
I am Krillin!(Completed)

One day our protagonist was walking home from work, unfortunately for him he was met by truck-kun just a few blocks away from his house. After a talk with God he got reincarnated in the dragon ball universe with literally nothing else besides his scattered knowledge about the anime/manga. I do not own the cover picture. my patreon support me if you can :) https://www.patreon.com/KaiokenGuy Daily chapters! Patreon donations increase the number of daily chapters based on the donation.

KaiokenGuy · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

A new challenger approaches(Edited)

Three years had passed since the last events, Marron was almost six years old and Ryu was four years old and a half, I started to teach them martial arts and they immediately took a liking to it, Marron was growing at fast speeds, her power level was already above one hundred thousand and Ryu even though he didn't train as hard had a power level of fifty thousand.

When they trained outside me Jeica and Lazuli had our fun in the house, my power level already increased up to six hundred and fifty million, no threat in the universe was yet active which I could train and pit myself against now.

Goku's power level reached one hundred and fifty million and he learned how to become a Super Saiyan two as well combined with his Ikari mode things were going very well for him, in the power category, Vegeta was on his way to master super Saiyan two, Raditz did his things while Nappa called me and asked:

"Yooo, if it isn't my favorite bald guy Krillin, I have a job that would require someone of your talents."

Someone of my talents? In the film industry? It was something new so I could give it a try, I always wondered how it would feel to be a movie star.

I asked him of the details and he responded:

"We need a bald guy to play the main character in this movie about racing and family, we decided to call it furious and fast, won't it be cool? hahaha."

I responded with an even tone of voice:

"Sure count me in, it would be a new experience to star in a movie."

So for a few months I became an actor who did his stunts, it was pretty fun, the lines were a bit cheesy and the racing scenes pretty good if you liked this type of stuff, I wasn't a big fan of it though.

After all the scenes have been filmed they wanted to pay me, but I declined I was the second richest man on Earth just a little behind the Briefs family, their money was no help to me, I told them they could donate it to help other's who were in more need of them.

I left the studio with Nappa as we ate at a nearby food stand he nodded his head at me, he was now sporting a white suit and black sunglasses, he looked professional.

After we finished our food we both bid goodbye to each other, the movie would be sold in the theatres and cinemas in a few more months after all the effects and editing would be done.

I decided to go home and play with my children before going back to train when suddenly I could feel immense ki coming out of the ocean.

I quickly teleported towards the ki and I could see a giant yellow sponge with two gap teeth coming out of the ocean, he was shouting:


On his shoulder was a red crustacean humanoid with big elongated eyes who was laughing:

"eagghaghahga, Spongebob me boio, with all of this fresh meat we could sell Krabby patties at a three hundred increased price, let's not even forget the extra vitamins from these strong humans."

A blue squid humanoid scoffed and leaped off the other shoulder of the sponge creature and said in an annoyed tone of voice:

"I'm not paid enough for this."

I couldn't let the evil sponge-like creature and his crazed crustacean boss transform the humans of earth into patties!

I charged a giant shuriken Kienzan and infused it with the wind attribute with my magic and threw it at him, the sponge immediately got cut into pieces but he regenerated himself in an instant!

What a tenacious lifeform, I needed to destroy him completely to make him disappear just like the original Cell and Majin Buu!

I grimaced, as the sponge was taking his steps the ground was shaking, he was immensely strong!

I immediately turned my dots on and used all of my available techniques to boost myself above the giant sponge's power, the crustacean immediately shouted:

"We will start our first fresh Krabby patty with this baldie over there!"

Out of nowhere the sponge took out a giant spatula and waved it towards me, I dodged it by going trough it's grids and hit him directly in the eyes making him lose balance and fall back in the ocean.

I grabbed the humanoid crustacean and fried him thoroughly, transforming him into a five-star meal then I threw him back in the ocean, letting him get eaten by his people, tons of humanoid fish started to gnaw away at the carcass of a crustacean as a loud voice shouted in a pained tone:


The giant sponge's height immediately reduced by a lot but his power level increased by so much I had to use my Kaioken immediately to the max level to keep up with him, shockwaves started to appear as we fought on back and forth, he was a tenacious fighter with an iron will, I could feel his grief at his boss death.

So I decided to give him a fast death, but out of a nowhere a Pink starfish humanoid appeared and tried to tackle me away, I dodged and he knocked into the sponge instead, the sponge immediately said in an annoyed tone of voice:

"Patrick, he killed Mr. Krabs what are you doing!"

The star Patrick said in a dumb type of voice:

"Uh I'm sorry SpongeBob he is too fast, I wanted to tackle him and eat him!"

The sponge and the star were equal in power, but the star was stronger physically while also being slower and dumber.

They both started to whisper to each other which I could hear when I used my magic to eavesdrop on their conversation:

"Patrick I will capture him and you spear your sharp head directly trough his body!"

Patrick just saluted wrongly and nodded his head while his tongue was out of his mouth.

Spongebob's aura immediately started to change as a red hue appeared around it, he was sacrificing strength for speed!

He immediately appeared behind me and took me into a nelson lock, unfortunately for him I already knew he would do this, I disappeared from the lock just in time as Patrick spearheaded Spongebob.

They were both stuck into each other now, it was time to end this! I charged my ki into my hands as a giant electrified Kamehameha was shot towards them evaporating both of them till not even dust was left behind.

I looked into the ocean and I could see the squid humanoid observing from below, he looked happy at the things that happened and bowed towards me while saying:

"Our race will never fight again with you land dwellers, you have helped us take care of this cancer's that existed in our society."

After that he disappeared underwater, maybe going to his house to drink some tea and play his clarinet. I could hear some of his thoughts seeping trough so I realized what he wanted to do. While the squid's power wasn't any lower than the other's his mental barriers were very lax. I could hear his thoughts even if I didn't pry into his mind.

After this event, I just got home and helped my children to train a bit before having some more fun with my wives. Life was good for me, it felt so good to just be lazing around and having fun, teaching my children, and just not be bothered by other things.

Training everyday was boring, enjoying the other things about life was a good change of pace which I would always welcome. But I didn't continuously indulge in these activities, I still wasn't strong enough to even touch Beeruses little toe yet. I needed to train myself until I could protect everything that I cared about on this planet.

I could truly feel that I was a part of this universe now, as I started to ponder these wonders, my sacred ki purifying speed increased during the meditation session that I just started inside my gravity chamber. It seemed that accepting myself of being this universe now, would help me understand the mantra better. I still thought if this was just a dream from time to time.

My sacred ki increased towards twenty percent and my Benevolent Buddha stand could now increase my power level up to fifty times.

I nodded my head this meditation session wasn't long but it gave me great results, my power level also increased to seven hundred million.

Six months passed by, it's been five years and a half since Bojack and his cronies got destroyed.

A telepathic message came from King Kai as he said awkwardly:

"Uuh, hey Krillin, I need your help with something, some other demon popped up in hell now and it needs your expertise."

I wasn't sure why was he so panicked, I defeated the other demon easily, how could this other one be any stronger?

King Kai continued:

"The thing is, this demon took control of an innocent soul and used it as the vessel for its revival, you can't kill him, you need to expunge him out of the vessel, my spirit bomb would do its job nicely here."

Inwardly King Kai was relieved as I didn't realize Bojack's attack was due to his negligence of the seal on his planet.

I decided to help King Kai again, there wasn't anything interesting happening on earth anyway, everything was stale, the other's Z Fighter's training speed slowed as well, without any threats to increase their motivation and training speed they stopped growing as fast as before.

But they were still pretty strong, human Z Fighter's broke trough the fifty million mark while Goku reached two hundred and fifty million in his base, Vegeta reached one hundred and ninety million while Nappa and Raditz took training slower and barely reached one hundred and twenty million.

I made my way into hell and there I saw the new demon in all its splendor!

It was just like the last demon red and with horns, their appearance was eerily similar but also different at the same time, it seemed like they were of the same species, he was brandishing a scythe with his right hand as he was harvesting the life of wardens like wheat.

I threw myself at him stopping him from killing any more wardens, I created my scythe of ki and started to fight him, scythe against scythe we clashed and he started to overpower me!

He smirked as he drew the scythe back and a small cut appeared on my face, he licked the blood left on the scythe as the cut immediately healed but he laughed and he disappeared. Above my head appeared his scythe one glowing red eye at the top of it near the blade.

I could feel him trying to destroy my insides, what kind of technique was this?

I suddenly powered up with my Benevolent Buddha stand, sacred ki enshrouded me as the demon started to wail inside me, he immediately left appearing outside, all the damage he did to me healed in a jiffy.

His skin was burnt due to the sacred buddha ki countering him directly, he looked at me with eyes of animosity a said in a rough voice:

"How dare you challenge Rhaast?"

Rhaast? another strange demonic name, whatever I needed to save the host, while the demon started to monologue I gathered ki inside my palm to make a mini spirit bomb that revolved extremely fast, looking like a mini-tornado.

I used instant transmission to appear behind him and take him by surprise while I rammed the sphere inside him. His essence started to leave the body as it entered the scythe. A shirtless human man appeared he had his hair in a big braid and blue eyes. I healed him and he got up while saying:

"What a goddamn nightmare." he held his head as the pain didn't subside from his consciousness.

He looked around me then down at the scythe, he gasped realizing that it wasn't a nightmare, he bowed towards me and said:

"Thank's for taking care of Rhaast sir." He was a pretty polite guy considering he got corrupted by the scythe in the first place.

I grabbed the scythe and he grimaced, it seemed he didn't want to touch that thing or see it again.

Immediately the demon from inside tried to invade my consciousness but it was stopped extremely easily. Rhaast eh?

The weapon was pretty strong if you considered it in mortal ranking but... it was garbage in someone of super Saiyan two or above standard. I destroyed Rhaast's true body immediately transforming him into nothing.

The man sighed and said:

"My name Is Kayne, I don't know who you are but could you do me a favor? Could you take me to Planet Ionia in the east galaxy?"

I nodded my head, this guy was all alone and possessed by a demon, the least I could do is send him back to his home. I asked King Kai about the coordinates of the planet and after a few minutes, he telepathically transmitted them to me.

I grabbed Kayne by the shoulder and teleported directly to the planet, back on his home planet seeing the familiar surroundings he bowed to me again and took his leave. He met with a masked man in Assasin suit which berated him coldly then looked towards me and cupped his fists. They both left in a shadow flicker.

I decided to go back to earth since this job was done as well. According to Jeice and Burter most of the planets were fixed and a lot of the Planet Organization Trade personnel now, were either construction workers or joined the galactic patrol, they now were all working honest jobs.

Before Buu came everything would be ok for the planet or so I thought.

On a distant pyramid planet with a giant tree a purple feline yawned as he asked Whis:

"Whis, I dreamed about a bald guy who called himself Buddha, and he hit me in the head. I want to find this guy!"

Whis chuckled putting a hand near his mouth and said:

"Lord Beerus it's just a dream, what do you know about this Buddha person anyway?"

Beerus scratched his head and said:

"Well.. nothing, all I know he is bald and strong!"

Whis immediately held his nose and said:

"Before we continue this conversation you better go and take a bath Lord Beerus."

Beerus chuckled awkwardly and scratched the back of his head, a few tens of minutes later he came back in his god of destruction outfit and shouted:

"Oracle fish get your ass out here!"

A tiny fish in a little glass started to fly quickly towards Beerus and said:

"Oh my Lord, it isn't time to wake up yet what's the hurry?"

Beerus snorted and said:

"I want the latest news of bald strong men of the galaxy!"

The tiny fish gulped and sweatdropped and said:

"The strongest and baldest man in the universe is this guy here." He created an image which showed my face on it, Beerus gasped as he said:

"This guy... This guy, I know he resembles somewhat the guy from my dream, what did this guy do?"

The fish continued:

"He eradicated the Kold empire from the universe and became its new emperor!"

Beerus nodded his head:

"Frieza was a pretty strong guy, his father was also extremely strong both dying to this guy's hand is some news, where is he currently residing?"

The fish just said two words:

"Planet Earth."

At those two words, I could feel a shiver go down my spine back on Earth.

Something big was making it's way to this tiny planet!

And that big thing was cat shaped!

Beerus woke up GASP!, don't worry guys Krillin won't get hakai'd Beerus will go back to sleep and come later, you will see.

Anyways tell me what else would you like to see in these chapters from now on, I added Spongebob because I thought it would be fun, I saw a comment with it.

Thanks to my patrons:Bdogarum and Carson!

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