
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

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107 Chs

Chapter 3

The idea startled him, and he quickly shook his head, attempting to dismiss the unsettling thought from his mind.

But the more he tried to push the idea out of his mind, the more it took root and persisted.

Eventually, Naruto couldn't resist the urge and whispered his own name, hoping to draw a comparison.

"Uzumaki Naruto?"

Before Naruto could think, the voice in his head spoke again.



Hearing the response, Naruto's expression instantly changed from doubt to panic.

In an instant, there was a deafening scream and the sound of footsteps galloping away.


"There's a ghost!!"

Feng Xu: "..."

Watching Naruto run away in fear and distress, Feng Xu couldn't help but feel exasperated.

"I'm not a ghost. I exist in your mind. I am you, Uzumaki Naruto!"

"In my head?!"

Naruto's expression became even more frightened.

The screams grew louder, reaching a new level of intensity.

"Help! Third Hokage! Teacher Iruka! Anyone!"

"I've been possessed by a ghost!!"

Feng Xu: "..."

"No... Forget it. Let him experience it firsthand."

Feng Xu couldn't be bothered to deal with Naruto's fear of ghosts.

He decided to directly access his authority and transfer some memories to the past.

Outside, Naruto's running abruptly came to a halt.

A surge of negative emotions, along with dark and painful memories, flooded into his mind, engulfing him completely.

His face contorted and twisted, his eyes filled with boundless resentment.

These memories and emotions surged through him rapidly.

In less than a breath, Naruto returned to his normal state.

The pain and darkness receded, remaining on Feng Xu's side.

Feng Xu's voice echoed once again.

"I am the personality that carries these painful memories on your behalf."

"Do you understand now?"

Due to the overwhelming emotions and memories, Feng Xu's tone turned as cold as a frigid wind, sending a shiver down Naruto's spine.

Naruto had witnessed this chilling tone in others before.

He suddenly gasped heavily, his expression gloomy.

"I... I see."

"And... I'm sorry, I..."

For a long time, Naruto had sensed something or someone helping him bear those memories and emotions.

So he quickly accepted the presence of another personality within himself.

Upon accepting it, a wave of guilt and remorse washed over Naruto's face.

"I won't let you bear this alone in the future."

"I'll help you share the pain and support you..."

"How will you help?"

Feng Xu sneered and interrupted Naruto's words.

"Let me be the dominant personality while you bear the role of the subordinate personality?"

Upon hearing Feng Xu's rhetorical question, Naruto fell into silence, unable to provide an answer.

Based on the memories that were just transferred, it was evident that a separate personality was necessary to bear those painful memories.

The thought of enduring the torment of those dark and abyss-like pasts made Naruto flinch.

And Naruto couldn't bring himself to hand over his body to Feng Xu.

He felt the resentment and anger emanating from those memories, the desire to destroy everything.

Although he had experienced these emotions himself, the idea of relinquishing control to the second personality in his mind terrified him.

Deep in thought, Naruto felt a complex tangle of emotions.

He also had mixed feelings about this sudden revelation and was unsure how to navigate the situation.

Feng Xu, understanding Naruto's current thoughts, felt satisfied with his guilt.

While he had the assistance of the system to block the authority on his side, Naruto did not.

For now, the situation was working in Feng Xu's favor.

He intended to explain and dispel Naruto's concerns one by one in order to gain initial trust.

Afterward, he would find a way to increase Naruto's trust and dependence to a level where they could communicate freely

At least 10%.

With this in mind, Feng Xu's tone softened, dissipating the previous coldness.

"Naruto, I don't intend to compete with you for control of your body right now," Feng Xu spoke earnestly.

"Do you remember what I said earlier? We are one and the same, interconnected and sharing a common interest. If we distrust and fight against each other, it will only bring suffering to this body. By cooperating and working together, we can both benefit, and I can bear some of the burden of those memories and emotions."

Feng Xu's words rang true, emphasizing the importance of cooperation and understanding.

"And remember, you are the primary personality. Even if I temporarily assume control of the body, you can reclaim it at any time," Feng Xu continued. "Moreover, my very existence is meant to shoulder those painful memories and emotions."

Every word Feng Xu spoke carried weight and sincerity.

However, he chose not to reveal the full truth and left many details undisclosed.

He didn't want to seize control of Naruto's body just yet. Instead, his immediate goal was to establish trust and dependence. The moment to assert dominance would come later.

The primary reason for his existence was rather straightforward.

The Asura Chakra had forcefully guided Naruto along the path of the Child of Destiny. Naturally, the suppressed emotions and memories would give rise to a new consciousness.

Feng Xu was that consciousness.

While explaining, Feng Xu also granted Naruto some access to his feelings, allowing him to sense whether the other was telling the truth or not.

In response, Naruto's previously gloomy and anxious expression transformed into one of joy and excitement.

"So, that's how it is! From now on, we'll be friends!" Naruto exclaimed, his voice full of childlike enthusiasm. "I'll even let you come out secretly to have some fun, as long as you promise not to hurt anyone!"

As Naruto spoke, the system sent a message.

[Main Personality Dependence/Trust Value: 21%]

"21% already?" Feng Xu was surprised by the system's message.

He noticed that the previously dim and sinking consciousness space had regained its brightness, and the faint sense of terror had momentarily dissipated.

[Hint: Acquiring initial trust can be simple and exaggerated, but it's also prone to backsliding. For instance, if the host does something contradictory to the primary personality's will, the trust value may plummet to 0% in an instant. Remember, it's not just about trust; the host's personality also requires dependence. Accumulating trust alone to reach 100% is a lengthy and unlikely process.]

Feng Xu understood the system's message immediately.

The initial stages were ideal for bolstering trust and dependence, but these gains could be easily lost.

It wasn't enough to focus on one aspect; both trust and dependence needed attention.

"What's this 21%?" Naruto asked, curious about Naruto No. 2's statement.

Despite Feng Xu's previous exclamation being barely audible, Naruto could hear it clearly. It was the voice inside his head.

"I'm calculating the odds of something favorable I've planned for you, and the success rate is 21%," Naruto No. 2 explained.

"By the way, please don't call me Naruto No. 2. I've given myself a new name: Uzumaki Kaze."

Initially, Feng Xu had no intention of interfering with the original plot. However, when it came to the people Naruto trusted, the fewer individuals involved, the better.

He needed to find a way to sideline Iruka.

"Like a breeze, huh?" Naruto nodded like a little adult. (1)

"As expected of another me, I'm so educated and smart!"


1. Kaze can be translated as wind. The literal Chinese Translation of the name would be Whirlpool Wind Void or something.


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