
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 27

(T/N)- I've been a bit busy so today's chapter in advance or I'll end up delaying it again.


Over the next month and a bit-

Following Hiruzen Sarutobi's request, Kakashi arranged intense training for Naruto and his two companions.

They practiced tree climbing and water walking to master chakra control.

They engaged in physical training to enhance their strength.

They trained in the art of throwing projectiles.

And they had practical combat training against each other.

In short, they would do missions in the morning and train in the afternoon and evening.

The rigorous training almost exhausted Naruto and his companions.

However, the results were remarkable.

Except for Sakura, who still couldn't perform any ninjutsu.

Sasuke mastered C-rank ninjutsu, and Naruto mastered A-rank ninjutsu. Their abilities were now on par with Chunin.

Of course, Naruto's quick mastery of his chakra control was thanks to the late Torune's assistance.

If he hadn't used the Five Elements Seal to inadvertently handle that massive chakra amount that was difficult to control, Naruto would probably still be struggling with tree climbing.

Improving chakra control also represented an increase in strength.

Even without the Nine-Tails' chakra, Naruto could create nearly a hundred shadow clones using his Uzumaki physique.

Aside from their training, many things happened during this month and a bit.

The novel "Young Ah Ming" became a big hit as soon as it was released.

The first volume sold over a hundred thousand copies in a month, breaking the record of "Icha Icha Paradise".

Naruto and Iruka's relationship was restored to its former state under the deliberate guidance of Kaze.

After Naruto explained, Iruka understood that it was not Naruto who was cruel, but rather a secondary personality formed from his painful past experiences.

As a result, Iruka felt even more sympathy and compassion for Naruto.

He even spent money to treat Naruto to ramen for a month and often helped him clean his house, like a father figure.

Later on, Hiruzen Sarutobi also started to value Iruka again.

He promoted him and gave him new missions.

—He was tasked with trying to change Kaze's mindset using the Will of Fire and other ideologies.

The outcome was undoubtedly a failure, as Kaze would simply disappear whenever he saw Iruka, further accelerating his plans.

Executing the plan also required some capable individuals.

Regarding these individuals, Kaze had already set his sights on two potential targets in the subsequent Wave Country storyline—Haku and Zabuza.

At the Leaf Village Mission Hall,

"Oh my, my little cutie, you had me so worried!"

The wife of the Fire Country daimyo tightly hugged a hissing and scratching cat, rubbing her head against it frantically.

Even from a distance, Naruto and his companions could feel the cat's pain and resistance.

At the mission desk, Hiruzen Sarutobi held a smoking pipe in his mouth and presented a completed mission slip.

"Team 7, successful completion of a D-rank mission, finding a lost tiger cub."

"Um, the next mission is to help take care of children, or go to a neighboring village to purchase goods, or assist in harvesting sweet potatoes."

Before Hiruzen Sarutobi finished speaking, Naruto couldn't hold back anymore.

He crossed his arms in front of him, making a refusal gesture, and shouted, "No way!"

"Don't give us tasks like these anymore!"

"We've been training for over a month, and Kakashi-sensei said we're already at Chunin level!"

Sasuke and Sakura behind Naruto both nodded in agreement.

After enduring rigorous training, it was only natural to have a significant mission to test their abilities!

Seeing this, Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at Kak ashi and asked, "What do you think?"

Kakashi stroked his chin and spoke up, "They have already completed numerous D-rank missions, and their training has been going well."

"So, I believe it's time to try taking on higher-ranked missions."

Satisfied, Hiruzen nodded and said, "Since that's the case, I'll assign you a C-rank mission to protect someone."

As he spoke, he beckoned towards the direction of the adjacent resting room.

"Come out, someone has taken your mission."

The door to the resting room was pushed open, and an old man with a bottle of alcohol stepped out.

"Finally, someone took the mission. But why are they all just kids?" he grumbled.

"Especially that short, dumb-looking blond one. Can he really be a useful ninja?"

The old man with a strongly offensive demeanor was none other than Tazuna, the bridge builder from the Land of Waves, as portrayed in the original plot.

Within consciousness,

"Now, the Land of Waves arc is finally about to begin."

Looking at Tazuna, who concealed the true information while holding a bottle of alcohol, Kaze waved his hand and opened his system panel.

[Host: Kaze]

[Corruption Level: 15,000]

[Main Personality Trust/Reliance Level: 40]

[Mastered Ninjutsu: Seduction Technique, Shadow Clone Technique, Kage-Level Taijutsu, One-Tailed Chakra Mode, Multiple Shadow Clone Technique]

After more than a month, the trust and reliance level had slowly risen back to 40.

The corruption level should have been over 18,000, but it stopped increasing due to the countless scoldings Naruto received while roaming Konoha.

At first, he received quite a few points, but towards the end, he was scolded so much that Naruto became completely immune to it, and the vicious curses no longer triggered his emotions.

That's why when Tazuna insulted Naruto, he didn't get angry and curse back.

The decrease of over 3,000 in corruption points was all exchanged by Kaze for physical techniques that could be used by a ninja.

However, most of the techniques were from mid-level shinobi who were on duty within the village, and there were only three jōnin-level shinobi that he had met: Kakashi, Asuma, and Kurenai.

The continuous accumulation also allowed Kaze's originally elite jōnin-level taijutsu to successfully upgrade to Kage-level taijutsu.

Although he had Kage-level taijutsu, his strength was comparable to that of an ordinary elite jōnin without activating the One-Tailed Chakra Mode.

After all, he hadn't encountered Might Guy, who was skilled in taijutsu. Otherwise, his strength would have increased even further.

Moreover, Kaze had been eyeing Might Guy's Eight Gates Release for a long time.

To put it bluntly, with the Eight Gates Release, Kaze's Kage-level taijutsu would be able to unleash power beyond that of a regular jōnin.

Furthermore, the One-Tailed Chakra Mode hee exchanged for was the yang-based chakra of the Nine-Tails.

The damage to the body caused by the Eight Gates Release could basically be treated and repaired using this yang-based chakra.

Suppressing his thoughts, Kaze turned his gaze back to the corruption points.

"Now that the plot is starting, I might as well use the remaining corruption points."

With that said, Kaze reached out and selected the ninjutsu stored in the system.

[Exchange Three-Tailed Chakra Mode (Yang) - 12,000]

[Exchange Flying Raijin Technique - 3,000]

[Current Corruption Level: 0]

Because he had previously exchanged for the One-Tailed Chakra Mode, the cost of the Three-Tailed Chakra Mode was reduced from 14,000 to 12,000.

As for the exchange of Flying Thunder God, it was because Kaze was about to start implementing the plan.

After exchanging for the Three-Tailed Chakra Mode and the Flying Raijin Technique, Kaze's corruption level reached zero.

Meanwhile, outside, the members of Team 7, who had successfully received the mission, had packed their bags and gathered at the village gate with Tazuna.

With Kakashi's command, they set off.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, who had never stepped outside the village before, began their journey towards the Land of Waves.


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(Plus some sexy art *wink* *wink*)
