
I Am Naruto's Hidden Evil Personality!

Kaze enters the Naruto world, embodying Naruto's suppressed dark side. Having lived Naruto's experiences, he seeks revenge, unable to show kindness or forgive. Kaze plans to take everything in his own hands. He'll make sure those that bullied Naruto saw no peace. Simultaneously, he manipulates and undermines Naruto's influence. Dark whispers corroded Naruto's pure mind. "Naruto, a king differs from a pawn." "All suffering arises from personal inadequacy." "You can't protect; you can only kill." "Surrender to superior strength." "Leave everything to me." "I'll carve out a river of blood..." ... Note- This is a translated novel. Original Title- Naruto: I Became Naruto's Blackened Personality Author- Scorpian hook Advanced Chapters On Patreon! patreon.com/AlmightySkyDxddy Updates - 8 AM EST (Eastern Standard Time)

AlmightySkyDxddy · Anime & Comics
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107 Chs

Chapter 101


In an instant.

A six-foot coffin suddenly rose from the sandy ground!

Bringing forth billowing dust and smoke!

At the same time, a creaking sound echoed from the smoke.

The rising coffin automatically opened, and the coffin lid slammed heavily on the sandy ground.

Subsequently, as the smoke dispersed, a figure with deep blue hair and wearing the robe of a Kazekage emerged.

"This is... the Third Kazekage!!!"

Upon seeing the figure inside, Rasa's eyes widened in shock.

He then glared fiercely at Orochimaru in front, his expression fierce and terrifying.

"Damn bastard, it's you!"

"The sudden disappearance of the Third Kazekage was because of your assassination!"

If there was a starting point for the decline of the Hidden Sand Village.

It was the disappearance of the Third Kazekage, leaving the village without a leader.

Afterwards, countless resources were spent searching, leading to wars, suffering, and chaos in the country.

It was from that time onwards that the Daimyo of the Wind Country harboured significant dissatisfaction towards the Hidden Sand Village.

This laid the groundwork for future budget cuts, reduced benefits, and decreased missions.

"Hehehe, it wasn't me who took him out."

"I just saw someone using it quite effectively, so I secretly took some DNA from the body and made one for myself."

Orochimaru explained with a smirk, simultaneously jumping to the front of the coffin.

In his hand appeared a kunai wrapped in sealing paper.

Inside the coffin, the seemingly lifeless Third Kazekage upar suddenly moved.

He slowly walked out, looking towards Rasa.

Seeing the movement of the Third Kazekage, Rasa's surprise and confusion deepened.

"The corpse is actually moving!"

"No, wait, did you turn him into a puppet?!"

Rasa looked angrily at Orochimaru once again.

Turning the Third Kazekage into a puppet was a blatant insult to the Hidden Sand Village!

Before Orochimaru could speak, the Third Kazekage in front spoke.

"Oh, Rasa?"

"I didn't expect to meet you again, especially in such circumstances."

"But it seems you've grown up, matured quite a bit. It seems I've been dead for a long time."

The words of the Third Kazekage momentarily stunned Rasa's enraged expression.

"Sensei! You still have your consciousness?!"

The Third Kazekage glanced at Orochimaru, who was still grinning.

Then, taking advantage of not being controlled, he quickly spoke.

"This is a forbidden technique that temporarily resurrects the dead for battle. Orochimaru used this jutsu to summon me and fight against Sasori."

"And my disappearance back then was because I was ambushed and killed by Sasori, turned into a puppet."

"What! You were killed by Sasori!?" Rasa was completely taken aback by the unexpected truth.

But thinking about it, it made sense.

To kill the Third Kazekage and escape unscathed in the Hidden Sand Village.

It could only be Sasori, who knew the village inside out.

Moreover, Sasori was Lady Chiyo's grandson!

Even if he had defected, it would have been easy for him to approach the Third Kazekage.

Presumably, when the Third Kazekage met Sasori, he also had the intention of persuading him to return.

But unexpectedly, Sasori would resort to such dishonourable tactics and launch a surprise attack!

"Yes, I was too careless at that time."

Seeing the two about to continue chatting, Orochimaru interrupted the Third Kazekage.

"Alright, the nostalgic time is over."

"As the price for knowing this information, Rasa, it's time for you to go."


Ripples like waves appeared on the back of the Third Kazekage's head.

Orochimaru inserted the kunai wrapped in sealing paper.

The next moment.

Mist rose around the Third Kazekage.

His body quickly regained a healthy colour, just like a living person!

"You actually perfected this technique."

After being infused with the seal, the Third Kazekage exclaimed, and the lively expression in his eyes quickly disappeared.

In its place was a puppet-like silence.

During Orochimaru's previous battle with the Third Kazekage and Sasori, the Third Kazekage had autonomously freed himself from the Reanimation Jutsu.

Originally, he intended to do the same this time, but Orochimaru directly eliminated his consciousness!

"Bastard, stop this!"

Wanting to inquire further, Rasa aimed at Orochimaru and formed hand seals.

"Magnet Release, Iron Sand Drizzle!"

The gold sand floating around Rasa instantly turned into numerous hard needles, densely covering the air.

In the next moment, these needles cut through the air, all whistling and shooting out!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Orochimaru didn't dodge; instead, the Third Kazekage flashed forward.

With a wave of his hand, he created a large wall of sand iron in front.

"Magnet Release, Sand Iron Wall!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All the gold sand was blocked outside, unable to make any progress!

"It's useless, Rasa. Your gold sand will be stopped by the sand iron."

"And you still have to face my attacks!"

"Hidden Technique: Myriad Snake Hands!"

Taking advantage of the gap after the gold sand ended.

Countless snakes extended from Orochimaru's arm.

In the blink of an eye, they reached Rasa!

Rasa's expression condensed, quickly retracting the scattered gold sand, wrapping and squeezing all those snakes.

Then, they turned into blood and fragments, falling out of the gold sand.

"What are you looking at?"

Suddenly, Orochimaru's voice sounded again from behind.

Rasa didn't turn around, and the gold sand around him, as if anticipating, instantly formed a small shield.


The Kusanagi aimed at Rasa's back was once again blocked.

At the same time, other gold sand quickly gathered in the sky, forming a massive sharp cone in a moment!

"It's useless, you have gold sand, but I have sand iron!"

The sand iron that had been floating around the Third Kazekage flew to the top of Orochimaru's head.

And before the gold sand cone struck, it formed a sand iron cylinder and collided with it!


A violent roar echoed.

The gold sand cone that hit the sand iron inexplicably disintegrated, revealing ordinary sand inside!

It turned out the previous gold sand cone was only a camouflage on the outside!

"You fell for it, Orochimaru." A cold smile appeared on Rasa's lips.

"And the Third Kazekage you resurrected, the amount of iron sand formed by Magnet Release is too little!"

With a wave of his hand, the gold sand hidden in the sand below Rasa emerged!

It covered the sand under the feet of the Third Kazekage!

"Magnet Release, Sand-Gold Grand Burial!"

As the words fell, quicksand mixed with gold sand instantly engulfed and sealed the Third Kazekage.

Because Rasa still wanted to ask questions and didn't know if the Reanimation Jutsu would revive, he accidentally sealed the Third Kazekage, causing the iron sand to dissipate instantly.

At the same time, with the remaining gold sand, Rasa once again formed a shield behind him.

Blocking the Kusanagi Sword stabbed by Orochimaru.

"Hmph, what else do you have now?"

Turning his head, Rasa, with a smile on his face, was suddenly interrupted by a severe pain in his chest.

Looking down, he saw a figure covered in wounds emerging from the sand under his feet, with half of the body exposed.

And that hand, filled with blue chakra, was firmly planted in his chest.

"You…" Rasa was full of disbelief, never expecting someone to be hidden beneath his feet!

But before he could ask, there was a stabbing sound!

Orochimaru's Kusanagi followed, piercing through his back.

And it prevented him from uttering his final words.


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