
I am Lord

Suddenly meet with Truck-Kun and reincarnated into another world as a side character of the game. Conquering the kingdom, having fun with girls, and enjoying life to the fullest. I will be the world's laziest person since I am everyone's lord.

Romankey · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Fighting with Monster


Alex flew in the air, with a bright smile on his face. He was totally relaxed and his eyes reflected the excitement he had in his heart.

He looked down to admire the beauty of the environment.

Small buildings made up of woods, people who looked like ants from up, and a big open ground with pure green grasses covered it.

And a big forest which end couldn't be seen even from the sky. And at the far distance, big green hills covered the scenery behind them.

"So, beautiful."

Axel's eyes filled with so many feelings. His heart itched to go on a journey. But he came back to reality when a big red text floated in front of his eyes.

[Mana has decreased a lot]

[Only 1/3 mana left]

[Warning! Please stop using any skill - If the mana drops Zero hosts won't have the energy to even be conscious]

"Oh shit!"

He cursed as he immediately land on the ground. Sweats dropped from his forehead like a river as the sun brightly shone in the sky giving the warm heat.

"What should I do now?"

He thought as he looked here and there. He saw different grasses which weren't that was different from normal grasses.


Suddenly, his vision fixated on a single plant. It was totally green except for its head. Its head had a small blue flower.


An energy-giving herb

Not that rare

Provides 10 Mana]


He took the plant and again looked here and there and found another plant.


An energy-giving herb

Little rare

Provides 20 Mana]

"Ok,I have an idea!"

He picked more herbs. 20 Maca and 10 Kola.

He ate 5 Kola and 10 Maca.


[Gained 200 Mana (489 / 1250)]

"Whew! Now time for the experiment."

He announced and used telekinesis to lift the remaining herbs in the air. He then lit a fire in his pam and slowly burn the herbs.

The herbs burnt and a blue liquid dropped. He used his mind to control the dropped from dropping on the ground.

"This takes a huge mental toll and my mana is continuously sucked."

He murmured as he gritted his teeth. Another red text appeared.

[Warning! Mana has initially reached the danger zone.]

Even with that message, he didn't stop. The herbs in the air nearly turned into droplets. And droplets floated in the air becoming a huge ball of liquid.


A big sign appeared, but he ignored them. After turning all the herbs into liquid, he compressed the floating liquid into a small size.

And a ball-palm-sized liquid formed. He quickly eat the ball, even though he couldn't chew it, he directly swallowed the ball.

"Cough! Cough!"

He nearly choked the liquid, but he drank it all without any problem. A green text appeared.

[Mana Refilling]





The notification stopped indicating Axel mana is above half. Axel finally breathes a sigh of relief as he looks at the single drop of liquid left in his finger.

He used the eye of truth to look at it status.

[Small Mana Potion

Mana potion developed from two energy-giving herbs

Very rare / Exclusively developed now

Gives 840 Mana]

"Really? No one has developed this type of mana potion. In the game, this potion was way too common."

An idea flashed in Axel's mind and he immediately stood. He picked up every energy herb he could find.

But he couldn't take it with him since he won't have any storage skills or any bag. He would have created a storage skill but even the weakest storage skill is a B-rank which is way too high for him to create now.

So, he picked up at least 200 herbs and tied the herbs together with a long grass which was quite durable.

He then ties the grass with another grass and again ties the grass in his belt. And after that, he rushed into the forest.

He wanted to fly but flying takes way too much mana, so he didn't bother it. Instead, he used some 50 mana to increase his speed.

'Where are monsters!'

He thought as he charged inside the forest. Tall trees, long grasses, bushes all around the places, and birds chirped in some distance.

He went here and there to find monsters. And after some minutes of searching, he found a group of green goblins strolling in the forest looking for prey to hunt.

Without any hesitation, Axel rushed in front of the horde of goblins.


The goblins got startled and jumped back the moment they saw Axel.

Squeak! Squeak!

They let out some weird sound and seemed like they were communicating.

Sque! Sque!

Their face made a huge smile, and a weird laugh leaped out from their mouth. One goblin raised his small sword, another stepped back and took out his bow and put the arrow at the string, ready to shoot.

And the remaining 3 goblins raise their wooden club and with a blink, they rushed at Axel.


The archer goblin immediately shoots the arrow at Axel without wasting a breath. The arrow flew at the Axel at great speed, but he dodged it without any problem.

But the arrow was a distraction since another goblin immediately attacked from behind and looked like he wanted to give a surprise hit.


The goblin with his all-strength hit Axel back but... the club broke into pieces.

[Took a hit. -5 damage (145/150)]

A notification float in the air and the screen automatically fixed itself in the goblin head. It looked like it was trying not to distract Axel from battle.


Suddenly, another goblin hit Axel with the club. But again the club breaks into pieces. And the notification in the goblin's head also blinked.

[Took a hit. -5 (140/150)]

"Ok, now my turn!"

Axel with a dark smile on his face chanted.


And throw it at the archer who was going to shoot the Axel again.


The goblin screamed and let out a painful cry and slowly burnt to death. Its body changed into ashes and flew in the air.

All the goblins tremble. Their eyes widen and their confidence started to disappear. Their face looks terrified.

But Axel didn't care, his eye gleamed with excitement as he chanted more skills. With a bright smile, he announced...

"Let the fight... BEGAN!"


Hello, author san here.

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