
I am just a weak Prince

Who did this? we need to find the culprit. Is it possible that the prince did this? Not at all, he's too weak to do that.

Utkarshuniyal · Fantasy
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9 Chs

welcome to the new world

Where am I? Why is it so dark? The last thing I remember is the blaring sound of a truck's horn. The screech of brakes. Then darkness engulfed me. And I faintly recall some teenagers whispering, calling me a lucky bastard.

But how could it be luck to be involved in a truck accident? The notion eludes me.

[Installation complete.]

What? Where is this voice coming from? What installation? Whose installation is complete?

[Good morning, Chris Wilson.]

"What! Who are you?"

[My name is Emma. I am your assistant.]

Assistant? I don't understand anything. Why is it so dark? And why can't I feel anything?

[Here, it is dark because you are in a coma.]

"A coma?"

[You have been in a coma for six years.]

"Six years? But there is no one to take care of me. I am an orphan. And I don't have any friends either. So who's been helping me?"

[Your stepmother has been taking care of you.]

"Stepmother? I don't even know my father. Where did my stepmother come from?"

[There are no visible signs of injury on your head, but it seems you lost your memory after the accident. I initiated a memory reset to assist your recovery.]

"Wait. What do you mean by 'memory reset'? Are you even listening to me?"

[Memory reset in progress.]

"No, wait! Stop!"

(I find myself in another world, occupying someone else's body. The name attached to this body is also Chris Wilson. He is the first prince of the Wilson Dynasty. His mother was murdered when he was only four years old. Chris begged his father repeatedly to find the killer, but his pleas fell on deaf ears. A few months after his mother's tragic demise, his father remarried, and Chris distanced himself from him.

Chris's stepmother treated him well, but he could never see her as a mother. Instead, he regarded her as a queen. A year after their wedding, Chris's half-brother, Prince Henry Wilson, was born. Chris knew that Henry was not responsible for what happened to his mother, so he treated him with kindness. No one ever revealed to Henry that Chris was his half-brother, and they developed a bond as true brothers. The queen also cared for Chris as her own, but he couldn't bring himself to accept her fully, always seeing her as a replacement for his beloved mother.

With his growing resentment toward his father, Chris distanced himself further and immersed himself in rigorous training. He was a diligent student, dedicating himself daily to honing his skills, earning the reputation of a prodigy.

By the time Chris turned seven, he had already faced several attempts on his life. Miraculously, he survived each assault, but his father took no substantial action to protect him. This indifference fueled his growing animosity. However, his stepmother always came to his aid during those attacks, offering him solace. Though Chris maintained a regal distance, he appreciated her unwavering support. Henry, too, would occasionally visit Chris's palace to spend time with him and play.

When Chris reached the age of ten, the attempts on his life intensified, resulting in grave injuries that left him in a coma.)

"If I am in this body, it means I am dead in my own world."

[What do you mean by 'my world'?]

"Nothing. How long until I come out of this coma?"

[Do not worry. Today is our first meeting, and as a gift, your recovery is complete.]

"What is this? A screen?"

-Name: Chris Wilson -Level: 0 (Normal human) -Strength: 0, Agility: 0, Stamina: 0, Intelligence: 0, Mana: 0 -Status: Coma, Half Paralyzed...

"I am not only your assistant, but also your system."

"System? What kind of system?"

[You will find out soon.]

(I have a bad feeling about this.)

[Body recovery process initiated. Time remaining: 59 minutes and 58 seconds.]

"Mother, when I become big and strong, I will find the people responsible for putting my brother in this condition."

"Where is this voice coming from?"

[Your body is healing, and your senses are gradually returning. You can now hear the sounds around you.]

"Of course, you will find those responsible when you grow up and become stronger."

"Yes, when I am older, I will find them and make sure the entire empire remembers the punishment they receive."

(Someone enters the room.)


"Grandpa!" Henry exclaims joyfully, running toward his grandfather and embracing him tightly.

"When did you arrive, Grandpa?"

"Just now, my boy."

"Has Uncle also come?"

"Your maternal uncle has arrived, bringing many gifts for you."

"I'm going to find him!" Henry dashes out of the room in excitement.

"How many times have I told you that you don't need to take care of him? We have maids for that."

"I've said it countless times, and I will say it again. I will take care of my son myself."

"This is not your son. Henry is your son. Why waste your time on someone else's child?"

"I will shout at my father as many times as necessary to protect my son from you. Chris is my son, and you have no right to come between us."

"You will shout at your father for this half-dead boy?"

"Right now, I am shouting. But if you dare to say or do anything to separate me from my son, I can also take up arms."


"Get out!"


[Shouting] "Get out of my son's room!"

"Hmmph..." Grandpa storms out of the room in anger.

Looking at Chris, his stepmother says, "No matter what the world says, you are my son. I believe that one day you will wake up. I will wait for that day." She kisses Chris's forehead before leaving the room.

[What are you thinking?]

"Hmm, how fortunate Chris is to have found another loving mother after his own passed away. Yet, he never treated her as a mother. In his memories, he always addressed her as 'my queen.' But her eyes and expressions reveal a longing for something more. I remember the suffering she endured in this palace, despite being its queen. Her marriage to 'that man' shortly after my mother's death raised many suspicions, leading to numerous rumors. She never found happiness in marrying 'that man' and coming to this palace.

Chris never paid much attention to her, but I will strive to give her the happiness she deserves. In doing so, perhaps I will also find the motherly love I never received."

[Body recovery complete.]

"Great! Now I can get up." Chris attempts to rise from the bed, but confusion takes hold as he realizes he cannot feel his lower half. Panic sets in.

"Why can't I feel my lower half? What has happened?"

[A blue screen appears.]

-Name: Chris Wilson -Level: 1 (Normal human) -Strength: 5, Agility: 5, Stamina: 5, Intelligence: 8, Mana: 3 -Status: Half Paralyzed...

"Half paralyzed? You said it was a full-body recovery!"

[Full recovery was only applicable to your coma.]

"You... Fine, what now? Am I condemned to live like this?"

[Do not worry. You only need to complete some tasks, and the system will reward you.]

"What kind of tasks?"

[I am a peace-loving system, so your tasks will be related to the pursuit of 'peace.']

"And how am I supposed to complete these tasks in my current condition?"

[It is up to you to determine how to fulfill the tasks.]

"Fine, give me a task."

[Since this is your first task, it will be super easy.]

A screen appears.


duration- 5 min

reward- ..... }