
I am Kyuubi

Same as Before, NO SYNOPSIS FROM ME BABY Don't click this!!:https://bit.ly/3d0pIkH I SAID DON'T CLICK IT here is the original novel if you want to read it: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/144728/ I just got a review by a reader on how this novel isn't even translated so as not to receive anymore of these type of reviews I'll will say that, I don't know Chinese or some shit, I'm just a guy with good grammar, I am a god tier editor

ANiceGlock · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 Deal Conclusion (re-edited)

  "First, Minato, don't compare me with you ninjas, the tail beasts look down upon the act of lying..."

  Regarding minato's doubts, Sieg expressed his discomfort on minato's assumtion of him not keeping his side of the deal. he decided to tell him that he would not harm his son

"after all, he is the one who made us tail beasts wait for thousands of years!"

  While speaking, Sieg's eyes also looked at Naruto, instead of continuing to look at Minato. while showing some hesitation

  the content of his words is true, Naruto is indeed the child of prophecy told by the toads of mount myoboku, the one the tail beasts have been waiting for over a thousand years for, but he just pretended that hesitation just now, as for the reason?

  Of course, it is to have a higher credibility in what he is saying. If there is no show of emotion, and he just tells the minato casually that his son is the child of prophecy so carelessly. It will look like he's just saying that to save his own skin, not to mentionONLY FOOLS WILL BELIEVE IT!

  "The tail beast has been waiting for the prophecy child for thousands of years?"

  Minato and Kushina were both stunned. What they have just been told seems Incomprehensible? !

  "A blue eyed boy shall bring peace to the world, while taming the tailed beasts that plague the nations, minato you should know what I'm talking about!"

  Sieg couldn't help letting out a chuckle at Minato's shocked expression for an instant.

  "In this world, your not only the only one looking for the child of prophecy , us tailed beasts have also been waiting for the child of prophecy to appear, and your son, has the breath of the child of prophecy , no doubt , He is the child of prophecy who made our tail beast wait for thousands of years!"

  "Naruto, the child of prophecy?"

  Minato frowned and pondered for a while, and then asked aloud: "How can you tell that he is the child of prophecy. What do you mean a familiar breath? is it chakra or something else?

  "I am certain that he is the child of propechy, but I can't tell the you the answer to your question, lest there be any unexpected changes, it would be bad!"

  In order not to be divided into two , Sieg doesn't mind letting out some insider info, but letting out to many spoiler's would be bad, it would lose the opposite party's desire to want to know more, to many spoilers is BAD!.


  "Fuck, man, you are to much, why are you suspicious? Why so many questions?, can you stop being suspicious, for once?"

  Seeing Minato still need to open his mouth to say something, Sieg frowned, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped.

  "I'm telling you, Minato, if you agree to this deal today, it's fine. If you don't agree, hum, don't blame me for telling your son all the dirty things you did with your wife 😈 😈 😈. !"


  Minato suddenly felt his throat, and almost vomited blood because of Sieg's sudden threat.

  Isn't tailed beast a bit shameless? Is he using this to threaten me?

  "Demon Fox, don't make up lies in front of me, I am certain that I blocked your perception of the outside world during the time you were inside me!"

A/N: that… can be easily misinterpreted

   Kushina's face blushed. Although its true that a tailed best can percieve the outside world through there Jinchuuriki, during that time she blocked off the nine tails perception of the outside word. How can she have him a beast, have a front row seat of her private life? !

  "Yeah, you did block me, so what? I only need to make up a believable story. And there will be people willing to believe. How are you going to explain yourself if you're dead?!"

A/N: The shameless level is going through the roof

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  Kushina almost vomited blood.

  Sieg grinned silently as he watched the two's blue faces.

  "Don't struggle anymore, and cooperate with me obediently, the world is so beautiful, why bother fighting when you can have the best of both worlds?!"

  "So all I have to do is not use reapers death seal? Fine I accept this deal!"

  Minato gritted his teeth and agreed to the deal with Sieg. This guy is really shameless, How is this the strongest tailed beast? Are you sure the tailed beasts are ranked on shamelessness than power?? !

  "I hope you keep your promise and not corrode naruto with your tailed beasts chakra and torture him!"

  "Relax, I know!"

  Sieg laughed with satisfaction. Although the method just now was a bit shameless, as long as he can achieve the goal he wants, shamelessness doesn't matter at all.

  "Hurry up, Don't delay any longer or else accidents are bound to occur. By the way, regarding the transaction between us, the info about the on child of prophecy that I told you about, you'd better not tell others, otherwise, the news will spread. It will cause your son to be targeted by many people who don't want peace in this world. If you go and tell and he gets assassinated, don't blame me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ !"

  " -_- , I already know that BAKA!..."

  Minato is not stupid, and he naturally knows that this is a secret that cannot be disclosed to others so casually. He doesn't want Naruto to be targeted by bad people.

 In order to make sure that the seal was strong enough to hold the nine tails, the work of the seal was handed over to Kushina, Minato was still standing maintaining the power of the reaper death seal, If the Nine Tailed decides to take the initiative to attack then he will be ready to seal him at any time.

  "I'm sorry, Naruto, I can't stay with you in the future and watch you grow up..."

  Uzumaki Kushina was crying while using the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style

to seal the nine tails into Naruto's body. Seeing Naruto cry while she was sealing , caused Kushina's tears to flow fiercely.

  "Kushina, just talk to Naruto if you have anything to say, we don't have much time!"

  Minato walked slowly to Kushina's side. He could feel the vitality in his body decreasing, he felt cold. At the moment, he

Made some hand signs that are only used when one wants to use senjutsu and summoned a frog from mount myoboku, he then said, " Take this, it's the scroll to unsealing the nine tailed fox, give it to naruto when he's ready"

After handing the scroll to the toad, he then said to kushina "let us seal the last little chakra left in our bodies into Naruto's body". Although we can't grow up with Naruto, we will wait for the day when Naruto unlocks the Eight Trigrams Sealing Style.

we can meet him in the form of Chakra..."

  Although Minato did not use the Reaper Death seal to seal off half of the nine tails, the hand signs for the reaper death seal had been finished long ago, the shinigami had already been summoned.

Regardless of whether it was used or not, Minato will be killed by the shinigami.

  After all, not everyone is orochimaru who was able to negate the effects of the reaper deaths seal.

   the 3rd hokage arrived late to the scene with a group of ninja, what they saw was the Happiness of minato and kushina who were on the ground hugging, and lying next to a small table, and with an abdomen full of sealing runes , was the crying naruto  


  Looking at the two corpses lying down together, the three generations couldn't help but burst into tears.

  "You can rest assured, Naruto, I will take care of this kid for you!"

Editor's note

this is me from chapter 7, I have noticed a progression in my editing, in the beginning it was trash, then in the second chapter it was still trash but Little better

THIS NOVEL IS NOT TRANSLATED, I'm JUST EDITING IT, I just got a review saying that its not translated, DUHHHHHHHH

I don't know chinese, I just have a good enough grammar to make ching chong text readable for english speakers

ANiceGlockcreators' thoughts