
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 102

T/N- Sorry Exams had me stressed, I had backup for SSCOTE but not with this. I'll do a mass release tomorrow and two chapters for today before we go back to regular updates.


Withdrawing the Kusanagi from his chest, Orochimaru looked somewhat surprised at Kabuto, his face showing a hint of scrutiny.

"I thought you were scared and ran away, Kabuto!"

Upon hearing Orochimaru's words, Kabuto nonchalantly emerged from the sand.

His face was pale, panting slightly, and his palm was shining with the green chakra of the Healing Palm Jutsu.

"I am loyal to you, why would I run away?"

"I just learned from you and became a patient hunter."

As he spoke, under the influence of the green chakra, his injuries quickly healed.

In just a moment, the injuries that were grazed by the gold sand underground were restored to their original state.

Orochimaru, with an inexplicable expression, stared at Kabuto's eyes.

He suddenly smiled only after Kabuto's hair stood on end, then turned and walked towards the fallen Gaara.

"Kabuto, I really like you!"

"Oh, congratulations, your medical ninjutsu has improved again."

"Bring them all over for disguise, get ready to set off."

Kabuto breathed a sigh of relief, waving towards the distant figures.

At the same time, a smile unconsciously appeared on his face.

In Orochimaru's gaze just now, there was clearly a lot more appreciation and trust.

It seemed that his risky assistance had finally paid off.

As the four Sound Village members canceled the Four Crimson Flames Formation, Kimimaro also lifted the Earth Grudge Fear seal.

Orochimaru, using the Image Transmission Jutsu, took on Rasa's appearance.

Then, the four of them disguised themselves as the Kazekage's guards and headed to Konoha together.

Kimimaro, suffering from the Bloodstain Disease, was ordered to return to the Sound Village to continue using the life-sustaining device.

Finally, Kabuto returned to Konoha in advance to prepare for the upcoming plan.

At night, Orochimaru, disguised as Rasa, finally arrived at the small town outside Konoha.

And Machi, who had been waiting here for a long time, immediately greeted him.

"Lord Kazekage, you have finally arrived!"

Saying this, Machi stepped aside, pointing to the side road.

"Please follow me. Konoha has already arranged our accommodation for tonight."

As the Kazekage of the Hidden Sand Village, he naturally couldn't enter Konoha without any show.

The same went for the daimyos who had received the notice; all of them were arranged to stay in the nearby small town for the night.

On the next morning, they would participate in the welcoming ceremony and enter Konoha together.

"Hmm." Nodding slightly, Orochimaru led the guards to the arranged accommodation.

However, as soon as they entered the lodging, Machi couldn't wait to close the door.

At the same time, he signaled the guards behind Orochimaru to go outside for guard duty. Then, with a puzzled expression, he asked.

"Lord Kazekage, why did the plan suddenly start ahead of schedule?"

"Weren't we supposed to wait until the Chunin Exams were over?"

Orochimaru had long expected that Machi would ask and began with the prepared explanation.

"It doesn't matter when we start; the main thing is to wait until the audience is assembled, and the stage is set."

"Now that the daimyos have arrived, starting the plan ahead of schedule catches Konoha off guard."

Machi nodded at these words, thinking that it made sense.

However, something seemed a bit off about the last statement.

Normally, in the first few days after their arrival, shouldn't Konoha be the most vigilant?

Isn't it better to wait until after the exams when Konoha is more relaxed to strike?

Seemingly sensing Machi's doubt, Orochimaru's expression turned stern, and he continued with a cold tone.

"The Sound Ninjas also plan to start tomorrow."

"You go down and arrange the people. As soon as you get the signal tomorrow, act immediately."

"I understand, Lord Kazekage." Since the plan had been set, Machi didn't want to say more.

After all, he had seen the efforts of their Kazekage, and Orochimaru wouldn't harm them.

Just as Machi was about to leave, Orochimaru suddenly remembered something.

He handed a scroll to Machi and continued, "Don't forget to inform the Jinchuriki of Shukaku. Let him find an opportunity to take action against Konoha's Jinchuriki tomorrow."

"This is information about Konoha's Jinchuriki. Let him go all out and try to delay their movements."

"Jinchuriki of Shukaku?" Machi frowned, staring at Rasa (Orochimaru).

After a moment, he quickly threw a punch infused with wind chakra.

"Lord Kazekage, excuse me, I need to verify!"


Orochimaru tightly gripped the fist and then looked at him with cold eyes.

"Are you doubting me?"

"I dare not." Seeing that it wasn't a transformation jutsu and there was no abnormal chakra fluctuation, Machi immediately bowed and kneeled.

"I'm just too nervous because you don't usually address him as 'Shukaku's Jinchuriki' I apologize."

Orochimaru, realizing the mistake in the address, showed no panic. Instead, he reprimanded with impatience.

"Always stay vigilant, don't casually reveal names or information. Do I need to teach you this again?"

"I'm terribly sorry!" Machi lowered his head again, thinking that he might have been overly sensitive due to the plan advancing.

"Enough. Let this be a one-time thing. Go and take care of your duties."

Orochimaru didn't intend to punish him further and directly dismissed Machi to avoid more slip-ups.

With his head still lowered, Machi quickly disappeared from the spot.

The next day, which was the fourth day of the exams, with the arrival of the daimyos and their allies' caravan, Orochimaru, disguised as Rasa, led his entourage into Konoha.

Both sides of the road were lined with welcome arrangements, curious villagers, and ANBU maintaining order.

Soon, they reached a massive arena, where the daimyos and their allies walked out of their carriages.

They spotted Sarutobi Hiruzen at the entrance of the arena.

"Konoha's Hokage!"

"Not bad, he actually came out to greet us!"

The arrival of Hiruzen surprised the daimyos. The daimyo of the Fire Country felt flattered, hiding behind his fan with a cheerful smile.

On the other hand, the daimyo of the Wind Country glanced behind and made a somewhat sarcastic remark.

"Indeed, not bad. Unlike those ninja from my country, all so arrogant! Even after meeting, they don't even greet properly, hm!"

Seeing the conversation shifting towards the disguised Orochimaru, Hiruzen quickly approached, trying to defuse the situation.

"Esteemed daimyos, we have prepared viewing seats for you. You can watch the preliminary matches on screens that will start soon. Please, go up first."

Hiruzen gestured towards a few chunin who respectfully led the daimyos up.

Orochimaru, still disguised as Rasa, followed with his entourage.

Approaching Orochimaru, Hiruzen smiled and said, "Welcome, Kazekage! How was your rest after the journey? Any better?"

Orochimaru, with a narrowed smile, replied, "Not bad. After all, I'm still young. But if it were someone of your age, it might be too much to handle."

Hearing this, Hiruzen laughed heartily, "Hahaha, not necessarily! I think I'm still quite young. Planning to work for another five years!"

With a nod, Orochimaru followed Hiruzen.

"Lord Kazekage, please forgive the distant reception. How was your rest after the journey last night?"

Orochimaru, squinting his eyes, also smiled, "It was good. After all, I'm still young. But if it were someone of your age, it might be too much to handle."

Hearing this, Hiruzen laughed heartily, "Hahaha, not necessarily! I think I'm still quite young. Planning to work for another five years!"

Saying this, Hiruzen led the way, and Orochimaru followed closely.

"We won't watch the matches on screens with the daimyos. Let's go to the venue together."

"The venue? That's a good idea." Orochimaru followed.

As they walked, Orochimaru's body almost stuck to Hiruzen's back.


Advanced Chapters- Patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy