
I am Kyuubi

Same as Before, NO SYNOPSIS FROM ME BABY Don't click this!!:https://bit.ly/3d0pIkH I SAID DON'T CLICK IT here is the original novel if you want to read it: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/144728/ I just got a review by a reader on how this novel isn't even translated so as not to receive anymore of these type of reviews I'll will say that, I don't know Chinese or some shit, I'm just a guy with good grammar, I am a god tier editor

ANiceGlock · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Short Break

I'm taking a short break, mainly because

editing is hard, its taken alot of time out of my life

like I'm being serious, just editing a single chapter for you guys takes like 2 hours and thats only the least amount, on average it takes me like 5

so I just need to recollect my baring's alittle

not dropping, also while I'm away I'm gonna be editing more chapters

author's on this website call it stockpiling

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