
Teen Love and mistakes: Prologue

I am savannah a 20-year-old and a wife.

It's probably weird to hear that I am so young and yet betrothed but from the moment I met my husband I was captivated.

He had dark eyes that you couldn't stare away from for too long, and muscles so broad you couldn't help but imagine what they felt like to grip. He has lips so luscious you could lust over them every time he bit them, longing to know their taste and texture and lastly he has a laugh so charming and husky you could listen to it for days on end.

He was perfect.

Funny how our image of perfection from when we are young changes with age.

The older I got, the more I realised. My husband was the man I dreamed of on the outside but on the inside, he was a whole different guy. That is the thing when we are young. With our immaturity comes foolishness and blindness. I was oblivious to the real man my husband was.

Teen romance feels so magical and enchanted at the moment. It always does. But some love can be poisonous. That was my love experience.  Poisonous. Toxic. Fake.

Lying on the kitchen floor with glass scattered around my aching and bruising body I realised all of this. I was trapped.

Love really is a roller coaster.