
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 38

In the wilderness, on a forested land.

A cold breeze swept by, and the revived Zabuza abruptly opened his eyes.

In an instant, he sat up, clutching his body and gasping for breath.

"I'm still alive?"

"No, that terrifying chakra clearly tore my body apart!"

"Ah, Lord Zabuza, you're awake!"

A clear voice interrupted Zabuza's thoughts.

Haku, holding a fragrant roasted fish, came running and leaping towards him.


"You're not dead either!"

Seeing Haku's excited face in front of him, Zabuza felt something stir within him.

The tiny crack in his frozen heart rapidly expanded, causing the ice to shatter.

Regardless of the roasted fish, he immediately embraced Haku tightly.

"Thank goodness, you're alive. Thank goodness!"

Forget about the notion that shinobi cannot have emotions, forget about the idea that Haku was just a tool.

After experiencing life and death, Zabuza didn't want to escape or numb himself anymore.

Feeling the wetness on his shoulder, Haku was stunned.

The Zabuza who had spent ten years killing like a blade with a heart as cold as ice was actually crying!

And this kind of warm and genuine emotion...

Haku thought it must have been the explosion earlier that damaged Zabuza's mind.

He immediately panicked and shouted, "Lord Kazekyo!"

"Lord Zabuza's head hasn't been treated properly. Please come and treat it again!"

"Kazekyo!?" Zabuza's display of true emotions vanished instantly.

Just as he was about to push Haku away forcefully as he used to, he gently pushed him aside.

"My head is fine. It was just the emotions after escaping from the brink of death that I couldn't handle."

After explaining with a stern face, Zabuza looked at the person who had appeared before him.

Then his eyes widened like copper bells, and he quickly reached for the giant sword on his back.

"It's you!"

"That blond brat!"

Seeing Zabuza so agitated, Haku quickly stepped forward to restrain him.

"Lord Zabuza, Lord Kazekyo showed mercy and spared us. He also treated our injuries."

Kaze also approached Zabuza with a smile.

"What Haku said is correct. I spared you and healed you."

"What exactly do you want?" Zabuza furrowed his brow and pulled Haku behind him.

"Do you want us to do something for you?"

Kaze smiled and shook his head. "Not help, but represent."

"After all, from now on, I will be the master of both of you."

"You bastard!" Upon hearing the word "master," Zabuza swung his sword once again.

But halfway through the swing, a piercing pain surged through his body.

Beside him, Haku's face turned pale, and he groaned in pain.

At the same time, a faint crimson chakra, like flames, danced on their bodies.

"What have you done to us!"

Zabuza was shocked and furious. The intense pain made it difficult for him to speak clearly.

"Just some technique that controls your life and death, nothing worth mentioning."

As he spoke, the crimson chakra flames on both of them suddenly contracted.

The piercing pain also disappeared without a trace.

Being someone whose life was controlled by others, Zabuza quickly realized the reality.

"I admit defeat this time. I'll consider it as having changed bosses..."

"But don't expect me to call you master. You're not even worthy!"

Kaze's lips twitched, suppressing the rising disgust.

"With your appearance, even if you try not to disgust me, I'll already be disgusted."

"Hmph." Zabuza didn't pay much attention to Kaze's comment

As long as he didn't make him shout like a slave to his master, it was fine.

After finishing the beating and subduing Zabuza, Kaze also revealed the 'carrot'.

"I can't personally intervene, so I need you to act on my behalf."

"But don't worry, I only need you to work for me for three years, and after three years, I'll set you free."

"Of course, if you deceive me, be prepared to have no freedom for the rest of your life."

Kaze couldn't imagine how much he would grow in three years.

By then, Zabuza and Haku would be dispensable.

When Zabuza heard that they would have freedom, his face visibly improved.

"Hmph, as long as you keep your promise, we will naturally be dedicated."

"That's good." Kaze nodded and continued.

"That seal that controls your lives is also the power I bestowed upon you."

"When facing a strong enemy, you can activate it voluntarily, greatly enhancing your physical activity and healing abilities."

Kaze, who could fully control the Nine-Tails' chakra, could naturally lend this chakra to others as well.

However, this chakra was limited, probably only as much as dozens of Kakashi's.

It needed to be replenished by Kaze after being used.

Moreover, this chakra also included the techniques of the Flying Thunder God.

This allowed Kaze not only to arrive by their side at any time but also to send shadow clones to provide support.

"It's Tailed Beast chakra, right?"

Zabuza deeply looked at Kaze and said, "Compared to Yagura, you are even more like a perfect Jinchuriki."

On the side, Haku closed his eyes and sensed something, then directly triggered the Nine-Tails' chakra.

"What a powerful feeling!"

Flames-like red cloak emerged on his body, and Haku felt that his strength had increased by a level!

"If the Hidden Mist's pursuit team comes again, I can take them head-on alone!"

Zabuza did not try the intensity of the Nine-Tails' chakra like Haku did.

He looked ahead and asked Kaze directly, "What do we need to do afterwards? Any plans?"

Zabuza's reliable appearance satisfied Kaze.

After thinking for a moment, he spoke, "Take over Gato's shipping company and establish an organization to serve me using his money."

"Of course, I will also prepare a business development plan later. I need you to develop the company into a world conglomerate spanning the ninja world."

"You should understand better than me the role of money in the entire ninja world."

With money, you can hire ninjas for battles, just like the Five Great Nations.

Although the Five Great Nations also have their own ninja warriors, they usually hire ninjas from the five major ninja villages to fight.

They might even hire other forces like the Akatsuki organization.

If a ninja village needs development, it also requires money; otherwise, consumable equipment like hidden weapons, explosive tags, and soldier pills cannot be obtained.

Therefore, the relationship between the ninja villages and the major countries is more like partners in a joint venture.

Once they find that their partners do not meet their requirements, they may reduce funding and hire other partners.

The Hidden Sand Village is the best example of this.

Of course, these villages do not dare to rebel; there is no need for rebellion.

Their first opponents would be the other ninja villages hired by the country.

Even if they succeeded in rebelling, these ninja would only fight; they wouldn't have the capability to govern a nation.

In the end, in the ninja world, money is king. It allows you to hire ninjas for battles and even invest in establishing ninja villages.

If you provoke public anger or threaten the power of others you'd get eradicated like the Uzumaki's.


Encounter a psycho who can wipe out an entire nation single-handedly, money can solve most problems.

"I understand."

Zabuza nodded.

In fact, his thoughts were similar to Kaze's; both of them intended to seize Gato's company to expand their influence.

However, the difference was that Kaze planned to continue operating and developing the company, while Zabuza only wanted to establish an organization and take missions to earn money.


Advanced Chapters-
