
I am Jose (Football)

---MTL alert--- Under the huge pressure of relegation, the team actually invited a rookie coach to direct the game! However, the result was unexpected! Yes, it is him. He looks like a rookie but has a mind to see the future. He plays with the whole world In football, turn your hands into clouds and turn your hands into rain, accumulate strength bit by bit, rely on strength to fight, and finally achieve the glory of Mallorca. God is the greatest, and under God, it is me! I am Jose!

Alexxz · Celebrities
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101 Chs

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Vallecano's American goalkeeper Keller is one of Vallecano's few international players. He participated in the World Cup two years ago. This summer he transferred from Leicester in the Premier League. One of Kano's biggest transfer spends yet it's clear he's worth the money...

Facing Tristan's header directly to the upper left corner, Keller reacted in time, kicking the ground hard, Keller jumped up, and then stretched his arms towards the ball...

However, he failed to touch the ball. Tristan's header was so tricky that it almost flew past Keller's fingers. The upper edge flew directly out of the bottom line!

"Alas..." The sighs of 20,000 people rolled across the sky like thunder, but immediately, they collectively gave warm applause, cheering for Tristan's domineering and powerful header!

There was such a good opportunity at the beginning of the game, which was enough for the Mallorca fans to applaud the performance of the players on the field, but Jose leaned back regretfully, then stood up, clapped his hands towards The crowd shouted: "Just fight like this, suppress them!"

Vazquez, who had just been taken aback by Mallorca's attack, immediately heard what Jose shouted from the sidelines. His eyes widened, and he yelled in dissatisfaction: "Counterattack! Beat them back!" !"

While shouting, Vazquez sneered in his heart—compared with us to suppress? Vallecano's running ability this season is not only the first in La Liga, but at least the top three in La Liga. Just because Mallorca, an old guy who accounts for half of the team, compares running with us? That's not courting death!

After Vazquez yelled, Vallecano's players immediately launched a fierce counterattack-this is their best tactic this season!

To Vazquez's satisfaction, after Vallecano launched a counterattack, Mallorca's formation was immediately suppressed by them. The two old full-backs were not pressed much, and now they were directly suppressed On both sides of the penalty area, Mallorca's two defensive midfielders were also suppressed to the front of the penalty area. Even though Sembranos continued to organize in the midfield, the two full-backs also retreated deeply. Carlos returned The midfielder came to defend, and only Tristan stood in front...

Vazquez glanced at Jose proudly. Now he is not afraid of Mallorca's counterattack. Tristan is indeed very good, but he is not the kind of forward who can dribble the ball to complete the attack by himself. What he needs is the support of the midfielder. Now that Mallorca's midfield has been suppressed, is it still afraid that Mallorca will have any chance to counterattack?

The Mallorca fans in the stands gradually started to worry after the initial offensive stimulation, because their team was completely suppressed by the visiting team in their own half, and they kept passing back and forth to start the attack. It seems that the goal will be scored by the opponent in the next minute...

Jose watched the situation on the field silently, with an anxious expression on his face, and he kept walking up and down the sidelines - seeing him like this, Vazquez was even more proud - boy, what do you know Call it professional football? La Liga games are not comparable to youth teams!

Vazquez, who consciously breathed a sigh of relief, ignored it. Although Mallorca seems to be beaten very embarrassingly now, their defensive formation has not changed. In this situation of recovering defense, their experience can play a big role. Coupled with the fact that two equally experienced midfielders at the front of the penalty area are sweeping back and forth, Mallorca's situation seems to be bad. There is no real danger.

Vallecano is the team with the most headers in La Liga so far this season, but his height is also the best part of Mallorca's defense. The two full-backs are over 1.8 meters tall, and the two central defenders One is 1.87 meters and the other is 1.86 meters. This height is also among the top few in La Liga. What's more, Nadal has rich experience and accurate judgment. Nino is strong and fierce in fighting. Facing Valleca Nuo's long pass slammed, and they didn't have much difficulty coping with it.

The average age of Mallorca's defense is relatively old, but the frontcourt is full of young players. Regarding the counterattack, Jose relies on them only - of course, there is also the captain En who can organize from the back and make a long pass. Gonga...

"Press it up, press it up a little bit more... counterattack, speed is not enough!"

Watching Vallecano attacking back and forth around Mallorca's half, Jose muttered silently in his heart.

"Mallorca's attack at the beginning was eye-catching, but unfortunately, they began to be suppressed by the opponent... Although they defended quite tightly, they didn't even have a few decent counterattacks. It is easy to be punched through, not to mention in terms of physical fitness, Mallorca, whose main lineup is half of veterans, is definitely not as good as Vallecano. Cy Alemani's debut doesn't seem to be going well!"

"It really didn't go well. As soon as I came out, I ran to the coaching bench of the visiting team..."

Then the two commentators started laughing. Newcomer coaches like Jose are often used by the commentators for fun...

After having fun with Jose, the two commentators began to praise Vallecano: "Vallecano's performance this season is really surprising. As a newly promoted horse, he still has a chance in the middle of the season." Achieving the league championship, this kind of achievement is really remarkable, not to mention that they don't have any stars on the field... Vazquez has done really well, and he is only under 40 years old. With such a young local coach appearing, the Spanish national The team may not have to worry about the head coach in the future."

Just when the two commentators were about to praise Vazquez to the sky, and the Mallorca fans in the stands were watching extremely anxiously, Mallorca finally completed a wonderful counterattack!

Vallecano's left midfielder Michel barely broke through from the wing and made a cross. Nadal firmly restrained the opponent's center forward Cannavale, and Nino jumped high and threw the ball far away. Pushed out.

Nino's header went quite far, directly to the midfield. Tristan stopped the ball with his chest, then passed the ball to Carlos who followed up, and then turned around and ran towards the opponent's half. .

Jose stopped walking back and forth, and began to stare at the frontcourt—this is a good opportunity, the opponent is just two or three defenders at a relatively low position, and now Stankovic and Ibaga Sa has already rushed up, in the frontcourt, Mallorca played four against three!

"Split the ball in time, bastard!" Jose cursed in his heart.

Carlos paused after taking the ball, and Vallecano's defense had already begun to return to defense-fortunately, Carlos chose to pass the ball at this time, and he turned around and passed the ball to Stanko, who was transposed to follow up in the middle Vitch.

Stankovic had already observed the situation in the frontcourt when he was rushing forward. He raised his left foot, made a long diagonal pass, and passed the ball to the right, where Ibagaza had already rushed quickly. come up!

"Come on! Ariel!" Jose yelled, waving his arms on the sidelines. Following his movement, the roars of the Mallorca fans in the stands erupted like a volcano!

Stankovic's long pass forward, Ibagaza rushed forward quickly, the opponent's left back had already assisted and stepped forward, and now he is desperately returning to defense and eating ashes behind him, rushing from the side The opponent's central defender who came over couldn't arrive for a while, and Ibagaza didn't have any obstacles!

Dribbling the ball all the way to the bottom line, Ibagaza kicked up his right foot and passed the ball directly into the penalty area - the reason for rushing so deep was to allow Tristan to have more time to follow up .

Tristan did not let him down. When Ibagaza crossed, he had already rushed into Vallecano's penalty area. He was firmly pressed under him, and then violently shook his head to attack the goal!

"We must score this time!!!" Tristan yelled in his heart when the ball was pushed out.

"Come in!" José shouted out from the field!

Keller failed to react in time this time - Tristan's header was more ferocious and powerful than before!

The ball flew past him and hit the net behind Keller!

The moment the ball flew into the goal, the entire St. Moyes Stadium erupted like a volcano!

Countless Mallorca fans were cheering loudly - how long have they not seen the team take the lead on the field? I don't know, anyway, for a long time, they haven't been able to see the team take the lead on the field, not to mention the goal is so domineering and exciting!

At the same time, Jose raised his arms high, then retracted his right hand, then jumped into the air, and swung his right hand upwards violently!

After doing all these actions, Jose turned around and gave Natal a high five, and then he saw Natal pointing behind him...

Jose froze for a moment, then turned around, and then he saw an excited Tristan rushing towards him with his arms outstretched—a strong man with a height of 1.87 meters and a weight of 80 kilograms just shook the mountain like this Shakingly, he rushed towards Jose—even though Jose was close to 1.8 meters tall, and also exercised regularly, he was so frightened that his hairs stood on end...


Jose decisively gestured to Tristan to "squeeze the brakes" and then shouted. Tristan stopped in surprise, and then Jose laughed and walked in front of Tristan. , patted his chest hard: "Good job, Diego...but now it's only one goal ahead! Come on, keep playing until you beat them!"

Tristan nodded vigorously: "No problem, boss, leave it to me!"

Looking at Tristan who turned around and walked towards the field, Jose let out a sigh of relief—if he was hit by this guy, he would be knocked out of the way... The momentum plus kinetic energy plus Tristan's weight, That is the strength of several hundred kilograms!

Natal secretly gave Jose a thumbs up - he actually sent Tristan away with a few words...

Compared with the celebrations on Mallorca's side, the situation on Vallecano's side is not very good - they played around the opponent for nearly 20 minutes, not to mention scoring goals, even threatening shots Not many times, but the opponent scored a goal in one counterattack...

"Damn sneak attack..." Vazquez spat fiercely, and then yelled at the Vallecano players on the field: "Attack! Bring the score back!"

The assistant coach next to him weakly reminded: "We have been attacking very hard just now, but their defense is very good. It is difficult for us to get in. Should we recover it properly and see if we can attract them... ..."

"What's the attraction!" Vazquez said impatiently: "With our offensive ability, I'm afraid we won't be able to break through the old, weak and sick Mallorca's defense! Just press them down, as long as there is a goal , then we'll have a second, third goal! I'm going to beat those bastards!"