
I Am Machine

It was said he was in a terrible accident that resulted in him being part machine… They said he was a robot that couldn’t feel— that he died in that accident and now “it” was walking around in his body. He wore a glove on his left hand always, but a black and white mask when he was doing Underworld business. Casimiro Machina inherited a lot from his parents, but furthered his fortune after becoming King of the Underworld and CEO of Machina Industries. Nova Orion is trying very hard to track down her parents— which she found out were entangled with the Underworld and either a crime organization or a crime *fighting* organization. But the Underworld King and her have a, well, history… After fighting for nearly a decade, the two have formed a special bond. The kind that doesn’t allow anyone else to come between their fights. Both waiting for the day to come when one surrenders or kills the other. However, circumstances change and Nova is forced to make decisions she wouldn’t have taken. Situations push the two together. Then, a dark force comes for Stardust. Agreeing on a truce and to collaborate on the force trying to take Nova and destroy Casimiro’s empire, the two must also face the electrifying tension when left alone in the same room… *** #fantasy #enemiestolovers #partmachine #comedyromance #sci-fi-romance

Olympiani · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs


Nova stood up from the stool to look in the mirror.

She was wearing a dark green, strapless dress that she picked because of the veil-like cape that reached the floor.

Nova's natural, stark-white hair was braided down her back with small gold flowers placed randomly in it. Her makeup — that Max stressed over — was simple, but elegant. She had dark black eyeliner and perfect wings her friend had perfected.

Nova's mask, that was laying on the bathroom counter, was black with intricate gold details.

Max opened a small, black box and showed it to her. "Which ones tonight?"

Nova looked at the different colored contacts.

Nova was born with Central Heterochromia. Her eyes were deep aqua-colored around the edges and light green in the middle with a few tendrils of amber around her pupil.

Nova picked two blue contacts and gently put them in. When she was done, she stepped back and looked at herself.

Max smiled. "Looking pretty good, if I do say so myself."

Nova smiled up at him. Next to his 6'1" self, her 5'3" was pretty small. As skinny as she was, she definitely had curves. Her pale skin looked like moonlight and her features were eye-catching. She had sharp eyebrows over upturned eyes that were framed by long, dark eyelashes. She had a slender neck that lead down to lean shoulders and prominent collarbones. She had a surprisingly large bust for someone so small, but she was modest and near nothing shown. Her waist was thin, but under the dress, her abs were unexpectedly intimidating.

"Thanks, Max," Nova said, looking up at him.

Max smiled down at her and patted her head. "Anytime, Nov."

Max helped her place the mask on her face.

"Ready to go? Got the necklace?" Max asked, leaving the bathroom and heading into the control room.

"Yes." Nova answered.

"Are you taking a bag?"

"Nope. They'll search it."

"Then where are you putting the necklace?"

"A small pocket."

And how do you inconspicuously give it to Hunter?"

"After we're done dancing, I'll dip down in a bow-curtsy-thing and take a deep breath— because when I do that, it makes a small dip between the top of my ribs and the necklace will slip down. I sewed on a little thingy that makes it go into a small pocket. I'll grab the necklace as I right myself and 'check' my shoe. Then, Hunter will take my hand, kiss the top of it, and the necklace will now be in his hand. Then the rest of the plan plays out."

Max pressed his lips together.

"Just… go," Max said with a sigh, shooing her out the door. "Don't get killed, don't be suspicious— in fact, be MORE airheaded than usual. You'll sell it much better—"

"—Hey!" Nova exclaimed, offended. She just barely grabbed her phone and the 'invitation'.

"—and also remember to steer clear of Duchess because she's—"

"Psycho, I know, I know. Geez, MOM, I got this. This isn't my first rodeo."

"Mhm," Max hummed, standing with the door open.

Nova opened her mouth to retort but Max suddenly gave her a grimace and slammed the door.


"Heard that!" Max shouted in her ear.

"Ow!" Nova covered her left ear near the gold flower that was actually an ear piece. "You didn't have to shout. Turn the volume down."

"Nope. Now hurry up and leave. You don't want to draw attention for being dramatically late."

"Alright, I'm going," Nova sneered, leaving the shabby apartment complex.

She walked toward the black SUV and knocked on the window. The window rolled down and a wide-eyed man was staring at her.

Nova held up her phone. "Larry?"

The star-struck man nodded and unlocked the car. Nova smiled brightly and got into the back seat.

She showed Larry her forged invite and he swallowed, impressed. He was also confused how a woman of her obvious stature was coming from a place like this.

He shook his head and quickly started the car, taking the fancy woman to the Machina Guest Estate. Those people were so rich and fancy they had a Guest Estate and a home estate in different places.

There were many fancy cars and limousines lined up to get in.

"I can get out here," Nova said. "And… here ya go!" She tapped something on her phone and his dinged with the notification that he got paid. "Have a good night!"

"Uh-I-yeah…" Larry stuttered, but Nova had already gotten out.

It was 8 o'clock and already dark. The Machina Guest Estate was lit up outside with fairy lights and a large banner hung over the entrance that said "In Memory Of Eleanor Machina".

Nova showed the men at the entrance her invitation and they smiled as they gestured for her to enter.

Nova walked into the crowded ballroom-type place filled with people with exotic and extravagant clothes and masks. One person wore a white dress made of feathers and a mask to match. Nova thought they were supposed to be a swan, but looked more like a chicken.

She chuckled to herself as she made her way towards the East side.

Unbeknownst to her, a certain tall, intimidating figure was watching her.