils.

And a furious and savage roar.

"Get lost!!!"

The terrifying power unleashed by the explosive roar swept through the Yamanka ninja's consciousness.

In the next second,

The Yamanaka ninja, who couldn't even utter a scream, instantaneously turned into scattered energy and was blasted away.

At the same time, outside.

The Yamanaka ninja, whose Transformation Technique was dispelled,

Bleeding mist sprayed from all seven orifices, and with a frightened expression, he fell to the ground, lifeless.

Before the remaining two could react in terror,

The Akimichi clan ninja also let out a miserable scream.


In front of them, although Kaze's body was still restrained by the Shadow Imitation Technique and didn't move,

Nine fox tails suddenly pierced the sky like sharp blades.

In an instant, they pierced nine bloody holes in the massive hand that covered the sky!

Then, the fox tails violently tore outward through the bloody holes!

The colossal hand, like a minor monster struck by Ultraman's rays, exploded in the air!

A large amount of flesh splattered with blood rained down and scattered across the entire open space!

"Damn it, aren't you done yet!"

In less than five seconds, one died and the other was heavily injured.

The Nara clan ninja was drenched in sweat, desperately unleashing his chakra.

"My Shadow Imitation Technique is reaching its limit too!"

"Almost there!" Sai also had sweat pouring down his head, and his brush moved even faster.

In the distance, hearing the conversation between the two, Kaze couldn't help but sneer.

Then, ignoring the restraint of the shadow, he took a step forward and appeared in front of the Nara ninja.

"What makes you so arrogant to think you've gained control over me?"



Accompanied by the Nara ninja's horrified scream, the fox tail swept across his neck.

And then, a large head with a topknot flew high into the sky.

On that blood-stained face, there still remained an expression of astonishment and disbelief.

Finally, only Sai was left, pushed to the extreme.

His eyes turned crimson, and the brush in his hand created illusions.

Sai's brush danced through the air, leaving behind a trail of vibrant ink strokes.

Finally, as Kaze gazed at him, the last ninjutsu was completed.

"Super God Fake Painting: Wind God and Thunder God!"

With a brush filled with ink in his hand, he horizontally swept it forward.

Splashes of ink filled the air as two colossal god-like figures, over ten meters tall with muscles bulging like mountains, appeared.

In an instant, the two god-like figures swung their fists, comparable to small hills, and smashed down toward the top of Kaze.

Boom! Boom!

The resounding thunderous roars echoed through the heavens and earth.

The immense fists were blocked by the nine chakra tails of the Nine-Tails, but the ground beneath Kaze crumbled and collapsed under the tremendous force.

The shattered cracks even extended to the walls on the edge of the base!

"It was completely blocked without even a scratch!"

"No, I am completely outclassed compared to him!"

"I must retreat immediately!"

Realizing that his most powerful move was easily blocked, Sai didn't look back and ran towards the passage.

The abandoned root ninja also quickly reacted and ran out, enduring the pain in his hand.

"Thinking of escaping?"

Kaze raised an eyebrow, and his fox tail behind him sliced through the air like a fierce wind, cutting off the hands of the two god-like figures.

Just as he was about to chase after them, the handless god-like figures smashed at him with their bare arms.

This forced Kaze to evade and stop in his tracks.

"You have prepared for so long, and this Super God Fake Painting indeed has some tricks."

The stronger Sai became, the greater his potential and the happier Kaze felt.

He could completely imagine the twisted face of Danzo once he killed Sai.

Without paying any further attention to the two heading towards the passage, Kaze suddenly erupted with the Nine-Tails' chakra throughout his body.

In an instant, the chakra transformed into a giant claw as large as the god-like figures before him.

In the next moment, the giant claw swung.

A howling sound filled the air as the two god-like figures were instantly severed at the waist and fell to the ground like paper.

However, even so, the god-like figures did not dissipate and continued to block Kaze's path with their remaining upper bodies.

Another claw swung.

The remaining upper bodies of the two god-like figures, now fragmented and shattered, finally merged with the ink and blood on the ground.

As the battle on Kaze's side concluded, a thunderous rumbling came from the passage.

Before Kaze could move, the slain shadow clones had already rushed past him.

After a moment, a group of shadow clones followed by over a dozen injured ANBU ninjas and Sai emerged.

As for the missing root ninja, he had already died in the passage.

Upon coming out, the leading ANBU ninja hurriedly approached Kaze and explained with a respectful bow.

"Lord Uzumaki, we are ANBU directly under the Hokage, not your enemies!"

"We came here to protect your companions, Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura!"

"Please spare us, or else it won't be easy to explain to the Hokage!"

Accompanied by a threatening tone, Kaze glanced at the ANBU leader.

The coldness in his eyes sent shivers down the ANBU leader's spine, making his body stiffen.

After a while, Kaze finally withdrew his gaze and said indifferently.

"Whether you are enemies or not, all of you will come with me to meet the Third Hokage."

As he spoke, a familiar golden-red chakra tendril appeared.

In an instant, it pierced through the hands of everyone, once again shedding blood in this base.

Simultaneously, cries of pain resounded one after another.


"What are you doing, Lord Kaze?!"

"Aren't you afraid of the Hokage's punishment?!"

Kaze sneered and paid no attention to their protests.

Gripping the tendril, he swiftly rushed towards the passage, breaking through the rubble and reaching the outside.

This sudden pulling caused another wave of screams.

Following behind him were the shadow clones carrying Sasuke and Sakura.

Kaze aimed his index finger ahead at the root base, extending his own finger.

In an instant, crimson and blue chakra began to converge.

Soon, a terrifying black sphere, exuding an aura of annihilation, formed.

Gazing at the completed Tailed Beast Bomb, Kaze murmured softly, then flicked his finger lightly.

"Tailed Beast Bomb!"


The Tailed Beast Bomb created a path of air pressure, and in the blink of an eye, it surged into the underground passage.

The next second, a fiery sun descended!


Advanced Chapters-
