
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 45

Early the next day.

On the usual training ground of Team 7.

Naruto was focused, forming hand seals and practicing the newly learned Wind Release jutsu.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!"

He put in a lot of effort, but unfortunately, the wind he blew out from his mouth was as refreshing as a fan on the lowest setting.

"Darn, I failed again!"

"Asuma-sensei's ninjutsu is so difficult!"

"If only it were as simple as the Shadow Clone Jutsu."

Feeling discouraged, Naruto sat down on the ground, planning to take a rest.

As for Asuma, who taught him the ninjutsu, it was the result of yesterday's arrangement by Hiruzen Sarutobi.


Hiruzen Sarutobi, not trusting Naruto, came to his house with Iruka and Asuma.

When they saw 'Naruto' open the door, Hiruzen finally felt relieved.

After all, what he wanted was a Nine-Tails jinchuriki who would listen to him, not an unstable factor.

They proceeded to affirm and comfort Naruto with Iruka and emphasized his importance.

Finally, Asuma was introduced, informing Naruto that he had found a teacher for him to learn Wind Release and become stronger.

Asuma, who reluctantly took on the teaching task, brought his Team 10 to Team 7's training ground the next day.

He had already discussed with Kakashi that they would have joint training for some time.

Since his Team 10 was not very motivated, it was a good opportunity to inspire them with the strength of Team 7, who had reached the level of Chunin.


Asuma, smoking a cigarette, shook his head and walked over to Naruto, who looked discouraged.

"Naruto, when forming hand seals, you need to generate a specific amount of chakra and control the amount of chakra you release. The amount you just used was too little."

Compared to controlling chakra for tree-climbing and water-walking exercises, ninjutsu requires more precise and delicate control.

For a novice ninja to successfully perform ninjutsu, they must release it with the designated optimal amount of chakra.

Even a slight deviation can disrupt the balance of the jutsu and result in failure.

Only when one becomes extremely proficient in releasing it can they add more chakra to increase the power of the jutsu.

"Too little?" Naruto raised his head with some confusion. "I generated enough chakra when I released it!"

"And regarding chakra control, Kakashi-sensei said I've reached the level of an average Chunin!"

After saying that, Naruto stood up and demonstrated his control of chakra by climbing up a nearby tree trunk.

Naruto's actions astonished the onlookers, Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji.

"That idiot Naruto can gather chakra with his feet and climb so high!?"

Ino couldn't believe it and shook her head, looking at her fat teammate.

"Naruto is not an idiot!" Choji, eating potato chips, earnestly refuted Ino.

"Naruto is a smart guy who has mastered an A-rank ninjutsu!"

Recalling Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu during the graduation exam, Ino felt a bit uneasy.

But she still stubbornly held her ground.

"He was just a late bloomer before. Learning it now must have been pure luck!"

Listening to their argument, Choji, holding his bag of chips, slipped away from Ino's grasp and moved aside.

"This is such a headache. If Naruto has such good chakra control, the other two are probably just as good or even better."

"The days ahead are bound to be incredibly challenging."

Using his clever mind, Shikamaru could already imagine the intensity of their future training.

Asuma, after witnessing Naruto's flawless movements, was also momentarily stunned.

Previously, the different teams trained in separate locations, so they only heard rumors about each other's progress and didn't know the true extent of their training. Based on Naruto's current level of control, it's highly likely that he has already completed the more difficult water-walking training as well. Thinking about this, Asuma felt a bit frustrated and took a deep drag of his cigarette.

Considering the current situation, Naruto could be considered a talented ninja. So why did his father tell Asuma that Naruto was a bit slow and to be patient with him?

Could it be because their philosophies clashed, leading to a strained relationship, and his father just took the opportunity to talk to him more?

And what about Kakashi? Despite his laid-back appearance, why was he so serious and responsible when it came to teaching?

Asuma's mind was filled with complex thoughts, but he continued with his instruction.

"Kakashi's previous training was just to introduce you to the basics of chakra control, not to reach the pinnacle. So if you want to master powerful ninjutsu, you need to focus and practice more."

As he spoke, Asuma demonstrated the Wind Release: Great Breakthrough using hand seals in front of Naruto.

"First, according to the required hand seals, you need to generate the corresponding amount of chakra by combining physical and mental energy."

His hands slowly formed the seals in front of him, and Asuma released the synthesized chakra, radiating a blue light all over his body.

"Then, you need to control this chakra and gather it in your mouth to construct the ninjutsu you want to release."

Asuma took a deep breath, and his cheeks hollowed as he inhaled, consuming the cigarette entirely. At the same time, the blue light around his body quickly receded and gathered in his mouth.

"Finally, release it successfully!"

Asuma's voice sounded slightly sharp as he shouted, and then he exhaled the held breath.

Wind Release: Great Breakthrough!

In an instant, a small tornado about five meters high and one meter wide formed in front of everyone. The ground was swept up, and debris and grass scattered in the air, with the wind pressure causing the nearby Ino-Shika-Cho trio's hair to flutter.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Naruto's eyes sparkled with admiration.

Seeing Naruto's admiration, Asuma nodded satisfactorily and lit another cigarette.

"What I meant earlier was that you generated enough chakra, but you wasted a lot by not controlling the output properly, which is why it fell short."

"If you can't control the output accurately, you can choose to generate more chakra at the beginning to compensate for the waste."

"Oh, I see!" Naruto suddenly understood and quickly performed the hand seals again.

This time, it was clearly much better than before, and a small tornado less than half a meter in size appeared in front of him.

Seeing Naruto successfully forming the ninjutsu, Asuma nodded in satisfaction.

"Not bad, keep progressing like this."

"Once you can create a tornado comparable to mine, I will teach you B-rank ninjutsu and even higher-level chakra nature transformations."

Great Breakthrough was a jutsu Asuma learned the previous night, and its power was not significant, so his requirement was not too high. Based on Naruto's chakra reserves, he could probably perform it dozens or even hundreds of times in a day, which meant he could complete it within a month. If it were an ordinary ninja with less chakra, they would need several years of practice at the very least.

Hearing Asuma's promises, Naruto's enthusiasm grew, and he continued practicing diligently.

The morning passed quickly. Without the Nine-Tails powering him up, Naruto's chakra also depleted. After bidding farewell to Asuma and Team 10, Naruto handed over control of his body to Kaze, as they had agreed upon the previous night.

This was the arrangement they made. Kaze could continue to fight on Naruto's behalf and even assist in training, but in return, Naruto would relinquish one-third of his body's control.

"Ah, what a refreshing breath of fresh air," Kaze exclaimed, taking a deep breath. He twisted his neck slightly and flexed his finger joints, producing a series of cracking sounds.

With this unusual transition in action, the ANBU hidden in the shadows seemed to understand something.

A dark figure flashed and appeared in front of Kaze.

"Lord Kaze, from now on, allow me to lead you to the Root headquarters."


Check out my own fanfiction- Erotic Journey Through The Multiverse.

Yeah, it's smut. I can't be bothered to think of an actual plot I'm too busy and only translating is boring T-T

Oh btw It's very degenerate as I write only when I'm horny so if you're soft hearted then its better to stay away.

The protagonist has almost no morals and while likes to think with his dick isn't brainless.

Plus I've always been interested in writing smut might as well try
