
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 10

Naruto didn't surprise attack Mizuki; rather, he confronted him directly with ruthless force.

It resembled a cat playing with its prey, toying with Mizuki's hope before shattering it with his own hands.

This approach starkly contrasted with the naivety of a schoolboy.

However, these details were not the most crucial.

The pivotal moment occurred when Naruto, seized by the neck and fighting back, uttered two sentences that revealed the truth: "Is this the breath of the real world?" and "I really missed it!"

These sentences, though brief, provided significant information, indicating that Naruto was not fully himself at that moment.

Consequently, the question arose: what else resided within Naruto's being? The answer became apparent-

The Nine-Tails.

It couldn't have been Minato or Kushina.

Contemplating this, Hiruzen Sarutobi mused, his face clouded with concern, "Did you notice the presence of Nine-Tails' chakra at that time?"

After thoughtful consideration, the Anbu replied firmly, "No. Naruto was relying solely on his physical skills, and we did not detect any chakra fluctuations."

Sarutobi's brows furrowed deeper as he pondered the absence of Nine-Tails' chakra.

"I understand, you may leave now," he gestured. The Anbu bowed and disappeared from sight.

"Nine-tails without the Chakra?" Sarutobi mused. "Could it be that the Nine-Tails' consciousness slipped out of the seal, but its chakra remained confined?"

Naruto's condition was truly perplexing to Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Nevertheless, the absence of Nine-Tails' chakra seemed to be a positive outcome, alleviating concerns about the seal being breached and losing control over the Nine-Tails.

It also indicated the continued safety of the seal. Thus, Naruto, possessing the power of a tailed beast, could unleash and employ it without worry.

While contemplating Naruto's situation, Hiruzen Sarutobi's thoughts shifted to another matter.

He turned and walked back to his desk in the room, retrieving a thin envelope from the drawer beneath the copybook. "I wonder if Mizuki's words had any effect on Naruto," he muttered. "His death was undeservingly merciful."

"And Iruka, incapable of handling such a minor task, a truly disappointing individual." Sarutobi sighed, realizing that he had to handle matters himself.

In a soft whisper, he continued, "Now I must clean up this mess."

With these words, he put on his coat.

However, before leaving, he hesitated, clutching the thin envelope. After a brief moment, he returned to the desk, extracting a small stack of hundred-ryo bills from the drawer and inserting them into the envelope.

The small stack, along with the bills already inside, transformed the envelope into something more substantial, no longer feeling thin when held.

Satisfaction appeared on Sarutobi's face as he picked up his Hokage hat and made his way out of the gate.


A series of knocks resounded shortly after Naruto returned home, still brimming with excitement. "Someone knocking? Could it be time to receive my living expenses again?"

Ordinarily, Naruto's door only rang when Sarutobi Hiruzen sent someone to deliver his living expenses.

"Considering the time, there should still be half a month remaining," Naruto mumbled, trotting over to open the door.

To his surprise, he found Hiruzen Sarutobi standing outside with a kind smile on his face.

"Grandpa Hokage!"

Naruto exclaimed, taken aback. Hiruzen Sarutobi was the most significant person in the village for him, a figure akin to a grandfather, the closest person he had.

"I've come to see you, Naruto," Hiruzen Sarutobi said, his tone soft, as if regarding Naruto as his own grandson. "Won't you invite me in?"

Naruto quickly stepped aside, filled with joy that the Third Hokage had come to visit him. It seemed that his prank of stealing things earlier had successfully captured attention.

As Naruto welcomed him inside, he couldn't help but recall Mizuki's words from before. The surprise on his face froze, and a mix of complex emotions filled his gaze as he looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi.

Damn Mizuki! He truly died a merciful death!

Observing the change in Naruto's expression, Hiruzen Sarutobi couldn't help but silently curse Mizuki once again.

However, he maintained a concerned and caring expression on his face, unaffected by his internal thoughts.

"Naruto, I heard about what happened tonight. Are you injured?" Hiruzen Sarutobi's words matched the worry in his eyes, genuinely appearing like a grandfather concerned for his grandson's safety.

"How hypocritical and disgusting," Kaze, observing the scene from his consciousness, felt a tinge of disgust.

However, he refrained from intervening or revealing the true face of Sarutobi Hiruzen to Naruto.

"Grandpa Hokage, I'm fine. I didn't get hurt at all!" Naruto assured him, shaking his body to demonstrate his strength.

Hiruzen Sarutobi gently touched Naruto's head, his expression momentarily darkening as he felt a hint of remorse in his eyes. "Naruto, I know you have suffered greatly all these years. Now that you're growing up, there are some things you should know."

Fearing that Naruto might hold a grudge, Hiruzen Sarutobi decided it was time to explain, believing his previous manipulation had been effective.

Naruto, however, displayed no signs of resentment toward Hiruzen Sarutobi or the village. It seemed that the brainwashing and manipulation had worked better than Danzo's cursed seal could ever achieve.

"I don't believe Mizuki's words at all," Naruto interrupted, his voice tinged with a hint of anxiety. "Actually, you don't have to..."

Understanding Naruto's concerns, Hiruzen Sarutobi's smile widened.

However, since he had already spoken, he couldn't retract his words. With a serious expression, he continued, every word carrying weight.

"Naruto, you are not the Nine-Tailed demon fox. You are a real person, a ninja from Konoha Village."

"I'm not a nine-tailed demon fox!?" Naruto stood frozen, disbelief etched across his face as he stared at Sandai.

"But everyone hates me, and nobody has ever told me about my parents..."

Mizuki's words left a deep impression on Naruto's heart, leading him to accept the belief that he was indeed a demon fox.

"That's because everybody doesn't know the truth, including Mizuki," Hiruzen Sarutobi gently reassured Naruto, his hand once again finding its way to Naruto's head.

"Twelve years ago, the Fourth Hokage sealed the Kyuubi inside you at the cost of his own life. You are not a nine-tailed demon fox," Sarutobi explained, hoping to alleviate Naruto's doubts.

"I'm not a demon fox... I'm not a demon fox..."

Tears welled up in the corners of Naruto's eyes, but they were not tears of sadness.

They were tears of joy and relief. Mizuki's words had placed an immense burden on Naruto's shoulders, and now, discovering the truth, he couldn't control his emotions.

Seeing Naruto cry, Hiruzen Sarutobi shook his head with a smile. Once Naruto's tears subsided, he continued his explanation.

"Naruto, all the pain and suffering you've endured over the years were trials, tests to help you master the power of the nine-tailed demon fox," Sarutobi said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Naruto sniffled and asked with a mixture of curiosity and confusion, "Why me? Why not someone else?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi anticipated this question and answered, his expression showing his understanding. "Because you possess the qualities needed, and because we believe in you."

"The Fourth Hokage and I firmly believe that you have the potential to control the power of the Nine-Tailed demon fox, to prevent it from harming innocent people," he added, emphasizing their unwavering belief in Naruto.


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