
I am Karna: The Enigmatic System

Being murdered just after he was born, the soul of a child wandered through the void persevering the harshness of the space. It looked at the Universe and learnt unable to crossover to the afterlife. At times, the child helped people avoid mortal dangers and would try to help other spirits to cross over. "What do you seek Child?" Mahadev asked and the child said he didn't know. The child said he wished to live his life and to follow his own destiny. Hearing the child, a smile graced Mahadev's face and he nodded satisfied at the child's response. This child was reborn as Karna, but his life was about to take him on an adventure.

DaoisthhrHAN · Urban
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5 Chs

Devious schemes and traps

"You seem to require the mines near Panchal? I agree to give them to you. But..." Karna took a deliberate pause, his gaze steady as he observed the successful merchants from Panchal and Magadh. Their eyes glimmered with greed, but little did they know that the prince was no fool. Karna raised three fingers, which immediately halted their eager expressions.

"Hastinapura will cede the mines to you, provided we get 30% of every business transaction you make within Hastinapura and the lands occupied by the Kuru Dynasty," Karna declared, his tone firm. The Minister of Economy started to choke in surprise. He knew the reality of the mines' situation, but he also recognized the mischievous glint in the prince's eyes.

Karna wore a small, enigmatic smile while the merchants went silent. "Prince, please be flexible. A 30% tax is too high," the merchant from Panchal protested, and Karna nodded, feigning understanding. He knew beforehand that these merchants were corrupt and rotten to the core, evading taxes in Panchal, which had led the king there to banish them.

"Alright, I understand that your establishments wouldn't make any profits under such conditions. However, 30% is the minimum tax around Aryavart, so we shall impose a 25% brokerage fee. We can't lessen it further since we are handing over an entire mine, to which we are entitled 25% of the gains. This offer is more favorable than those from surrounding kingdoms," Karna reasoned. His argument was airtight, leaving the merchants with no chance to refute.

Without even reading the agreement, they signed it and left with victorious smirks, oblivious to the fact that Karna had a small smile as if nothing had happened. When everyone dispersed and only the high officials remained, King Dhritarashtra finally asked, "Why did you give them the mine, son?" He knew that if Karna was involved in a discussion, there was something more he wished to achieve.

"Father, I think it would be better if you heard it from the Minister of Economy," Karna replied, gesturing to the minister, who stood up to explain. "The mines near the border of Panchal were indeed valuable, but a few days ago, we received intel that the mines would run dry within a week. Further mining would cause a cave-in, destroying the mine. Prince Karna agreed to give them the mines knowing they were inoperable while gaining a 25% profit on any business transaction conducted in Hastinapur. Right now, Hastinapur will be their best choice to operate due to its low taxes. However, if they try to evade our taxes, their properties will be seized and handed over to the kingdom."

The entire Sabha went silent upon hearing this. Dhritarashtra couldn't help but sigh as he heard Karna's soft chuckle. 'This kid trapped every single merchant and locked them in a game of incentives,' everyone thought. Karna stood up and took his leave. It was only a few days until the birth of the Kauravas, and a certain someone had ill intentions towards him.

As Karna was leaving, he glanced at a man who seemed petrified when he saw Karna's glance at him. "If someone wants to grow in Hastinapur in an honest way, then I, Karna, will help them achieve their dreams. But if someone wishes to hinder this family, they will face me. If you are getting hit by a dagger, stabbing your swords into your opponents is completely fair. Before they can sense the sword, it would have already pierced their heart," he declared, walking away with a steely resolve.

Hearing this, a certain Mahamantri was stunned. He clicked his tongue, understanding that his intentions were known. His mind raced as he searched for a viable solution. The birth of the Kauravas coincided with the birth of Kunti's second son, Bheem. There was only one more day until the Kauravas were born and Karna knew that the Mahamantri was planning something.



Titles: Gangaputra, Ardhaneeshwar Ansh, Gandhariputra, Eldest Prince of Hastinapur, The Son of Goddess Parvati

Constitution: Celestial Constitution of Balance and Harmony


Blessings of Goddess Ganga: The host is imbued with the purification and sanctifying nature of Goddess Ganga, allowing the host's constitution to retain only the purest of energies while expelling impurities. The host can manipulate surrounding water and absorb water to replenish energy pools.

Blessings of Mahadev and Mahadevi: The host's energy pools have been enhanced, granting the host heightened spiritual awareness (Yogic arts) and raising the host's potential. The essence of the Ardhaneeshwar has been assimilated, continuously refining and densifying the host's energy. The host's physical capabilities and mental clarity have been significantly enhanced.

Blessings of Suryadev: The God of the Sun, Karna's celestial father, has bestowed upon him the divine Kavach (armor) and Kundals (earrings) which possess formidable defensive capabilities, further enhanced by the refined energy. Suryadev has also granted Karna immense energy and talent, giving him unprecedented potential.

Boon of Mahadev: Surya: Karna's companion and alter ego, Surya, functions as a secondary seat of intelligence, processing and analyzing his body, refining energies, and storing information. Further analysis of Surya is pending.}


As Karna left the Sabha, his mind was clear and focused. The birth of the Kauravas was a significant event, and he knew that the kingdom's future depended on the unity and strength of the royal family. Walking through the corridors of the palace, he could feel the eyes of the courtiers and guards on him, a mixture of respect and curiosity in their gazes.

Outside, the air was fresh and cool. The palace grounds were serene, with the gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds creating a soothing ambiance. Karna made his way to the riverbank, where he often found solace and clarity. The water sparkled under the sunlight, reflecting his contemplative expression.

As he sat by the river, his thoughts wandered to the blessings he had received. The powers bestowed upon him were not just gifts but responsibilities. The purification and sanctifying nature of Goddess Ganga kept him pure and focused. The enhanced spiritual awareness from Mahadev and Mahadevi provided him with insights that were beyond mortal comprehension. His father's gifts, the Kavach and Kundals, protected him from harm, while the immense energy and talent fueled his actions.

Surya, his celestial companion, was always with him, analyzing and refining his energy, providing him with wisdom and guidance. This internal dialogue with Surya had become a source of great strength for Karna, helping him navigate the complexities of leadership and governance. He could only wait until he found someone to teach him Shastra (weapon's knowledge), but it would be better to focus on yogic arts for now.