
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 42 [Bonus!]

Two weeks later...

With the financial support of the Four-Star Corporation, the construction of the Great Bridge connecting the Land of Waves to the outside world was completed ahead of schedule.

It took only half the time compared to the original storyline.

The completion of the bridge, coupled with the newly established Four-Star Seed Company, brought a large number of job opportunities.

In the Land of Waves, almost everyone, except those who had lost loved ones at the hands of Kaze, had accepted the current situation.

Of course, Kaze also spent money to arrange a significant number of influential individuals to promote and guide public opinion, whitewashing the situation.

They claimed that the previous year was just a test before the investment. They praised the resilience and unity of the Land of Waves, stating that prosperous days of having enough to eat were just around the corner.

With persuasive and seemingly reasonable statements, they created illusions and inflated expectations. This helped eliminate the resistance from the majority of the Land of Waves' citizens.

People began envisioning a brighter future and expressed gratitude for the jobs that would provide them with a stable income and the imminent establishment of their own ninja village.

They no longer needed to defend themselves.

Anyone who dared to criticize or resist the Four-Star Corporation was drowned in the saliva of other citizens. The reputation of the corporation even surpassed that of the daimyo of the Land of Waves.

The daimyo didn't mind because he also received a share of the profits and enjoyed the same privileges as the nobles of major countries.

Compared to the past, where he constantly feared assassination attempts by Gato's men and couldn't voice his anger, the current situation was far better.

In short, the series of tactics employed by Kaze, learned from his past life, left even the previously undefeated Gato in awe.

He now willingly worked in the company, earning the minimum wage, and expressed gratitude. It was truly unbelievable!

If he had possessed half of Kaze's skills and tactics earlier, he would have conquered the Land of Waves long ago!

However, Gato's tactics could only deceive the impoverished citizens of the Land of Waves.

The members of Team 7, who came from the prosperous village of Konoha, were astonished by this clever combination of schemes.

Especially Kakashi, who couldn't understand. If Gato had such determination and skills, then why couldn't he achieve anything in the Land of Waves for a year and faced relentless resistance from the citizens?

Did their arrival, powerful as they were, force Gato to use his brain?

Although he couldn't comprehend, the members of Team 7 who successfully completed their mission had no reason to stay any longer.

After bidding farewell to the frustrated Tazuna and his family, they set off on the journey back to Konoha.

On the other side, in the Land of Hot Water, Hidan, dressed in a black coat and sporting a large pompadour hairstyle, blocked the path of a passerby.

"Brother, have you heard of the Evil God Sect?"


Moments later, the unfortunate passerby was impaled on a tree with an iron rod. Under the tree was a mysterious religious symbol drawn in blood.

The sound of screams attracted the attention of Hidan's group, who were pursuing him.

"This is the third one we've come across on the way. Such brutal methods," Displeased Haku wrinkled his brows.

Observing Haku's reaction, Zabuza, on the other hand, showed an interested expression.

"They have no motives for money or grudges. They simply kill for the sake of killing. I quite like these scum," he said with a bloodthirsty smile.

Although they had also killed many people, they were always mission targets or people who posed a threat to them.

Moreover, if some mission targets were too pitiful, Haku would fake their death and let them go. He usually turned a blind eye to such situations.

Comparing himself to them, Zabuza suddenly felt like he was still a decent person.

Turning his head, Zabuza's mouth curled into a bloodthirsty grin.

"Boss, can I kill him later?" asked Zabuza.

"The screams of scum like him must be delightful, bringing joy to one's body and soul," he added.

Hearing Zabuza's words, Hidan, who had closed his eyes and sensed the malice, opened his eyes.

"If you can kill him, go ahead."

After saying that, he turned around without caring and headed towards the other side of the road.

"Follow me, he hasn't gone far."

Seeing that Kaze thought he couldn't kill him, Zabuza's smile froze for a moment. Then, with a gloomy look in his eyes, he quickly caught up.

Since Kaze underestimated him and said he could go ahead, he must make sure to take down that guy, Hidan, later!

The three of them didn't walk far before they encountered Hidan, who was strolling leisurely. Hidan also sensed the people behind him and turned to look.

"Oh, this time there are three of you! The Evil God truly blesses us!" Hidan's face lit up with excitement upon seeing the three.

Due to his continuous killing, there were significantly fewer people walking on this road.

Now, suddenly encountering three people was equivalent to a day's worth of victims! Truly, the blessings of the Evil God!

"Hey, handsome guy, beautiful lady, and ugly man, want to join our Evil God Cult?" Hidan asked.

Haku had already gotten used to being mistaken for a woman and couldn't be bothered to argue.

"Ugly man?" Zabuza didn't need to think to know who Hidan was referring to. His face was filled with chilling hostility.

It was fine for Kaze to say that because he was the boss. But now, someone who was on his hit list dared to speak like that!

Thinking that Zabuza didn't understand, Hidan continued to explain with an excited smile.

"Our doctrine is really great! Not only will you not be punished for killing, but it will also make the Evil God even happier, and he might even bring blessings!"

"How about it? Isn't it fabulous?" he asked, his expression twisted with a sickly enthusiasm.

Seeing the twisted expression on Hidan's face, Zabuza became even more disgusted.

He unsheathed his large beheading sword from his back and pointed it directly at Hidan.

"It seems you're that serial killer. Are you ready to die?"

"Try not to let him get your blood if you don't want to die," Kaze casually reminded him as they were about to fight.

Hearing Kaze's words, Hidan, who was ahead, also heard them and opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"So, you know about the prayer ceremony too. Are you also a follower of the Evil God!?"

"You talk too much!" Zabuza coldly swung his sword at Hidan, slashing a large gash across his chest, blood pouring out.

In front of them, Zabuza turned into a puddle of water, avoiding the swing of Hidan's scythe.

Before Hidan could even wonder, a cold and ruthless voice came from behind.

"Hmph, your whole body is full of flaws. I really don't know why the boss took a liking to trash like you."

As he spoke, Zabuza's beheading sword pierced through Hidan's heart, then was forcefully pulled out, splattering the ground with crimson blood.

"So simple, it's boring," Zabuza said with a disdainful expression as he withdrew his beheading sword.

Just as he was about to leave, Hidan, who was still standing there, suddenly grabbed Zabuza's arm from behind.

"Do you know..." Hidan coughed up blood, but used his toe to draw a pattern on the ground.

"I'm in a lot of pain!"

With an angry roar, Hidan swung the scythe in his other hand towards Zab Hidan's scythe whistled through the air, but Zabuza swiftly blocked the attack with his beheading sword, using it as a shield.

At the same time, he kicked his foot forcefully, freeing himself from Hidan's grasp.

Looking at Zabuza, who had managed to break free, Hidan showed no signs of discouragement. On the contrary, he wore a smug grin on his face.

Meanwhile, he lifted the fingers that had just held onto Zabuza to his lips and sucked the blood from his nail bed.

"Prepare to face the judgment of the Evil God!" Hidan exclaimed.

"The ritual begins!"


Of course I won't forget the bonus for my lovely readers.

Advanced Chapters-
